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Posts posted by Salantross

  1. My post is based on fact. Based on reviews and based on interviews. Not minority. Even the devs admitted and acknowledged the frustrations that this game did not feel enough like Star Wars. They don't know how to make it better but they're looking into it. Which translates to never.


    I think the armor is the only thing to be honest, and this is my opinion and the opinion of the group of friends I play with. This is a very different time than the movies, and even a different time than Kinights of the Old Republic. The expanded universe is quite varied. From author to author, time line to timeline, game to game. The Thrawn trilogy does a pretty good job of extending the original trilogy, but aside from that, I feel that Jedi Academy is quite different, etc. The Legacy graphic novels are quite different, and I love those.


    One of my friends that plays, I'm certain has read almost all the comics, graphic novels, and many of the novels. He goes to many comicons, dresses up, and plays this game, and has never once complained about the "feel" of the game. This guy can basically tell you the background of almost any random character (he always seems to assume I'll know who they are), and goes on for ages.


    So if you aren't getting that Star Wars feel from the game, well that's fair. I am however. So are a lot of people I know. Nothing is perfect, and everyone's vision is different. This is Star Wars in this period of the Star Wars Universe, at least that's how I look at it- even if it's different from how I would perhaps envisioned some things.

  2. Hey guys, quick question. My gf recently went from F2P to subscriber, and she did at one point have biochem, bioanalysis, and diplomacy. She still has diplomacy available to use, but it's saying she must purchase the other two with cartel coins... am I missing something here?


    I'm going to get her to go back to the fleet and see if she can just get them again, I'm just worried it might erase the progress she had made with them, as it still shows where she left off with these skills.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. While I would like it sooner rather than later (planning a Cathar Smuggler), I'm almost hoping they pushed it back a bit because they have changed their mind and are looking to add a second race at the same time. May be wishful thinking, but they made it sound like it was right around the corner at first, and now... not so much. It would be great if they paired it up with Rodian for the Imperial or something. I'd be happy with that (I know they originally said Cathar would be for both factions, but there were some gripes about that. Maybe they changed their mind).
  4. I think it's a great idea. It's interactive and it gets people talking with immediate feedback. Things are obviously in motion to improve communication, and I feel the overall game as well. Showing negativity towards aspects of the game, and then being negative towards attempts to improve things really doesn't help.


    Maybe wait and see how it goes first? I'm excited to see what comes of it.

  5. 1. 3D space

    2. More races (Rodian, Mon Cal, Ithorian are three musts for me).

    3. Armor could be improved. I don't see too many great armor designs. I don't hate it as much as some people do. Jedi never really looked all that ****** in the movies, but that's not the point. Having that freedom would be nice.


    If I had some secondary things... expand the planets a bit, and make it not so level specific... I suppose this is somewhat sandboxing a bit... but that might not be a bad method of expanding the game. Start filling in the gaps between areas if that's technically possible. It is fun to explore, but there needs to be a balance too. Too much of nothing can also make travel frustrating.

  6. I enjoy it a lot. I hit level 50 with one character and took a bit of a break, but then I started doing some end game stuff with a buddy and I found I had fun with it, and I'm back to playing a lot. I have a few other characters going now, and I would like to experience them all. I understand that some people want to stick with just one character, but I feel that in this game in particular, you are doing yourself a disservice by not experience the others.


    I really love the stories. The planets are a little small for sure, but I feel like adding more planets rather than huge sandboxes actually adds more variety. I do like sandboxes as well though, and I did love SWG (before the combat "upgrade"), but I like this game more (which says a lot, because I love that era in the SW universe and I never played the original KOTOR games, though I will get to them).


    If I had one complaint it would be the space battle. I don't think the space missions are acceptable as far as this game goes. The game is called STAR WARS after all. We need more freedom. JTL was perfect in my opinion. It was tough, it had a good level of customization, and it provided freedom. Plus if you REALLY wanted to I think you could even fly to another planet, without doing a quick travel. I think the FREEDOM there is what sets it apart.


    I don't want to crap on the people who made the space stuff, because it's not all bad, it's just very shallow, and I feel the ships are too floaty and the physics feel off to me. Look at JTL, or X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, or Rogue Squadron. The ships seem to handle much more realistically to me. Something just seems off to me. I could be wrong.


    There is no risk of me leaving this game any time soon. But I would love more of a space component, and I'd love a few more races. I would also like some more elaborate armor. Aesthetically, I find some of the armor designs to be extremely lacklustre.


    I think the foundation of this game is strong, and the potential is huge. Maybe they released it a little early, and there was still work to be done, but as long as they can get some story stuff in the pipeline and add some small things like maybe weather, day/night and the things I mentioned above, the experience will feel much more complete.


