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Posts posted by Kyrkur

  1. i dunno, i tried playing on my friends watchman, and it didnt feel as viable as my focus guardian.


    i was probably playing it wrong, but the numbers are the end for focus guardian for me is usually 500k damage / 40k prot, and I could not achieve those numbers with watchman. it was like 350k / jack squat.


    it depends on the map as well, but on maps where people tend to huddle up I think focus is much much better, where on maps like alderaan where if you can 1v1 a guy and cap, maybe watchman more value


    I see more sustained single target damage, but the burst seemed really crap. And of course the AOE aspect.


    You got recent screenshots of these numbers? Your server must have an over-representation of healers if you are consistently getting those numbers.

  2. Hey Power,


    Which Adrenal+Relic Combo is your Go-to? I'm using a surge Adrenal + Power Relic right now, and it allows me to hit about 3700 on my Project and Force Breach. Could I be doing more damage with a different cool-down set-up?


    Also, in a typical Warzone these days, you can expect that any given opponent has roughly 8% expertise (Full Centurion, which takes ~5 days to acquire now). Is there a reliable way for us to get the 5k Medal? I have yet to hit someone for more than 3.8k, and I don't see that Medal being possible.


    Not that I am complaining, mind you. I enjoy the 3-4 strings of almost 4k Crits I can dish out in 3 globals worth of time. With a nice little 1200 bonus from upheaval now and then.

  3. It sounds like you're not enjoying the game at all, yet you're still addicted to the gear acquisition.


    I personally really enjoy Huttball and Civil War when I queue with friends. Win or lose, they're usually really good games, fun and entertaining. When I queue solo it can become a bit of a pain, especially if our team has no healers and people start chain leaving.


    If you despise the game this much, then cancel your subscription until Bioware makes changes that will bring you back. I definitely do not consider myself a Star Wars fanboy, but I can't deny that I get plenty of casual enjoyment out of the game, everything from PVP, leveling characters for their individual story lines, datacron hunting, etc.


    If you are only logging on to do your dailies and then logging off, it doesn't sound like this is the game for you. You actually have to be able to enjoy playing the game for the sake of playing it, not just constant and never ending character progression (it's called end-game for a reason). You might be happier moving back to WoW, Rift or waiting for GW2.


    Too true.


    Player Killers still enjoy the game to just kill people. Gear monkies and carebears log on to do their daily and log off. Ranked PvP will be out in a month.

  4. Since the Star Wars IP has likely brought a lot of new MMO players, and Video Game players for that matter, to the online gaming scene I've taken the liberty to start some video guides on how to be a better player.


    I have just finished the first of these video's on the Warzone Alderaan Civil War. This video is available in many different resolutions including HD 720p. It is a very basic video guide aimed at beginners wanting to learn how they can better help their team win in Alderaan.



    Please leave your comments on the video so that I may be able to make better video guides in the future. If you enjoyed the video, then subscribe and look forward to more from us as we will be releasing guides to the other 2 warzones in the coming weeks. We will also be doing guides on Operation bosses, and general MMO Play, Ilum Strategy and much more!


    Thanks for watching!

  5. Player influenced map. if you kill someone they lose their stuff and you get some of it. Player influenced economy, player controlled areas, better overall player interaction, 1 single server. Eve-Online is the king with regards to pvP and overall end game mechanics because it's a sand box.


    So your enjoyment of a game is predicated on the ability to take from other people? You should have known a year or more ago that you would not have liked SWTOR then.


    Also, can you not control Ilum? Or if you play on a PvP server, could you not deny the other faction from effectively leveling on their 2 last planets?


    There are more things to do in this games in regards to PvP than to hit Battlemaster for gear.

  6. You are welcome to join us over in Resonance on the server Veela, Republic side. It's a PvP East server with a High Standard to Heavy Population. We have a great community on the server with a few good guilds, and a lot of players that correct misinformation and trolls in general chat.


    The Population Balance is about 1.5:1 Empire to Replublic going by the number of people on the Ship. The level 50 Population last I checked was about 2.3:1 Empire to Republic.


