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Posts posted by SpaceDwarf

  1. yeah, i didnt even know there was a cap until one day I looked and I had 930 commendations, then like a week later with probably about 2 hours of pvping time, I noticed it hadnt passed 1000. Man was I pissed!! Felt like a real noob(which I am), and was dissapointed about the time I had wasted. It really should say somewhere that there is a limit.
  2. Then you're doing it wrong, and this genre, (and especially this game in specific) aren't the genre/game for you. In MMORPG's, the "end game" is merely a holding pattern to keep the people that get through the actual content that the developers spent almost all their time/effort on occupied so they don't cancel their accounts before the developers can finish up the next chunk of actual gameplay. Presumably what you are looking for is some form of game which consists of pure equipment grind/raiding, with none of that boring "leveling up" and "storyline" aspects which you apparently have to trod through in pretty much every MMORPG, and especially this one. I suspect though, since AFAIK there hasn't ever been such a game successfully released/holding subscribers, that the number of other people looking for that are by far in the minority.




    I would love a game like that, imagine that !! if only I could make one!!!

  3. I know it is not a number one priority but I would like to see added weather effects and day night cycles. These cycles obviously could not follow an earth 24hr cycle. But it would add to the feeling of being immursed in the environments in the universe. Anyone else like this idea?
  4. I am level 25 and honestly when I come on these forums it makes me seriously depressed. Seems like everyone hates the game and lack of endgame content seems to be one of the major complaints and honestly it makes me not want to play. Usually when I play a mmorpg I cant wait to get to endgame cause, well, I finally get to start playing the game LOL!! So what is there to do at the end of the game? What do people enjoy doing at level 50 and maybe explain why aswell?
  5. okay, I realize that in the Star Wars Galaxy there are must be city worlds and and walls that are made of metal and wiring and computers, but I think I want more. I am Level 24 so I hope it gets better but I find that the environments so far have no nature/lush mystical aspect. I play Rep Vanguard so at lvl 10 i was on coruscent and now I am just finishing Nar Shaddaa for tattooine. My friends keep naging me to come back to a certain other mmorpg and when I look at the screen shots it reminds me of the lush and lively environments that I know and love. Then I play SWTOR and it seems like a big shopping mall, even the music seems like store music. I think there is plenty of room in Star Wars lore for lush and mysterious outdoor environments with rushing waterfalls and jungles. There must be many sparsely populated planets in the galaxy. Do the environments get any better later on in the game? If not I really hope they add some more lush environments with upcoming content. Does anyone else feel the same?
  6. Yes but,

    That could change, i can give Bioware a break since it is new but I would like to see some changes. I am only Level 25 so my experiences are limited but there seems to be alot of city planets up till now. I understand that this is starwars so that kinda goes with the territory but I would like to see more outdoor environments. Something about trees, mountains, and water seems to make me feel better when playing the game. The jaz/**** music in every cantina seems to be cheesy too(there has to be a drummer or guitar player somewhere in the universe). There are other improvements that have more to do with gameplay i would like to see but that is for another thread.

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