    Overall though, I'm happy, and I have met a lot of people over the last few days that are on the 15 day trial right now and are waiting for the game to go F2P, and you know what? It was a lot of fun to play with those guys, and they seem to be having fun, and I hope they continue to.


    I don't see a point in crapping on people for liking or disliking the game, but wether you like it or not we should be looking for ways to make it better, and we should be doing so in a positive way. These guys didn't put a game together to intentionally piss you off. They tried to make something you would enjoy. If you don't, maybe instead of some people focusing on being negative, we could all instead focus on being positive, encouraging, and helpful.


    Being constructive is the best way to get heard and hopefully bring improvement.


    The one thing I hear a lot about is "I have 8 level 50s and I'm bored".... well.... how do you have 8 level 50s? That's a LOT of content you busted through in a relatively short period of time. I have a level 50, a level 30, and a level 16. I have a girlfriend, and a career. I ride my bike every day, I work out 4 times a week, and I play hockey once a week. I make time for other things, and I make time for this. A lot of people (including a close friend of mine) have invested so much time into a game they... don't like? It doesn't make sense (to be clear, my friend loves this game, but others seem disgruntled, but they've put in so much time...


    The game is to provide an escape, and a form of entertainment. It's not here to replace your life.


    That last part wasn't directed at any of you, it's just what I've heard from people that I actually know in real life.

  7. I liked these suggestions too. Space combat for sure and Legacy. I know Space Combat is a long shot, but it's what I want most. Xwing vs TIE fighter style would be optimal, but I would even take what they have and convert it to even more of a Rogue Squadron style (that's kind of what they have in a way... but even more restrictive). I remember reading something saying that they were kind of going for a Rogue Squadron style, but it doesn't quite hit the mark. Maybe ask Factor 5 for some suggestions? (I'm pretty sure they made those games, and I"m pretty sure they still exist).


    I think the classes are decently strong and one of the least of the issues. I'd focus on races first. Ithorian, Rodian, Bothan, Wookie, Trandoshan, Mon Calamari, Sullussian (I think that's right), Cathar, maybe even Jawa. There are a lot of options to do two at a time.

  8. I really loved SWG. Pre CU. I loved the class tree, and I thought the social aspects were good. I thought the X-Wing style Jump to Light Speed was incredibly fun as well.


    It did however become a ghost town. I lost interest probably back in... 2007 I would guess. When they did the CU the game was over for me. It wasn't fun anymore. I didn't really care too much that I had to somewhat start over as much as I just didn't enjoy the new system. I didn't enjoy that medics and entertainers pretty much lost one of their original functions. I actually enjoyed going to the cantina/medcenter to get recharged. You got to know people and made friends that way. CU killed that game in my opinion.


    TOR, I have to say I love this game. Out of the gate I found it solid, and a ton of fun. I like most aspects of the stories and thought they were well done mostly. End game I kind of fell off for a bit, but then a buddy encouraged me to give it a try and I find myself loving it again. I hope this game doesn't go away, because even if it isn't perfect, I think the potential is huge, and I love playing it as it is.


    I think they need to revamp space combat, which sounds like they may. I'm sorry, but the X-Wing and TIE Fighter system has worked since the early 90's and it worked in SWG... It would definitely work here. I think that could be our sandbox (if everyone is so hard up on that idea), this could make the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes REALLY open up.


    I think the planets are open enough. A lot of these planets would have been desolate anyway... so unless you want to build a house there isn't much use for it. Give me more planets in expansions and that will keep me happy.


    TOR needs more races, and I think the races in SWG are excellent examples. I DO miss Rodian, Mon Calamari, Bothan, Trandoshan (may have spelled that one wrong) Wookie (like come on, I never had much interest in playing a wookie... but that kind of needed to be in there day one) Sullustan and Ithorian. These were all fantastic choices. I like the races in TOR, and I would welcome the Cathar, but I think some of these other races should come first.


    The social aspect can use some work... Text bubbles could help? I don't know, I just feel like I don't always pay attention to the chat window because it's out of the way and I'm doing other things. It helps with spam I suppose, but if I want to talk to someone, going up to their face and saying hello just seems so much more natural to me.


    Those are just a few thoughts. I'm not a hardcore player, I only have one character at endgame, but I played both games from the beginning. I loved both games, and at the end of the day I'm a starwars fan. I would have loved both games to survive, but I truly do like TOR more aside from the lack of races, the space environment and the inability to easily interact with the guy next to me by just saying hey (which is probably just a minor thing).


    Sorry for the rant. I just think we can all agree that instead of just saying SWG needs to come back (when it likely won't happen) we could just do our best to try and constructively say what we want and give this game a chance to evolve before writing it off (and I know a lot of people love this game, but the negativity in some cases here surprises me).

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