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Posts posted by BreakingNews

  1. Can't believe how many people in this thread don't think the hard core exploiters should be perma banned. When a guild bank balance can go from 80 million credits to over 1 billion in a month and a half this is not a minor issue or just a handful of trouble makers. This is a large group of people intent on destroying the game.


    If these rocket scientists have figured out how to launder the credit trail rest assured they have also figured out how to spam as a gold seller and those silly credits turn into real dollars. That folks is both fraud and theft.


    Guilds with a massive influx of credits over the past month tied to this should be dissolved and the GM's perma banned if they were logged in and had any guild bank deposits or withdrawls tied to their toons. As a guild leader if you are present in the game you are responsible for the actions of your followers.


    Who cares if you get perma banned when you can just sell exploited credits to gold sellers to make phat dollars, person could probably make $1b a day and turn it over for like $800 to $1000 and rinse and repeat

  2. Okay, I'll clue you into who <Zorz> was.


    <Zorz> was a guild that from my limited understanding was made up of refugees from <Hatred>. Hatred was the guild Dulfy came from.


    They were a world first guild for Dread Council NiM, and HM Revan for both clears. Their founding members were given a plaque (yes, a PHYSICAL PLAQUE) by Bioware for their kills in HM Revan.


    Zorz was also responsible for several of the class guides, and ALL of the operation guides (in both HM and SM) for all of 3.0.


    Whether you know it or not, if you've run an operation that came from 3.0, odds are your benefiting from work Zorz put in the past, and if you didn't, then you're running an operation that <Hatred> ran, and probably benefited from the strategies that they created, or at least heard of them, even if you yourself don't know it.


    But you know what? That doesn't actually matter for this conversation, because the OP is right (though it's misworded).


    The thing about the NiM community, the raiding community, the PVP community, the streamers, the theorycrafters, the guidewriters, etc, that bioware should care about, is that we're effectively the primary marketers for this game. We're the people with behemoth guilds where word of mouth spreads like wildfire. You have guilds like <Death and Taxes> that brought entire guilds over to this game at launch and beyond, before migrating off when it became painfully obvious to many that content that was relevant wasn't coming out.


    Without a NiM community, you would've never gotten players like Dulfy, KBN, Milas, Smugglin, etc, players who are arguably ubiquitous to the community. Do you really think that without Dulfy, would people even know what the devs say? Many of you argue that the forums are a small community, that they are a small subset of the player base, and in many ways that is true, however what you fail to account for, is that somehow information still reaches people because of sites like Dulfy, or TORcommunity, that are run by players that are well rounded ingame.


    I don't think there's a single player ingame who hasn't heard of Dulfy or TORcommunity that has played this game for anything longer than a month. Players like those I mentioned may not comprise the majority of the game, but the thing is, we're vocal, and in many cases we are capable of communicating things that you yourself may not be aware of.


    Take KOTFE launch, even with the marketing push your team made, most of my guild DID NOT SEE the trailer until Dulfy linked it on her site. Many people do not watch your streams, we do not read your dev tracker, the only thing we see from you is the game itself, and the MOTD on your launcher. Instead, we go to Dulfy.


    I could say a lot more if I wasn't half asleep and tired as all ****, but that's my 2 cents, it's probably incoherent as all hell.


    good read, i'll show dis to milas, he might get a kick outta it

  3. Marisi & Fascinate


    So I'm sure you guys have been hard at work on this as well, but we all would like to hear what you decided to change on the new stat distribution from the patch? With the loss of our base 2%, the rotation is much slower and I've also noticed some of the proc's aren't working as the were pre 3.1.2.. so my questions are:

    1. Do we simply add around 2% alacrity to replace what they took away?

    2. Since the surge bonus to our dots has been removed, is crit still as necessary?


    Looking forward to hearing back from you!!


    Guess people didn't see the edit to my previous post, since I've gotten a couple PMs. Here's the edited post:


    Posted all of my parsing logs thus far onto parsely, just search my name and look at all the logs uploaded Apr 09. Conclusions I've drawn up so far: As long as you have a standardized fixed stat distribution (minimum 1 alac piece, minimum 400 crit, 3 surge pieces), you can switch and swap around different amounts of mods and enhancements to your liking and still average around 4.9kish. Oh, and for fun, I attempted a pure surge/no alac parse, and did 4.7k, so yea, 1 alac piece is an absolute must, but as long as you keep the standardized fixed stat distribution, you won't see much variation if you want to play around a bit with stats.

  4. I'm currently testing some different stat distributions right now, but ship lag is pretty horrid on harb so it's kinda difficult atm.


    EDIT: Posted all of my parsing logs thus far onto parsely, just search my name and look at all the logs uploaded Apr 09. Conclusions I've drawn up so far: As long as you have a standardized fixed stat distribution (minimum 1 alac piece, minimum 400 crit, 3 surge pieces), you can switch and swap around different amounts of mods and enhancements to your liking and still average around 4.9kish. Oh, and for fun, I attempted a pure surge/no alac parse, and did 4.7k, so yea, 1 alac piece is an absolute must, but as long as you keep the standardized fixed stat distribution, you won't see much variation if you want to play around a bit with stats.

  5. Hey Marisi and Fascinate, I saw your guys 5.4K Parses on Parsely. Do You use alacrity? My Current apm is around 38.4, where as your guys' are around 39.4. My highest parses are in the 5-5.1K, and I think the rest of my stats and gear levels are similer. Do you just parse so much that you can get an awesome RNG chance + having a little bit better internet connection?


    Nope, no alac at all. Those 5.4k parses are just extremely lucky crit rng parses, my averages are usually around 5.1-5.2k.

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