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Posts posted by xlildanniex

  1. This has most likely been suggested before, but with the new expansion comes easy to acquire legacy gear and additional companion gifts. I never had an issue with storage before, now I am. Just one extra tab would go along way with our storage capacity.
  2. I love that you even implemented this, it's the one thing I missed from using macros was my random mounts. What I would like to suggest is the option to select which mounts we want randomised. I collect mounts but it doesn't mean I like all of them.


    Other than that yeah, minor suggestion :)

  3. I've just come back after a few months so my gear is obviously needs upgrading. I have completed Ziost and have received the 190 gear you get from there.


    As a healer, will I be able to queue for the GF Ops with that level of gear and be able to heal the raid efficiently? Also, I haven't done that many OPs, mainly 16 man for the ones that I have. Researching the fights before hand, will it be enough for story mode?

  4. I have managed to gear my scoundrel in mostly Obroan medic gear, I have noticed that as I have pvp'ed more that players are keeping the set bonus but their gear looks completely different.


    How are they doing this? I don't particularly like the look of the Obroan gear and would like to change it.

  5. I had one a few hours ago. I have healed a few 55 Heroics but with horrible results (thinking it was my fault), today I thought "Oh bugger it.." and queued. Instant queue and I panicked, went in told everyone I hadn't been in here before on Heroic, expecting the usual response as in no response at all I was pleasantly surprised.


    The tank took the time each fight to explain what I had to do, to say the least the most smooth run I have ever had within a heroic. After the run I queued with the tank again, but alas the queue was not popping so he was going to take me through normal Cademimu explain everything, but as things went the queue popped. Unfortunately it wasn't Cademimu but Hammer Station. Queue tank dying twice on the first boss cause I didn't know I had to cleanse.. after this happened I was expecting to cop it, but everything was all good (the tank forgot and I forgot to remind him about the newness to heroics). Continued on, now as a healer I've made it a habit of sorts to stack on top of the tank and any melee so my aoe heal gets most of the group, the last fight "this is one fight you do not want to stick close to the tank".. well crap.


    So I stood at the entrance hoping it was a good spot and I wasn't about to cause the death of the group. Bam, boss is dead. Group disbanded, the tank and I said our good byes and went our separate way. Since coming back to SWTOR 2 months ago, that has been probably the highlight since I hit 55 the other week. I love healing in this game, and it is nice when the fights are actually explained when you say you don't know them, not being completely ignored as it has happened more than enough times with me.


    To that Jedi Guardian tank whose name escapes me, thank you again :)

  6. I don't normally talk much. I remember when I was still in school my best friend and I would be on the phone, doing whatever we were doing on the other end, with the occasional comment to each other we could be on the phone for well over an hour with barely a word said. I'm pretty much the same in game.


    If someone says hello, I'll greet them back. Yesterday was probably the first time I actively spoke in a group. Ended up healing normal Directive 7 with a group that no one knew the fights, so I was explaining it. Figured I'd leave it as that but everyone was following instructions so well I offered to re-queue if they wanted to.


    I'm quiet over vent/team speak as well. Being Australian I have had too many Americans ask "Say something Aussie" to the point I refuse to speak in it unless I'm speaking to another Australian, even then it'll take me a while to be comfortable with them.

  7. Decided to take a crack at it following your tutorial, great excuse to get back into using Photoshop again. I received the sing emote the other day, I was rather impressed on how fluid it was. So here's my Smuggler rocking it at a Cantina



  8. I got HM Esseles for the first time today. I have managed to heal any normal or HM flashpoint that has come up without no difficulty.. but this one. It was on the second boss (the one on the Esseles bridge). The group consisted of myself (scoundrel healer - 54), vanguard (52), commando (55) and sage (55). The tank didn't have much health so that was difficult in its self keeping him alive, however the rest of us, once we were hit our health would drop dramatically.


    I have followed this guide http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=507204 since I decided to change to a healer. My gear ranges from 130 to 140's. Pretty much, just that boss has shot my confidence in healing down quite a way.


    I tried to keep my slow release med-pack on everyone but it got to the point I was throwing out my large heal just to try and keep the group alive. If anyone has any advice how I could handle this once I get it again, it would be appreciated.

  9. Just wondering if anyone can recommend any Star Wars comics?


    I have just finished Knights of the Old Republic, and loved it. Dawn of the Jedi was another one I have read and loved. I am actually very interested in the time of The Great Sith War, Revan, The Old Republic.. pretty much anything of that time.


    If anyone can recommend any comics I would appreciate it. Or maybe even a good read..

  10. I just finished my Smuggler story on Belsavis. Just received the next part and this line I though was rather amusing.


    Smuggler: Is there a special "guilt" power in the Force? Jedi always make me feel like I'm talking to my mum


    Edit: Just came across another as my smuggler pulled up to Voss

    Smuggler: What, the whole planet follows a bunch of quacks?

  11. If things had worked out differently in my life I would have joined the Army with no hesitation. I would like to think if the SW universe was real I would join the Republic Military, but not as desk job.. I like to make a difference.


    If I was force sensitive I'd (hopefully) be a Jedi although I do not agree with the Jedi code ( I abhor the sith). So I most likely would have gone rogue or put my skills to better use within the Military. Come around full circle

  12. Hi Guys,


    I want to create a healer. The experiences I have had in past games in healing has unfortunately only been in WoW mainly on Paladin and Disc. Priest.


    I do play republic, so I am asking for personal opinions. What class do you have the most fun healing? Which is the most effective? What is your personal recommendation? I know its about what I want to play, about what I will find fun.. but honestly I have no idea which way to go here. First time I have been undecided on which class I wish to play :o


    Anyones opinon is appricaited :)

  13. Option 2


    1. Force Merge into 1 super server (Dalborra)

    2. Open up xfers to those that arent happy to US and EU servers

    3. Do what you did last year and give all APAC registered players to XFER their chars off EU/US servers to Dalborra.


    I like this very much. I think most of the APAC player base would transfer to Dalborra given the chance and those that don't.. well its just silly keeping the other two servers open for the minority, offer transfers to the US or EU servers if they must.

  14. Thanks for the reply! The information from both of you were informative :)


    Currently leaning towards the Repub again, the smuggler and jedi knight stories are dragging me back. Look forward to pvping :)

  15. Hi Guys,


    I'm a returning player after several months. I was just wondering how is the pvp with Dalborra? Is any side better than the other or are they about the same?

  16. I think I may have missed something.. I'm level 41 and Doc has his affection completely maxed but I have not yet recieved any indication about his quest.


    Is there any other criteria I am supposed to meet?

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