    If Resonance doesn't work out for you, there is also MERC (Mos Eisley Radio Community, a Star Wars Podcast website), Awaken (Bilingual French/English with a lot of really good players), Starfleet Dental (Something Awful's Good Squad), and Champions of the Force (generally good people).

  7. Juggs/Guardians have an ability that makes them immune to CC? Maybe you are talking about the Resolve bar? They can also "stun lock" people? ROFL.


    Please continue though. This is quite entertaining to read.


    Yes, they do have an ability that makes them immune to CC. And the Stun Lock is not a true stun-lock, but it sure as hell feels like it. Their Force Charge roots and interrupts you, It definately feels like a stun. Their Knock Back is also a Knock Down, which cannot be broken in any way and lasts 2 seconds. Then they jump on you again, which roots and interrupts whatever you were trying to do.


    They can also crit VERY VERY hard. Harder than any Operative is able to do now. With an AE ability no less.


    They are a very powerful class for sure, and the fact that they are de-facto the best ball carriers expect to see a lot of Juggernaut Re-rolls on imbalanced factions so that they can win more Huttballs.

  8. Six hours to do the warzone daily on Saturday. Four victories (one didn't count) and a whole day of getting farmed by the same overgeared, overhealed premades from morning to night.


    Monday I get home from work, hit the gym, cook myself a steak, log in and then chug a six pack of beer chasing shots of cheap whiskey because it's the only thing getting me through 4 more hours of getting farmed by the same premades again. Scored two victories (Huttball, same faction), neither counted toward the daily. No progress before server shutdown forced me offline.


    I have no time for ops or flashpoints or other aspects of the game. My full playtime is devoted to the frustrating exercise of trying to complete a warzone daily in the face of constant battlemaster-dominated premades.


    What a barrier.


    This problem might just be unique to my server, but I'm not able to do ops or flashpoints because it takes stacks of hours to clear a daily... and pvp is my priority.


    Can we reduce to required number of wins to something realistic? Like... one?




    You played all day Saturday, and for 4 more hours on Monday Night. But yet you don't have the 2-3 hours a week that is needed to clear an Operation?

  9. I recommend checking out Veela if you are East coast.


    It is about a 1.5:1 Empire:Republic Ratio in terms of people on the fleet. and a 2.3:1 level 50 empire to level 50 republic. Ilum usually is 2:1-3:1 Empire:Republic in instance 1.


    I had a lot of Republic vs Republic Huttballs over the weekend, and huttball only makes up about 25% of my warzones. So we have a very healthy PvP population.


    It's also a high standard to heavy server, so you will never have to wait in line to get in the game but will always have people to group with.

  10. I pick the gender of my characters based on the story. I don't base their identity on myself but on other existing characters. I use those other existing characters to build the personality and look of my characters and then I expand on it and add my own ideas. So whatever gender the base Identity is, is what my character will be.


    My Bounty Hunter was based, and named after Arnold Swarzeneggars character 'Dutch' from Predator. He looked like him, and acted like him. I loved the idea, but didn't love the playstyle of the Powertech Bounty Hunters. I should have made him a Commando, but my friends were playing Empire.


    Then I rerolled on another server on Republic and made a Shadow.


    Satele, the Jedi Leader and poster-person for Shadows? Female. My Shadow? Female. I also am a fan of the Anime 'Berserk' and loved the Character 'Caska' from that. A strong willed woman that will do anything to help her family, even if it means killing or dying for them. So thats what my Shadow is based off of, although I couldn't get the name.


    My Trooper on the other hand is an old black guy. I think he looks really cool, and I can't wait to start leveling him. He's not based off of any existing character. His name is Tyrese, and he's simply seen some ****. An old hardened warrior, with the grenade scars on his face/head to prove it. He is just a general bad *** with a big gun.


    It has nothing to do with "staring at a [gender] *** all day" or being attracted to my characters in some way, or identifying myself with them. They are their own characters and I am interested in seeing their story play out in the game.

