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Posts posted by Auhfel

  1. The problem you will have is that you are spending an OBSCENE amount of talent points to get a MEASLY 10% endurance.


    Seriously you are looking at 6-8 talent points for 1.5k health in Champ gear? Auto attacks hit for almost that much. You are looking at an extra few seconds of being alive.


    I understand wanting to experiment, but really these are filler talents that should be replaced because they are garbage and there are far too many of them in the Merc trees.


    I don't really see how the talent points spent are "obscene". You can easily pick them up in the lower tiers.. it doesn't impede a 31 tree at all, really. it'd be mostly a difference in gear, wouldn't it? Aim VS Endurance

  2. your not a tank.... your not supposed to take damage consistantly, why would you want so much endurance? the only game play type you need endurance as a merc is in pvp, but having high health and low damage aint gonna do anything for you at all.


    if you want high health go play a tank, thats the only role that requires that much health in any situation.


    Sorry for not stating, but it is for a PvP build. I want the ability to stay alive as long as possible, as is more necessary when defending nodes in Civil War or Voidstar, or staying alive long enough to keep the ball handler alive in huttball. I notice that most PUGS lose because everyone is dead too fast.. Simply staying alive longer in Civil war and Voidstar makes so much more of a difference. I like the Merc because it provides significant AoE damage when needed, can still be somewhat tanky with the extra health, heavy armor, and +% from heals, and can heal when needed.

  3. I notice that mercs can get a total of +10% endurance from their class -- 5% BH buff, 2% in arsenal and 3% in pyrotech. I want to make a build that capitalizes on stacking endurance, from gear, datacrons, and biochem stims.


    I did test that the + % from these skills works on endurance gained from gear, and it does.


    So, what kind of merc build could I make from stacking endurance? What role would I be most effective for? Should I go for a hearty healer, or tanky-ish DPS in Arsenal? like, 31/7/3 or 7/31/3?

  4. I'm fairly sure that armor *does* effect damage from force/tech. The only damage type that is not affected by armor is 'internal' typed damage. However, force/tech is *not* affected by shielding from generators, and it can't be avoided by defense.


    You're not taking into consideration tank's CD's, either. A well timed Saber Ward / Invincible from a sith juggernaut will make you nigh unkillable for the duration, even when guarding for another player. Add in an expertise consumable and you are godlike for the duration of Invinicible. I believe that the abilities that tanks get make significantly much more of a difference than simply the type of armor they wear.


    My sniper has no real worthwhile defensive CD's, none that last long enough to matter..

  5. You get OP for passing. Heck. Implement OP or medals for assists. The reality is you aren't going to win if you don't pass and some classes make miserable ball carriers anyway.


    When ball carrying:


    My sniper is =((


    My merc is =(


    My powertech is =|


    My assassin is =)


    My juggernaut is =))

  6. See, you could say this but sadly the only immiediate thing you can be sure of is the healer who healed...there really isn't a way to know the other things


    That's not even for sure. I've seen too many healers draining their own hp and healing themselves for medals (Sorcs can drain their own HP, other healers can use hazards).

  7. You really should include other-than-crew skills for credits, too..as you can be doing more things that just that for credits.. while your companions are out for missions, anyways.


    For example, doing just the lvl 20 Daily space mission will net you 8,835 k credits if you do all the objectives and it only takes ~10 minutes. This is a considerable amount of credits for such a short amount of time, especially for a level 20. It could easily be seed money for running slicing missions/treasure hunting missions (even though they basically pay for themselves) or even seed money to try to play the GTC to make money (buy low, sell high).


    For Space missions, reference http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=155022

  8. A kill is actually a kill or assist. You don't even need to do damage to the target, you just have to be involved in the combat with the person that dies. You can check your combat indicator to see if you are in combat or not.


    Buffing an ally who is in combat puts you into combat with whomever he was fighting.

    Same with healing, protecting, guarding, etc.


    Debuffing or damaging or CC'ing an enemy obviously puts you into combat with them. If they die while you are considered in combat with them, you get a kill. If you deliver the killing blow, you get a kill and a killing blow.

