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Posts posted by Superpasta

  1. Surprisingly he's not lying :p, when my parents left the UK and Germany in the mid 80s they were rolling out fiber optic then, we still haven't even got it yet. For some reason the E-infrastructure over here is really behind the times. my own internet speed is as follows: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2195817193.png


    This gives me 280 ping ~ to the US servers, but roughly in early 2005 when i was playing WoW, 600 ping was very real, when the majority of Australians had lesser internet.


    I currently pay $89AUD month for that internet as well, and that only puts me over 58% of Australians :p


    Edit: OT, i agree, SERVER MERGE!


    Whoa.... thanks for explanation. I feel for you guys, you have one of the highest quality of life country in the world, I would never believe Australia is having a lousy overseas internet connection until you confirmed...


    Although I still want a free transfer, but then --


    /signed for: 3 servers merge or x-servers queue between the 3 is still highly needed. If possible, also offer a choice for "optional" x-servers queue between, "queuing with the US servers" or "queuing within APAC only". Although ping would be bad with US, but you live with that for years and with most other MMOs anyway, an extra choice for APAC players who do not mind the ping so much would help to keep them playing/paying.

  2. ISP: PCCW (50M boardband service plan)

    Modem: the modem was given by PCCW, as I also have the boardband TV -- "NOW", their share the same modem. (btw, does the modem matter?)


    My ping to US servers to WOW is always around 190ms-230ms (was around 280ms-350ms years ago).

    To other MMOs like RIFT / Warhammer is around 250ms (but RIFT is a strange game with serious lag and FPS problem, I would had loved RIFT if they don't have this problem)

    SWOTR is able to give me the best ping even somehow, always below 200ms to US or Aus servers, like I mentioned, I got a bit better ping to US even, kudos to them. BUT... too bad I want to have a game to play, not to wait at queue.

  3. I just hope that F2P brings more players to our server as we all know that Bioware will not merge our servers until after the first feed back meeting of F2P, they haven't given us our 12 character slots.


    Will F2P brought tons of new player to SWTOR I do not know.


    But I am 100% sure it will stop the un-sub number. As ppl do not need to un-sub anymore even they left the game forever. Like I bought GW2, played a week, then decide never to touch it again. My GW2 account is still "open" forever, as it is F2P, I do not need to cancel my account like the monthly one. For the player -- I had left. For the company annual report -- I never leave.


    Smart trick to cover the crack on the wall right?



    [[ P.S. I think SWTOR > GW2. Not a SWTOR hater myself, just disappointed. ]]

  4. Can people still post in the forums if they aren't subbed?


    Well, yes & no. I have un-sub about a month ago, but my remained pre-paid subscription is not burnt out yet, so I can still post at the forum or play the game.


    I believe once my time is drained out totally, I won't be able to troll here anymore. Don't worry, it won't be long last I checked. :p


    P.S. But then I guess once SWTOR become F2P, anyone can troll here, open an account becoming free anway. Beware!!

  5. I'm still playing because of the local servers, 25ms versus 600-800ms is no contest. If there were no local servers I probably wouldn't play. Also I'm on a PvP server but I don't think world PvP as it stands is worth the trouble. Players are the life of the game and currently we're spread too thin.


    Get yourself a better ISP or replace a new boardband modem might help?


    I don't live in Australia, I live in Hong Kong. My ping to Aus servers is around 160ms~180ms, my ping to US servers is around 150ms~170ms.


    I can't believe you have 600ms~800ms from Aus to US, seriously?? You are talking like you live in third world with using a 28k modem.... I heard someone from Thailand still can manage with 350ms, twice as fast as yours. Hell 350ms is already very close to "unplayable". LOL, please don't fool me I don't think connection to US is that bad from Aus.

  6. Then try to get a programmable mouse, that will improve your game play experience a lot more.


    By all mean, mouse clicker doesn't mean you have no skill, it actually means you are giving yourselves a more difficult time to play comparing with the people taking in hardware advantage, it costs you more skill to play in order to achieve the same. A smart mouse or keyboard doesn't make you epic, but it is a quality of life improvement.


    If you can manage playing with hot-bar clicking, I see no reason where you would not enjoy changing your mouse habit.

  7. Your post makes zero sense. Even if they're locked into renting servers out, why alienate large numbers of subscribers and reducing their revenue by forcing people to play on dead servers?


    It's just a causal guessing man, "why so serious?!" . It's just fun to troll the forum when there nothing to do ingame.


    Plus, "make sense"??? Does Bioware look like to you they are "make sense" on running this game so far? Does the DEV replied you to shut up and don't post /sign or /+1 instead of PR & ans. our question actually making sense??


    Most of the time, fact exists not need to be make sense. Like politics. Now also running a MMO.