  11. My Class: Infiltration Shadow (2/31/8 Upheaval)


    Most Feared: Marauders/Sentinels


    They can absolutely destroy me, and are hard as hell to kill 1v1 with their defensive cooldowns.


    Second Most Feared: PowerTech/Vanguard


    My greatest strength is controlling where, when and who I attack. Their ability to remove me from the back of their healers is annoying, and fighting one 1v1 is not a good idea for me.

  12. Hey there Frawgger, I know exactly what you're going through. My boyfriend and I started on The Defenestrator (PvE, EST) server and it was always dead - it drove me nuts and made me miserable with not even 20 people on the Republic Fleet at peak time. Go figure, we make our way to one of the most-populated PvE, EST servers, Mind Trick, on Empire-side, no less. It's has an Empire-slanted ratio, I want to say something like 3:1, so you won't be "crushed all day by repubs." Granted, I only ever seem to get Huttball for PvP WZs, though that could just be bad luck.


    Of course, it depends on what type of server you're looking for. You won't go wrong on Mind Trick as Empire if PvE EST is what you're looking for - having 200+ players on the Fleet at peak time is always a nice thing to see, you'll have little trouble finding Flashpoint/Operation groups, the GTN is very much used, etc. What I'd like to know is, what server are you on, and what type of server are you looking for? I almost get the vibe you're presently on a PvP one.


    What I'd recommend is hopping online at peak time and sort the servers based on population. Look to see what servers are heavy or very heavy, and choose based on server type and time zone. Create a trash character (i.e. don't bother with cosmetics and appearance) and look to talk to someone either on the Fleet to find out more about the server (Empire-Republic ratio, player economy, PvP, etc.). I lucked out doing this myself when I was checking out Mind Trick server - I had a great person to talk to who'd spend all sorts of time answering any question I had, so it left me with a fantastic impression. Suffice it to say, we made the right choice in our move.




    It's good to see you didn't wait too long to re-roll. I bet you are much happier on your new server, despite having to start over.


    Good luck!

  13. QFT. I've been waiting a long time for the clone of this game, just hasn't seemed to surface. On top of the amazing PvP aspect, the looting system was hands down better than anything I have seen in ANY game, past or present.


    One other thing that Asheron's Call did that no other game did that completely changed the way PvP felt. Collision Detection. You couldn't stand inside of someone on Darktide. If you wanted to, you could back someone into a corner and they couldn't leave by running through you and your friends. They had to take their beating.


    I don't think anything ever will match Darktide '99-'01. Those 2 years were the best, and unless some fans band together and have the ability create a new game it will never come back.


    It's such a shame taht only a couple thousand people experienced what is the best PvP MMO of all time.

  14. prices for everything are way to high, repairs 30k, abilities prior to 49 32k level 40 speeder skill 210k which I have not come close to having. yes i might have had more than that, but between repairs, ok gearing nothing special, ablities nada. I'm level 50 and i can say i have wasted almost 2 months of my life playing this. if you read the blogs people are quiting in groves. shame cause it could have been a fun game.


    I have to wonder. What did you expect from the game? What do you do with your crew skills? Do you do any dailies?


    How is it that you are poor in credits but yet many, many other people have millions and millions of credits and are actually complaining that there isn't really anything to do with credits?

  15. I like Gary Gannon, but only on the belief that a lot of what he says he doesn't believe. He is just being a good host and throwing out ideas and controversial topics to make an interesting show.


    I've enjoyed many of his Legendary shows with Lore and Mike B. I think if that show didn't have Lore then it would not be anywhere near as good. As he is their Anchor, and really brings them back down to earth a lot.


    Going to watch this and see if either of these guys are the Lore to Legendary for The Republic.


    Edit: 10 Minute thoughts.


    OOOhh, Ed Park.. Good times.


    Not a fan of Justin Lowe though. Could have pulled any random rabid person from the PvP Forums and fill his spot with them.


    Hopefully Ed Park stays there. If they lose him, the show will just be a group of guys whining about Star Wars and how **** it is.

