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Posts posted by Petyofi

  1. The test server client will be updated at least a few times before becoming ready for the live servers.

    I gave up playing my scoundrel at level 50 but hope dies last!

    The scoundrel is the least played advanced class so there is no logic in the conspiracy that the designers want to make people play as healers. If they wanted to have more healers they would apply changes on the much more popular sages and commandos. That would affect grouping for flashpoints and pvp. Forcing the dmg scoundrels to heal would give about a percent of healers to the community.. and healers are supposed to be ~20%. So.. the effect would be negligible.

  2. It looks very, very good indeed!

    I think the weapons bearing companion names come as rewards from class quests. "Risha's", "Bodwaar's", "Qyzen's" and so on I have only seen as rewards after long story progress. Please note that even if the torhead page states that the weapon is of "orange" quality, the companion weapons usually are "green", but fully moddable (without augment slot of course).


    I will ask other smugglers if any of them have seen the weapon. I'm afraid that being level 50 I have most likely missed it..

  3. With all the crafting improvements, the increase in popularity of neutral GTN and the rest of the 1.2 changes, in my opinion, the servers' economy will experience increased inflation. In a couple of months the "absurd credit sinks" will not seem that intimidating.
  4. I've played a few warzones since 1.2 arrived. My gear is pretty terrible but I like the spec so I gave it a try. Damage is not high, but at least you can bleed out tanks. Compared to Gunslinger with dirty fighting spec, the Scoundrel gameplay feels very odd. And what is game-breaking in 1.2 is the fact that your DoTs last really LONG and keep you in combat even if you die and respawn. So most of the time you won't be able to use stealth...
  5. The Sentinel/Marauder class is not hard to play.

    SW:ToR is not exactly the most complex game out there..

    I understand the fact that many Sentinel players like to regard themselves as exceptionally skillful, but the truth is that the class is not THAT much more complex than the rest. ;)


    You want to challenge your PvP skills - try a multiplayer battle with at least 2000 troops in any of the Total War games and with pausing disabled, then brag about challenging game pvp mechanics.

  6. An effect subtle and typical for the Jedi forces can be added on the double-bladed lightsabers.

    So there is a difference between "I want it to look humble and plain" and having no visual effect at all.


    "Go roll an assassin" is a very poor advice as well.


    I, myself, recently discovered the extra effects that assassins get and in my opinion, this is making the shadow gameplay poorer.

    Aesthetics mean a lot for everyone who is not a hardcore raider/pvper. The simple fact that there are almost twice as more Inquisitors (19% of total pop.) than Consulars (11,5% of total pop.) when they're "mirrored" classes, speaks of how much the visial appeal matters.


    I certainly hopes that Shadows receive extra effects (suitable for their theme of course) and hopefully somewhere in the future Jedi Knights and Shadows get different animation sets for each lightsaber form and technique!

  7. This is why I don't make the mistake of creating a male consular.

    Most of the gear is not made for priests or monks, but for women.


    Apart from that the PvE set looks very good, in my opinion!

  8. I received an answer from a Customer Support representative:


    "Thank you for contacting us to let us know about the in game graphics bug with your lightsaber.


    I can confirm that this is a known bug and will be fixed in the upcoming 1.2 patch."


    So hopefully, the issue won't be around for much longer! :)

  9. So far there are no changes in the Consular animations.


    But let us not forget that this PTS patch version will get updated a few times before being applied on the live servers.

    Have hope! :)



    A side and slightly off-topic question:

    I just noticed that the Sith Assassin passive charges have visual effects while in combat (electric arcs run through the lightsaber blades).

    Are there any visuals for the Jedi Shadow techniques?

  10. Just made a consular (female, body type 3) on the Public Test Server and I'm happy to say that it has a steady grip on the weapon. Not even slightest desynchronization. :)

    I'll level it up a bit tomorrow so I hope the issue doesn't reappear. If anyone has made a Consular or Sith Assassin on the PTS, please let us know how's the situation with the weapon wielding!

  11. Happens when I have my DBLS off, then use Kinetic Ward - the lightsaber becomes desynchronized with the model. Male human, body type 2.


    Other than that, it's smooth.


    What is "DBLS" ?



    I started leveling up my female twi'lek councilor, body type 3. First few levels were ok, but suddenly after climbing up the ramp to the Jedi Council hall, the practice saber got desynchronised. Logged off and on again but the problem persists.

    So it seems this is not simply a body type issue. Even with the larger body types there's some very minimal bouncing which under unknown circumstances increases to the point of dpffgl;hjpfgjdfgpj. :w_mad:


    I'll send an in-game ticket and then post what info I have received.

  12. Hello, everyone!

    I know this might sound stupid, but I was wondering whether you have experienced the following problem - the lightsaber bounces oddly in the hand of my character when running.


    It is more irritating on characters with body level 2 or 1.


    It is much more noticeable with double lightsabers.

    The whole problem is very irritating. The lightsaber handle bounces up and down asynchronous to the movement of the hand, thus the lightsaber looks like poorly glued to the character's hand.

    Is there any way to deal with it or I should just make my final Sage with body type 3?


    Thanks in advance for your replies!

  13. Why would anyone deny something that may grant them better fps when they have fps issues ?


    Anything new on this matter is good news for me. Sure it isn't the "everything is going to go well on high settings now" solution, but I am still glad.


    They work on the issue, and that is awesome for people with real gaming issues (not that nonsense of "everytime I open my character sheet I got a 0.5 seconds delay, that's critical to my gaming experience")




    Besides, most people don't realise that behind Bioware's announcement about some slight fps gain from shaders, there might be a lot of unannounced work.


    When they hopefully solve the Illum/Warzone FPS issue I think they'll only announce some small improvement which is 10% of the whole fix, while they'll try to have the rest unnoticed. That way they won't have to apologize and admit for launching the game before it was polished.

  14. I join this demand for answers.

    We all have realised by now that there's something wrong with the way the game runs.


    • Lowering or maxing graphic options have no effect.
    • Official and unofficial performance tweaks have no effect.
    • Acquiring faster internet connection has no effect.
    • Running the game without other background programs has no effect.


    Somehow I keep high FPS in flashpoints in the middle of blaster shootouts, as well as outdoor PvP, but when it comes to Warzones (and Illum) I'm at 5-15 FPS no matter what.


    I enjoy the game, it helps me relax and enjoy my free time but as a traditional PvP player I am tired of waiting for the fix. I'll probably cancel in March unless 1.2 finally solves the issue. Looks like I'll unintentionally join the anti-ACTA March Boycott after all.

  15. In regards to the Alderaan WZ cannons decreasing fps. I realised last night that the blaster bolts from the scripted shootouts between NPCs in Coruscant also decrease my FPS a bit even if I'm the only player alone.

    When doing a Flashpoint and have 3 players and a few NPCs exchanging blaster fire, there's no FPS decrease due to the projectiles.

  16. Hello!


    I am suffering from the low-fps problem in Warzones since I bought the game in December. So far I've played close-range damage dealers. My question is addressed to those who share my problem and have played both melee and ranged characters:


    Is it really better, in terms of gameplay, to play with a long-ranged class, instead of a melee?

    Can you please describe the pros and cons of both playstyles?


    Thanks in advance!

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