  9. I think tracer missile spammers are hilarious. Typical exchange with a tracer missile spammer on my jugg --


    Tracer missile starts casting-

    Force Charge intterupt.

    Tracer missile immediately begins casting again.

    Interrupted with interrupt skill, 4s blockout.

    Tracer missile spammer runs.. or casts some other non-issue skill.

    Tracer missile spammer begins to cast it again.

    4 second stun on spammer, interrupting it.

    After stun wears, he tries to spam it again.

    Interrupt again, since it's now off CD.

    Stun again.



    It's hilarious fighting the mercs who don't know they have skills other than tracer missile.

  10. Buy merc commendation. 30/1 transfer but you will get them pretty quick.


    After that...


    Get a champ bag.




    I buy pvp boxes.

    I get a chance at some decent gear and the green gear can still sell pretty well.

    + i get stims.


    currently i buy the biggest 3 that i can open if i find i am near com cap in WZ.


    Outside of WZ i buy the biggest i can and open it. repeat until I get down to a point i wont have to worry about capping.


    I have lost a lot of coms to capping...

    Not to mention valor... Valor fills up at about 50% of level. I lose half my level of valor generally unless i go PvE.

    Which i do.


    I go and fight mobs and try to pick it world coms and xp. Missions would be better... but... i need the flexibility to bail and or WZ whenever i want/need.


    30/10 transfer.

  11. ive gotten to the 50k protection medal within 3 seconds of combat in civil war, guard + AoE taunt bam 4 medals before i hit anyone


    I call BS. You realize netting everyone in your AoE taunt, surviving all the guard damage, and the enemy actually doing that much damage in 3 seconds is all very difficult, right? I'd assume that you only guarded maybe 13-16k worth of damage from guard, and then he rest would be the 30% debuff from taunt. To get that medal in 3 seconds the enemy would have had to do ~140k dps in just 3 seconds, with you actually getting everyone in your taunt and guarding someone taking a lot of focus.


    140/8 = 17.5k damage per person. So in 3 seconds, every person on the enemy team would have to have bursted for almost 18k dmg to make that medal acheivable.

  12. I just dinged 50 last night and got put into a losing warzone where everyone kept leaving. Obviously I lost. The scoreboard was effin ridiculous too.. the repubs had 8 people through the match and there were 20+ imps that had been in the match by the time it ended...
  13. I'm a little confused about this comment. Guardians have 3 leaps (assuming you use a spec like Auhful suggested). Force Leap, Zealous Leap, and Guardian Leap. Force Leap even refreshes on 'choking' an enemy. That to me is incredible mobility. Am I missing something here? Do these share a cooldown or something? Also Malissant, why do you choose a "pure" tank spec over a hybrid build?


    I'm actually liking what I see on a Vanguard and Guardian, but I think I'm going to go with the greater utility and better cooldowns of a guardian. Though I will say there is nothing more pleasing as a healer than seeing a sith leap you and having a vanguard or shadow harpoon him away. Ooh well.


    Auhful, I'm planning on using a spec very similar to yours but I had a few questions on it. You have no points in Enraged Sunder. Is Sundering Assault rarely used at higher levels? Or is the extra generation just not needed?

    It looks like a number of the higher up Rage Talents build up your Smash for a massive hit. Would it make sense to take 2 points out of Lash Out and 1 point out of Blade Barricade and put them into Heavy Handed to get +15% damage on Smash? Is Retaliation proc'd often enough to warrant a cost reduction on it? From a theory perspective, I'd imagine I'd be focusing on healers and other ranged, or protecting my guard target most of the time. Those targets either aren't going to be attacking me or aren't going to attack with something I can parry.


    Juggernauts (Sith version of guardian) have 3 leaps with this spec, with one having the ability to reset on use of "Force Push". Force charge is a 10m-30m castable ability that snares and jumps to a target, with like 20 second cd or so. This ability's cooldown can be reset by using Force Push, a 10m range 2 second knockback/down. They also have Obliterate (Talented), which is a 10m range jump that costs rage and does not snare the target, but it can also trigger procs for smash crits and free force screams. Finally, they get "Intercede" which is a 30m range jump to an ally that also gives the ally some mitigation. So, Guardians/Juggernauts have 3 jumps, with one of those being able to be reset with force push for an effective 4 jumps.


