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Posts posted by Lumanotti

  1. Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


    Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


    I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




    If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


    MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


    **a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


    This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


    I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


    I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


    I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


    Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


    You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

    Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


    And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


    And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


    You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


    Thanks internet.


    There are many factors that play a part in why people in this game seem to be such jerks. The two most influential factors in my opinion are maturity and social skills or lack there of. First lets take an in depth look at the player base. They will fall in to one of two groups. Either they are die hard SW fans from the 80's( meaning an older generation of nerds ) or they are a reclusive gamer ( younger generation of nerd) looking to dominate or discover the latest hyped up MMO. Rarely but still possibly one in the same for some. Either way to gain any form of success in this game ( e.g., reach level 50, get the higher tier gear, beat end game) alot of time will be dedicated. The casual player is the least likely to be affected or fall into the category of jerk when it comes to online gaming because they tend to have the least invested.


    The way I have presented my opinion may seem hurtful. I get it. You can deny it. But in the back of your mind you know its true. If you are an adult male or female spending X amount of time on this game day in and day out there is an obvious underlying reason. This is my take on it. They have no life because for the same reason they are put on your ignore list in the game they suffer being ignored in RL. MMO's give them an opportunity to finally be heard and interact with others forcefully. Meaning they finally get to talk and there is little you can do to shut them up thus they take the opportunity to act out. Why? Because the indirectness of the internet gives one the illusion of anonymity. Thus they ( being the jerk you speak of) take full advantage of this opportunity to act an ***. Some us of fall prey to this because that same anonymity tricks us into letting are guard down.


    The other type of jerk I spoke of is the kid gamer. On the back of my game box, in fine print it states this game is intended for ages 13+. I never expect children to behave as anything but asses when given the opportunity.


    At the end of the day it simply boils down to some people do not know how to act in public. They never developed the social skills needed to successfully acclimate into a diverse community. Its like the preachers virgin daughter who goes off to college. Once she gets a taste of attention and freedom from judgment she acts out. Just like an antisocial nerd loses their inhibitions when no longer constrained by his physical appearance or faced with the threat of bodily harm, that can come in response to anal retentive whit. That is why they show off, troll, criticize, insult. TO get a taste of that attention they cannot otherwise achieve in RL.


    I find this type of behavior comes from a deeply rooted self hate and low self esteem. The children I encounter who lack the maturity god gave a gnat are simply ignored. The one's who seem to have a bit of maturity I offer words of wisdom but I try not to get too deep in depth because that is their parents job, not mine. To the adult child, aka loser jerk, bound for my ignore list, I do not put them on the ignore list right away because all that does is prevent me from hearing what is being said about me and defending myself. I instead use reverse psychology. I have found that for all their mathematical know how and nerdy anal retentive elitist whit, what they lack is an emotional intelligence. Which you can be easily exploited for the use of putting them in their place.

  2. not everyone is as awsome as you are. also cannot pass when CC'd or stun locked. with the crappy camera zoom not panning back nearly far enough all we can see is the 7 enemies beating on us and cannot see 'you' standing on a ledge above or behind us. that or maybe they just don't like you spamming "pass, pass, ***... why are you noobz no pass" so they're ignoring you


    Probably. Although if you are spec'd tank I see no reason why you can't go coast to coast with the rock. especially if you have s healer trailing you.

  3. Wait, so 50 pvp has a meaning then? Isn't getting gear boosting your e-peen in the 50 bracket as well? Theres no rank that matters there too..


    Yes pre 50 pvp mean everything. Didnt you know? You should L2P. Don't you realize your internet rep is at stake? You must be one of those lowbies or baddies? You should visit my site and purchase my training guide at http://www.sarcasm.com. There we have forums filled with real MMO RPG PVPers where we discuss regularly the importance of the CC and CD of the EV on a NPC of the LLD both ABC DEFG HIJ K LMNOP then go back on EST to review my BFF's DIC minus the HIV typically carried by the PT PWRT.


    "Now to review my post to make sure it meets Forum standards. Let's see....hmmm? I... :


    insulted him [x]


    Used a bunch of Abbreviations and Acronyms only I understand so that others know how hardcore of a gamer I am [x]


    Went off topic and rambled on. Occassionally inserting comments directed towards addressing a seperate agenda [x]


    Sarcastic, condescending, patronising, anal retintive conclusion [x]."


    Pats myself on the back for constructing another well written A typical gamer post. Cackles wickedly from behind the safety of my Cmptr screen as I shove another handful of cheetos past my fat lips. Priceless:D

  4. I do agree with this.


    Although one can blame the selfish fools who queue for PVP straight at level 10, it is true that they get a quest to participate in a warzone and so are naturally driven to push that button, not realising they will be useless.