  8. Even if that is the case, they can pay the rent while allowing transfers between the three APAC servers. This way we can do the work ourselves, get organised and migrate to one central server. We actually wont be needing super servers to support the load even with all three servers combined. lol


    Maybe they are waiting or dreaming (depends on the result) F2P to save these hopeless servers.

  9. I suspect that Bioware might have signed contract with service provider for these 3 servers for running within certain period, while they thought SWTOR would had e a huge demand with enough ppl to fill up at least 3 servers for years.


    Although now is clearly not the case, they have to stuck with 3 servers at the min.. Whether they keep the servers or not, rental payment must continue. Hence, Bioware is hopeless on this issue as well as like us. LOL.


    (My guessing)

  10. (Sorry for my Enlgish in advance)


    I had owned and tried serveral gaming mouses,


    1) For low budget choice, Logitech G300, it's CHEAP but nice quality, with good macro software (you can programme the auto-repeat rate, Razor cannot. You will know why this is good for SWTOR below), it offers you 7 programmable buttons, with keybinding scroll up & down, you got 2 abilities and 7 chained abilities macroed. This little cheap mousse surprised me with the quality and function it offers! It has the best value vs quality ratio imo.


    2) Logitech G700, lots of programmable buttons with good layout and mouse size. Major problem is the buttons are too fragile, I have broken 2 of them in a year, replaced one and shelfed the another one. Another problem, I found the button design is too sharp, it hurted my finger tips and pain me. It took me almost a month to grow thicker skin on fingers to adapt it. LOL. The wireless option and rechargeable battery is no use for me, I don't use these in gaming, so I would rather they took these away and lower the price. Software is good, but different from G300 one.


    3) Razer Lachesis, the mouse I have used for the longest time. Comfortable, good for both left or right hander, lots of programmable buttons at that time. But this mouse is retiring.


    4) Razer Naga, it has tons of button, specially a phone dial 12 buttons on the side. Solid software, plenty to play with. The phone dial is the marketing point, but also the reason I didn't choose. It is too much for me on the small layout, in fast pvp pace with mouse tuning all the time, the side phone dial buttons make me cannot grip the mouse hard enough, and very easy to press a wrong button. For slower PvE might be good, but as I PvP mainly, not my choice.


    5) Razer Naga Hex, this is my core mouse now. When my Logitech G700 broke the 2nd time, I was thinking between Naga Hex or Nage, they have same price. Finally I picked Hex. It has 6 buttons on the side, half of the number comparing with original Naga, but the good thing for RAZER software is you can also programme the mouse scroll buttons while Logitech cannot. So in total, 6 on the side + mouse middle/scroll up/ scroll down + 2 on top, you get 11 programmable buttons already. SWToR doesn't not support ingame macro, but most other MMOs do, combine together there are more macro hot button than you actually need. Hence the 12 side buttons Naga for me is overkilled. Hex is good enough. And the 6 side button has super clear layout, no more wrong pressing problem, plus there is a nice grip point in the middle, so I can hold my mouse tight while doing fast circle-8 mouse turn and pressing mouse macros at the same time. Only big problem with Naga mouse is from the software, whenever I try to use auto-fire, it brings super lag in the game, might be the RAZER built-in auto rate is too high, or the game cannot handle. Logitech can tune your own auto rate (ie. 4 presses every sec.), so I do not have this problem with Logitech mouse with auto fire turn on. With Nage, I have to turn the auto fire off, or the game will be unplayable.


    6) I notice there is a new Logitech MMO mouse -- Logitech G600 MMO, very similar to Naga 12 side buttons. I think they have the right side lever as a "shift" function, which can double the amount of 12 side buttons to 24! Whoa! But what game needs 24 macroed hot buttons?


    My personal recommend: Logitech G300 for casual player. Naga Hex if you have good budget.

  11. Optional transfers makes the population situation even worse for those people who want to stick around. Look what happened to the origin servers after they first opened transfers.


    If you choose to stay, I choose to move, then why I have to be forced to stay for your population sake? People who choose to move back to US has prepared to suffer the higher ping if they are form Aus. For those who choose to stay, less population is the cost you should prepare to suffer. Every choice has its consequence.


    In fact, I don't believe the 3 servers merge will save the APAC servers, even if we had 3 servers into 1, sooner or later, the only 1 mega APAC server would stay in light population anyway or then close. F2P will pump the subs up? Which F2P MMO succeeds to offer a health populate APAC server?

  12. /support


    Cross-server unlikely to happen since APAC servers are physically located outside US, which was supposed to be a good thing, if the boat didn't sink that fast & serious.


    So 2 options left:


    1) Give the people an option at APAC servers who want to move back to US servers to free transfer away.


    2) Then for the APAC people who choose to stay because of ping preference, merge the 3 APAC servers into one.