    For Sundering Assault, I just don't find the need for the extra rage. Saber throw generates 3 rage, then force charge generates 3 more, and then force choke generates another 3, pretty much filling your rage bar instantly. Juggernaughts also have a 1min cooldown instant 5-rage generator, all of these combined mean that you don't really need the extra rage. You could always force push your target, saber throw, and jump to him again if you need more rage.


    Retaliation can be used ever 6 seconds if procc'd -- it costs 3 rage untalented, 1 rage talented. It procs often enough if you have focus, which will probably happen once the enemies realize you are guarding/taunting for the healer or whomever. Without the points in Lash Out, you would require more rage generation. Your main rage spenders seem to be Vicious Slash, Smash, Obliterate, and retaliation (Force scream will usually be proc'd to be free). the rage reduction imo is more worthwhile. You could easily take out the blade barricade, though. realize though that you can only force grip every 50 seconds, so there will be some lulls in your combo. 31pt ragers get their additional ability that procs the increased damage on smash, so it's no issue there. You could go a 10/0/31 build for more damage, while still being able to guard and taunt, but your CC and survivability would be reduced greatly (No 4 second stun from backhand, you ahve to channel your choke (can now be interrupted)). It does give you a nifty speed boost to obliterate, though.

  14. Juggs/guardians are the only class that can get a quad force jump chain. One of the most powerful abilities in the game. And to spell it out i dont know the exact names of the abilities but here it is.


    they get


    Jump to friendly


    Jump to Enemy


    the 10 meter jump to enemy


    Force push jump to enemy.


    I think juggs/guardians are doing pretty good.


    You realize you have to be within 10 m to use force push yeah?

    I mean, you can still get out that extra jump off, but it's kinda situational.

  15. use them to purchaes black market boxes from pvp vendor, in order to get heal and expertise consumables. Sell the gear in them for credits, use the consumables. Extra consumables? Send them to your alt.


    Whups, negate this. I thought you were talking about wz comms. Reading comprehension fail.

  16. According to http://www.sithwarrior.com someone had asked Georg Zoeller. He said that the tank does mitigate the damage, however it's unclear as to how much of that damage the tank actually mitigates (all or only half). Granted most of the tank's mitigation is pointless, but I'm sure their cooldowns are still quite helpful.

    Source: http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Tank-Healer-combo

    When I'm a healer, any tank who puts guard on me not only gets my vote, but they will almost never die so long as they stay near me. Guard + healer makes it incredibly difficult to kill the healer. And the healer keeps the tank alive because they love guard.


    Regardless, this is off topic. I'd be fine with a dps spec so long as I'm able to utilize guard. I just want to be able to do the following:

    Guard my healer. Juggernaut has, obvi

    Protect my healer with good cc or effects like harpoon. (in addition to taunt/AOEtaunt/guard)Jugg has total of -- 50% free no cd AoE slow, 3 sec no channel stun, 4 second stun, 2 second pushback/down, 6 second AoE mezz, 2-3 second snare

    Kill or severely hinder opposing healers.You will be able to stunlock and interrupt them for a long time (Start with interrupt, wait for next heal to nearly finish then stun, wait for stun to finish then interrupt, rinse repeat)

    Do good dps (not great).Good burst from force charge/choke/smash combo


    I'm just trying to see how effective the 3 different tank classes can do this.


    Take a look at this juggernaut build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101fbGbkr0ozZZGr0rkbM.1



    Extra Defensive CD - Invincible, +40% mitigation.

    4 second stun - Backhand

    No channel force choke (CC is better when you dont have to channel it)

    Free AoE slow (this is insanely useful for voidstar and huttball)

    Still has burst with force charge/choke/ravage/smash combo.


    You decide them.

  17. /say. People who complain at this feature really just need to disable it rather than complain about it. It's not like its blocking out any necessary communication.. the only reason it's used is for cross faction chat.
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