    Adding more brackets however will lengthen queue times, that is the tradeoff.


    Is it selfish to que up at a pre-advanced level? Perhaps. But I created a toon solely for pvp. Not pve. Therefore why should I prolong my agenda for the sake of others who I don't know nor care about in the least just because they've had their toon longer?


    Once people not only in this game but in "life" altogether realize that the only one's actions they can control is their own then they will begin to enjoy this game and life more.


    I know its a public forum, people have expectations of others, and when others don't meet those expectations we want domain and control but at best the illusion of such authority is all you can hope to gain.


    I for one don't care who ques up unless they are a rude and negative person trying to criticize and dish out insults.


    But even in those instances where I can't control what they " the negative person" says or does I can control what I do. Which is put them on ignore or simply leave the game. You see Dev of SWTOR and most mmo's have placed so many tools at the disposal of us the user. It is up to us to use them. If I encounter someone who doesn't fit my "standards" as a teammate I am fully empowered to act in a manner i deem as very unselfish which is leave the game. Allowing someone else to possibly take my place. Instead of further dragging down the team and more selfishly ruining and wasting my own time. I can see on this particular thread that this train of thought is a rarity but its always good to have an opposing opinion to help shed some light in an otherwise dismal dark universe of disgruntled PVPers. Have fun ya'll. I know I will:rolleyes:

  5. No for the following reasons:


    1) they need to make people age verify. ( I know. I know. Age doesn't necessarily equate to maturity) But seriously some of the behavior I see displayed on these "pvp-rp servers" is diplorable and discouraging to the point it drives down the population. Plus its hard to accept that people behind such behavior are grown men and women. If not age verify then some sorta solution. I can live without having to see general chat being used to spew some of the most ignorant, disgusting, offensive and obnoxious comments I have ever had the displeasure of reading. oh and if you are courageous enough to pose a question pertaining to the game you're almost immediately met with discourse, ridicule and trolling. ( Nothing like arguiing with someone half my age who's mouthes I would typically wash out with soap were they to make the same comment in my physical presence.) It would be nice if general chat were used for information and maybe even some actual rp.



    2) PVP.

  6. Sorry to tell you this buddy, but you just contradicted yourself here, so you want to fight in a harder environment but not against pre-mades because is harder? and you want to choose who to fight against, to avoid them because....it's harder. Get over yourself and find a group to queue with or deal with. For the last month I have been pugging warzones, I no longer do the pre-made thing and it's it's all the same, some pugs are actually better than some pre-mades. L2P


    He didn't contradict himself. Hard as you used it (after spinning his words) is a vague and an unintended usage if being used to explain the meaning of the original posters comment. From what he stated I grasped (by reading for context) is he wants a balanced competitive game. Being face rolled in 3 seconds after leaving the respawn isnt "competitive" its padding the stats of the Premades group members. There should be better seeding for WZ.


    I do agree with you that some individuals are more knowledgeable thus able to execute their abilities more effectively then newer players (as in any game) but that does NOT necessarily equate to " having skills" nor being a hard game when faced with such an opponent. Unfair to be pitted against such odds initially? Definitely. But not meeting the requirements for "hard" necessarily ( in this particular scenerio).

    Hard ( as intended) is two equally skilled players fighting to the bitter end and the most skilled prevailing.


    (skills-Proficiency, facility, or dexterity) Queing premade only fullfils one aspect of a three prong definition.


    He is obviously speaking in terms of competitiveness.


    I see you interpreted his post as anything difficult is hard. Which by definition is correct but thats not how his wards were intended in this particular instance.


    But in this day in age these kids think bullying and using numbers to overwhelm your opponent is honorable. So go figure that someone would insinuate going up against those odds as being hard in opposed to cowardly BS.



    Now combine vent and a premade and you have a recipe for disaster for the opposing faction. I sat in a premade as the only fresh 50 and must admit I was embarrising people I otherwise wouldn't have had a chance against. As the game is right now your only choice is to do as previously suggested and give in to the dark side.


    Band up with a premade and go along for the ride. The bright side is you may learn something new but aside from that there is no personal victory or feeling of accomplishment because it wasnt your own doing that earned you the win. Unless you call the deciscion you made prior to queing an accomplishment. Yeah you might have to pad their already over inflated ego inorder to be invited to their dillusion of granduer train but eventually you will come into your own ( ie get gear and valor and skills of your own) and be able to venture off.



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