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Posts posted by MasonOfSparta

  1. I think it'd be neat if I could switch on some option (or buy some item) to guide me through the missions and flashpoints in as close to canonical order as possible. I know a lot of people enjoy the exploration aspect of finding quests and doing things as they occur, but making sure I do everything (especially exploration missions) kinda drives me nuts, even though it's optional. Instead it'd be awesome to just get a list of the next thing I should do, so whatever planet or flashpoint that's earliest in the story that I haven't done yet, that pops up in my tracker, I travel there, do it, and the next thing pops up.
  2. I've said in the past that going forward I think a veteran reward system could be added alongside the time specific subscriber rewards.


    Some of the exclusive rewards could be based on total length of subscribed time and available to anyone once they reach that total amount of subscribed time.


    Some of the exclusive rewards would still be based on being subscribed at specific times and only available to those that were subscribed at those specific times, as well.


    Then I suppose we just have to agree to disagree. BW is on your side anyway. Gonna go waste space bucks on Treek I guess, and feel lonely without my space cowboy.

  3. Maybe there's some compromise (for future gifts). Like right now you only get the bonus mission if you sub for the entire period (7 months or whatever). I came to the game three months in. It would be rad if I could just pay the extra three months sub (from the months I wasn't playing the game) to catch up. Not for this I guess, since people are really attached to the stuff already promised them, but as a future version of this rewards system. Or maybe a more traditional veterans reward system would suffice. I think I'd feel better knowing that there was an avenue for me to get stuff (especially companions and story content), even if it took a lot of time and resources. Not for this though, don't want to start a Nico/HK civil war.
  4. I don't understand why some players feel ENTITLED to have an EXCLUSIVE reward for which they did NOT qualify and demand that BW allow them to have that reward when they know full well they did not meet the criteria to receive that reward.


    Don't think I said anything about being entitled, or made any demands, just expressing my opinion that I want to exchange currency for goods and services bro. But I FEEL you, I won't ask BW to let me touch your Nico in his special places.

  5. I guess I just don't understand the need people have to keep asking for stuff that was marked as exclusive when they didn't qualify for it. They are just skins. Skins given to us as thanks for our loyalty.


    You weren't there. You didn't get it. Sorry. There'll be more stuff later, much of it will probably be damn near the same.


    You don't understand why people would ask for rewards that other people have? That seems like an exaggeration. You're right though, I'm sure there will be cool stuff in the future. I'll attempt to cool my jets.

  6. I guess I just don't understand the need people have to stop others from getting things. Or the need to comb through another player's thread history so you can creepily slander their intent. Or the need to type words in caps page after page, as if typing hard enough will make people who have different opinions go away. Anyway, sucks to immediately feel punished after subbing for the first time, and I think a dissenting viewpoint on exclusive content should be voiced, even if not acknowledged.
  7. For what it's worth exclusivity bums me out. I was just talked into subbing for the first time by a friend (having tried the game previously way back in beta), and man is it a ton of fun! But seeing the big list of rewards (including HK-55, which I missed by a few months) is a kick in the pants.
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