  16. Can we chill on the "NERF THIS, NERF THAT" and "ILUM SUCKS" threads for a minute and address a real problem? A problem players can't overcome by "L2P nub"


    We are very limited in the ways we can keep people from abusing the fact that this game has no report player feature. The Ticket system is bogged down by tons of tickets, as evident by the terrible costumer service that is rendered through it. Reporting a player by submitting a ticket is our only avenue right now, and it feels like it's going unheard when we get replied to by an automated droid response.



    We need to bring this problem to the attention to everyone. I'd hate to be one of those players that Queues up for a Warzone, gets in 20 minutes to 3 hours later, only to find out half of my team isn't even playing but auto-running into a wall or just jumping every 10 seconds. I wouldn't even bother with the game and would unsubscribe quickly. Luckily it hasn't gotten to that point for me, but I do see us heading down that road.


    Please, at least address this issue Bioware, as you did with the "Ilum Valor exploiters" and other issues that weren't nearly as concerning as this.

  17. If Swiftsure is not to your liking, check out Veela.


    Veela has a lot of very helpful Republic guilds and players. We work very hard to keep our community tight and welcoming. We promote cooperation throughout all of our Faction.


    Veela currently has about a 1.5:1 Imperial:Republic ratio of players in the Fleet at prime time. The current level 50 ratio is a little higher of about 2.2:1 Imperial:Republic the last time I checked at 8:45 on Friday, January 20th. It is a Heavy populated server, with a healthy GTN with room for more.

  18. We have players ranging from 1-50, plenty of people to group with for quests, flashpoints, warzones and soon Operations and Ilum adventure.


    If you are into World PvP, then Resonance will be a great guild for you. We will be spending a few nights a week fighting for control of Ilum, no matter the odds. Come join a group that have experience in open world PvP from games like Ultima Online, Asheron's Call and Dark Age of Camelot. There is a lot of untapped potential in Ilum, and we believe that World of Warcraft has ruined a lot of peoples perception of what is rewarding about PvP. We intend to show, and remind, people of how much fun open world PvP can be. If you like to PvP for PvP's sake, and not for purple gear, then join us.



    Re-rollers from other Servers/Factions are welcomed. Play whatever you want, whatever you think is the most OP, whatever you think is the most fun, whichever story you like the most. It doesn't matter what you play, we will find a spot for any and all good players. And for those players that aren't good, we will teach you and make you good. No man left behind.

  19. Went there last night as a level 41 Shadow with another 41 Shadow. Imperials own all of Ilum 95% of the time on Veela, at least when I've popped in there.


    We were able to stealth around, cap the Southern Assault a couple times, and manage to score kills on a couple level 50s. We also came up on a level 50 Shadow fighting 3v1, and we helped him kill all 3 of them. He barely survived with about 10% HP when an Operative popped up right behind him for a kill shot right as I started to /dance with him. Scared the crap out of my friend and I and we stealthed off.


    Then we just hunted for Level 50s that were below 14k health (which told us they didn't have that much expertise gear). Were able to find a couple and dispatch them. Some of the kills we didn't get Valor for, some we got 60, and one I think we got 120 total.


    Spent about an hour in Ilum as a duo of level 41 Shadows, as the underpopulated faction, scored a bunch of kills, capped southern assault a couple times, and I didn't die (my friend got killed once). Was a lot of fun.

  20. I agree. It's going to get out of hand real fast if Bioware doesn't start actioning against accounts that do this. It will soon become a "If you can't beat them, join them." And just like in previous games 50-70% of your group will not contribute to the fight.


    I really hope the Developers are working on something to combat this issue instead of any other whine coming from the PvP Forum.

  21. Maybe it changes at level 50 and Expertise, but my Shadow Strike (Maul) crits people for up to 4k(rare, ~3.2-3.5k on average) at level 40. I've yet to test out the recommended Infiltration spec for Burst through Project+Force Breach, but I've had decent success just backstabbing people to death.
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