    If that happens, I might return to play, now is just wasting my time. (an unsubscripted APAC player)


    Yeah he pretty much disqualified himself with that comment. :D


    Maybe the OP was too young to know/play UO/EQ.


    Maybe he probably never heard and tried the other titles before WoW, i.e. AC, AC = Asheron's Call, published by Microsoft, yes Microsoft had a MMO. i.e. AO = Anarchy Online, ppl says SWTOR is finally not a fantasy MMO is wrong, ppl says SWG was actually the first Sci-fi MMO is still wrong, AO is the first Sci-fi.


    But, I can sense his great love and inner flame with this game, his force is strong!!

  14. WoW is a horrible example. They are the exception to the rule of MMOs. And even ... (cut for space)....


    hmm.... so WoW cannot be used as an example, 'coz it is an "exception" of the MMO...


    Anyway, I can see your point, I might have difference, but doesn't mean yours is not valid.


    To be frank, I really wish F2P will save SWTOR for fixing the game, although I doubt the wound is lying on the payment method issue. If I was satisfied with this game, I wouldn't have unsubscribed it, but then, if I didn't like SWTOR, I wouldn't have bought it & continue until this month. The death of SWTOR wouldn't give me any real benefit.


    I will come back & check SWTOR once in a while after my subscript remaining payment burnt off, if it has great improvement along with F2P, it is nice to have a good backup game sitting around, more choice never hurt. My wallet is always open for SWTOR for re-join, if it turn out to be worthwhile.


    In the meantime, I just go back to RIFT & MoP, good luck.

  15. That's funny. Most of the RL peeps I know quit SWTOR precisely because they didn't want to pay the $15 sub. They bought the game, played their first free month and then took off. They are all coming back for F2P. Not because they are poor or broke mind you. To them it just made no sense to pay a sub when they could play and enjoy a multitude of other games that didn't require one.


    I think the sub model still has a place in MMOs, but game consumers these days require broader forms of access. There is simply too much competition in the MMO and gaming market to pigeonhole people into accessing the game one way.


    Which is the most populated MMO at the moment? Is that a P2P game or F2P? If $15 is that matter, then why still WoW?


    Remind you again, Free to Play is NOT free. It is just they don't suck you a "fixed" monthly money, but business is business, it is not charity, they still have to pick your pocket in order to keep running. You want extra slots? >> pay. You want different clothes? >> pay. You want change hair? >> pay. You want to level faster? >> pay. You want gold? >> pay. You want to win? >> pay pay PAY.


    Why there are people saying some games could make more money turning from P2P to F2P? The money was not falling from the sky. In average people paid more, so the company got more income. Your friends or people who didn't even want to pay $15 and are not going to spend a penny, are not the player that Bioware needs. These players are no different than the F2P to lvl15 players SWTOR could have now, yet still huge servers murder. A business cannot keep alive with only "window shoppers".


    FREE?? Is there really such thing in real life?

  16. I am sure SWTOR will live, but it's gold time is gone, long gone and won't come back. It has become just another Warhammer / AoC / RIFT / LoTR from "THE most expensive investment WOW KILLER".


    I don't believe F2P will revive the game importance in the market. The $15 is NOT the reason of many people's quitting. I don't think anyone who can't even afford $15 per month will still have to leisure to play a MMO anyway...


    From how many servers in SWTOR when launched, to how many servers we got nowaday within just less than a year? This game has serious issue to keep the player attached, and it is definitely not the $15 problem. So if it is not a monthly fee issue, then what makes you think a F2P can keep ppl here? This game already have F2P to lvl15 for a while, did our population grow with new comer?? It is the game design problem, if it doesn't get fix, dream on F2P can save it. How many competitor games out there also offer F2P now? Why ppl have to choose this one? Give it a try -- might be. Stay & pay? NO. F2P is not really free, if ppl entry but not pay any goodies and keep playing, they are not the customer.


    Monthly fee might be free, but not my time. I don't choose a MMO to play because it is $2 cheaper. I once had 3 WoW accounts, have Rift a/c, keep my Warhammer a/c for a while at the same time, bought GW2 but didn't like it so quit. I know many ppl also paying different monthly like me. It is the quality of the game that I choose to play, not the monthly fee. Many JAVA game; iPad game...etc. are F2P, why don't you play them?

  17. 8hrs? You are optimistic.


    I bet there will be at least another 1 or 2 times of 4hrs+ server down for hot fixes.


    Any US based MMO will always have server down schedule like this, have to live with it I guess.


    Too bad we can't trolll this forum during server down. Why game down = forum down i can never understand.


    The light side option: you have at least 8hrs to try GW2 or download the RIFT free trail to play with. Or even check out MoP kungfu panda warcrap...etc.

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