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Posts posted by NSStember

  1. I'm sure others have mentioned this, but I just downloaded the remastered Mass Effect: Legendary Edition with the 4K remaster of the graphics and it looks amazing. I just wished Bioware would do that with SWTOR as well.
  2. They went too far the other way. Make the bosses tougher? Yes. But our companions not healing us enough to resist trash mobs? We are the Commander of the Alliance, we've faced foes made of legends, but now three Imperial grunts and a LT. can suddenly be a serious challenge? My Jedi Knight suddenly feels "less than heroic".


    I've been playing this game since launch and I know new expansions often cause issues like this, which I'm sure they will address in patches, but I hope they address it soon.


    I want to feel challenged when facing a Sith or Sith Lord.... a few troopers with blasters should be a momentary annoyance at best.

  3. Hi there, so I got this problem with the new update, don't know if i'm doing something wrong but most likely i'm not, my skills reset position every time i change my loadout, practically it messes up my quickbar, it even resets my skill tree completely and removes mainhand and offhand weapons back into the inventory.


    Any useful help is appreciated, thanks.


    Same here. I hope this is fixed because I've had to take pictures of how I arranged my quickbars and skill choices so I'd remember them when changing combat styles. The swap no only re-arranges the quickbar, but often forgets to add skills making you have to look up your abilities each time.


    Really hoping this is a bug and eventually loadouts will remember your tree choices and the way you have your quickbar laid out.

  4. There has to be a fix so Loadouts save the Toolbars. I've had to take pictures of all my toolbars so I can remember how I like everything laid out. The Loadouts should save those for us or they are pretty useless on the fly.
  5. Agreed. I find the new Inventory window hard to look at, but my wife mentioned it bothered her eyes too. It's reminiscent of the "high contrast" setting available in Windows for people who have issues seeing shades and colors, but in Windows you only have to use it if you want to or need to. There should be a way to turn off those bright boxes in inventory and make it look more like it used to.
  6. Oh yes, from the moment you see Vaylin staring at Syl's "body" as the battle begins, I knew the wheels were turning in her mind. When Syl suddenly "came back to life" after the battle was over, I was also pretty convinced that Vaylin was powerful enough in the Force to push herself into Syl and bring her back to life.


    Hopefully we'll get more of this story in the expansion :)

  7. Totally agree. I've played fantasy games like Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls that have removed Tagging and it not only improves gameplay, but makes for a more friendly community. When one doesn't need to rush to "tag" the boss before another player does, or get to an ore before someone else does, it makes players cooperative instead of competative.


    With a big new expansion coming out in February, it's the perfect time to remove that ancient method of claiming a target before the player next to you.

  8. Agreed...if we've waited this long, make it something we'll feel was worth waiting for! I know both my Jedi Knights (one male, one female) have anxiously awaited her return, and I know my wife is hoping Scourge will be romancable as well by both sexes upon his return as well.
  9. As many others have said, it depends on my character. Some will stick with Lana, but I know two of my Jedi will be effected when Kira returns. One has stayed true to her despite her absence, and the other has fallen in with Lana, but secretly hopes for her true love's return.
  10. I'm thrilled about the new expansion and look forward to more story. But five more levels? Many games are realizing that continually adding more levels to cap, is a trap that makes the game more daunting to new players. Even games like WoW are now looking into reversing that. Better gear? Sure? New skills to master? Why not. But having to grind five more levels seems like an unnecessary "hoop" to jump through these days.


    But as for the extra story and new planets, bravo :) I hope this means the remaining companions will be back as well.

  11. I'd love it if Kira gets a chapter of her own in 6.0.... Vette got a chapter (shared, but I loved it), so did Kaliyo....so did a number of the companions. The Jedi Knight is a keystone class in a Star Wars game, and yet, two major companions of thiers haven't returned.... At this point, Kira and Scourge deserve something special for the Jedi Knight.....
  12. Congrats Eric! I'm getting married soon as well (July) and I have your game to thank for it. I met my "soon to be" wife right here in the game, when we both teamed up for the Section X heroic. Four years later and we're both still playing and loving this game (and each other) :)


    Out best to you and your bride.

  13. This has been an issue for years and I see it's still going on. My red Twi'lek can't wear the relaxed jumpsuit top, or any other top that shows torso skin meeting the neck without showing the horrible mismatch of shades of red (or green, blue, whatever their skin color is).


    I know this has been an issue since 2015 and it's now 2018, will this ever be fixed?

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