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Posts posted by HarrisonJacob

  1. I was almost 50... had a bunch of quests to turn in, and was about to beat darth baras on korriban as my final mission. I was just about to hit 49 before 10 pm pacific on the 11th. I stayed up all night waiting for the patch, and found that ohhh, i get to download it 6 times over and over again, and now customer support tells me i have to completely redownload from scratch and my download is 200 kb/s. Took me a week when i first got it. I feel like i should get a free month.
  2. ^This! Would be amazing, serious epic and win to have battles between guilds using their guild capital ships. Hopefully they'll be something awesome like the IMP star destroyers and REP capital ships. Would be even better if you could deploy fighter squadrons (piloted by PC's)! Bioware, hear me! And keep up the great work!

    I like the deploy fighters idea. Epic! Could be like once a week staged warzones between Guilds. (At first)

  3. I would rather not go back to the design of swg, I as a guild leader want a guild finder and lfd tool.



    Guild Recruitment channel would be cool along with his finder idea. Also, Private convo window would be much better than whispers.

  4. Guild space missions using group members as different officers of a ship. I.E. ( pilot, 2 gunners and maybe an electronic warfare officer). This could be the guild ship that doubles as a guild bank/guild market. Guild members could build up Guild space commendations to purchase new ships/new ship mods starting with a vessel slightly larger than the single person one ( say a frigate ) and as the Guild build experience, the spaceship will get better and have better mods. Maybe eventually, Guild space PVP.
  5. We need to make this the top of their list. This is way more important than legacy features! This is a moneymaker. Look at how many people are addicted to EVE but just wish that they did not have to deal with such crappy customer service. You could pull Eve subscribers if you make a good Space PVP mechanism.
  6. I like the turret idea. Similar to that, is if they combine turret idea with Space missions to have group space missions using group members as different officers of a ship. I.E. ( pilot, 2 gunners and maybe an electronic warfare officer). This could be the guild ship that doubles as a guild bank/guild market. Guild members could build up Guild space commendations to purchase new ships/new ship mods starting with a vessel slightly larger than the single person one ( say a frigate ) and as the Guild build experience, the spaceship will get better and have better mods.
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