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Posts posted by AZmonsoon

  1. 26 gunslinger with blue/purple gear.

    using bowdaar at the mo ( his dmg is really crappy)


    i was sharpshooter but am sab atm


    on tatooine


    when i try to kill a pack of 3 normal guys i get left at 15% hp or less and sometimes if its 2 normal one silver (strong) i die.


    had the same problem as sharpshooter so gave sab a try.


    as SOON as i set foot on tat my dmg/survivability took a huge dive.


    before tatooine i was having lots of fun. but now i dont want to play at all :S


    any ideas?




    p.s not my first mmo so not a noob with rotations ect.


    Same with me, except I'm level 28. I had a lot of fun in PvP and got a bit too high but damb if I can't bring down an elite lvl 25. PvP & PvE no problems all the way untill Tatooine. Dang, what the heck?!?

  2. This has been my experience so far tonight;

    - Warzone starts

    - 5 seconds later, everyone freezes

    - kicked from the server

    - log back into the server

    - unable to que and no sound

    - quit game

    - start game

    - que warzone

    - repeat


    Anyone else have this problem?

  3. I'm currently level 37 with 340 in Synthweaving. Recently after every craft, I get the message: (There is no mission for the crew skill "Synthweaving") and I cannot improve from 340/400. I am making level 39 items.


    What is wrong??? :confused:


    You'r lucky. I have a similar problem but I am level 25 with 100 in Synthweaving. Synthweaving no longer levels up and I can olny make level 9 items. Trainer won't train anything else and reverse engineering won't level up anything else (all my items are purlple).

  4. You're donig something wrong, and the issue will probably occur with any tradeskill.


    Are you going to the synthweaving trainer to purchase higher skill level schematics? You can train things all the way up to 50.


    Yes. and I am unable to train anything else (selected "all" in the options, not just "trainable"). I right clicked on every item available and they say "not available". I also noticed that my crafting exp. won't go any higher than 100 no matter how many items I craft.

  5. I took Synthweaving as a Sith Inquisitor. I have been doing gathering/missions/reverse engineering however, I can only make level 9 gear. I am level 25 now and the trainer won't train anything else. So my question is, Is there a better profession that would benefit me? I thought about Biotech for the stims but am confused on how good that is for my class. Any suggestions?
  6. You're still very low level- you've invested 3-4 points in your tanking tree. Basically, sub 20 all classes are DPS with maybe some tiny hints of how their future role will play.


    You get much more tanky as time goes on.


    Bummer. I was hoping to take better damage than a dps class as a tank at all levels, not just the higher levels. "Tank" is what was said in the description anyway. FYI, getting to level 50 is more of a perk to me than a goal. I'm having fun digging the story as it progresses. Level 1 was just as fun as level 13 to me. Players who are higher level or better gear than I don't bother me. Trooper is such a fun class to play!

  7. I have a level 13 Vanguard. After each solo PVE enemy group encounter on average I have about 1/2 to 3/4 of my health left, which is fine to me however, On my equally leveled Gunslinger, the health bar barely gets a dent.


    Does the Vanguard get better at taking damage in later levels than the gunslinger?

  8. I forgot which quest it was (lvl 12). I'm asked to steal a log from the senator's robot because the senator is joining the sith. When I am stopped by the pimply faced kid, he offers to give me fake logs but it shows up a a light side bonus, and to steal the log to prevent the senator's plans to join sith is a dark side bonus. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
  9. Whenever an MMO, any MMO, gives players the ability to gain PVP rewards without actually PvPing, there will always be a percentage of players that will be all over that action. And will likely complain if you enter a game to, you know, actually PvP.


    This...and....as my 1st time in an MMO and 1st time in PvP, I had a lot of players complain about me, calling me names, stuff like "noob" and "what the hell are you doing" etc. etc. Even though I tried to do my best, I simply accepted there are going to be jerks, 1st timers (like me) or ppl who just don't care. The same goes for the imp side.

  10. you was playing voidstar which is a 2 round pvp event if you are a defender you need to try and stop opposing team from breaching the doors and eventually capturing the datacore. and if you are an attacker you just do the opposite.


    huttball is kinda like american handegg you try to get the ball to opposing teams scoring zone either by passing the ball to more advantageous player or by rushing it yourself.


    alderaan is a nodecontrol pvp zone where you try to capture and defend the turrets which are there to destroy the opposing teams dropship.


    hope that helps.


    This helped. thank you. At least I know the games objectives now. I read the hutball one and I got lost after the 13th paragraph. Thanks again.

  11. Is there a 'player vs player' guide for new players? I just got to level 11 and joined a pvp game. I ended up dead last on the list most likely because I had no clue what I was suppose to do. I just ran around in circles killing (edit...trying to kill) anything that was red. It wasn't hutball, it was something else with rooms. It said I killed 13 but I have no clue how I did it.


    Do I need a guide or do I just find out how to play while playing?


    P.S. I am new to mmo games

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