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Posts posted by LordStriker

  1. *****Online******


    Im streaming live sniper pvp with my marksman build Imperial Agent. Ive got a few pieces of champion gear and a little centurion rank 31 so far. If your wondering how a sniper performs in pvp or just want to enjoy some live streaming with a sniper then take a peek.


    I'll also try to answer questions concerning the class and its performance in PvP hoping to eliminate some of those stupid rumors on the forums about the sniper.


  2. Im a lvl 50 sniper and played so since launch. Story is amazing, gameplay is amazing, the entire Sniper class is amazing. I dont see why you feel sorry for me, because I can pretty much kill any class 1v1, and if I dont then its either because my equipment is worse or that the opponent is better than me.


    I dont feel less usefull just because I cant join into the mindless jump because when you use your abilities, you dont need to face your targets the same way meele classes have to. My screen just has to see the opponent, i target him and press my button and my character will automaticly face him and shoot. So all the Jedi's jumping around isint helping them and sometimes they miss a few hits because of it, which in turn weakens them. As a Sniper I got - everything - i need to take down any class in this game. All I can admit is that Healing specced Commandos and Consulars generally are a pain to take down but far from impossible.


    Cover could be placed a little faster when hitting the button, but honestly I dont feel disadvantaged, and if the cover is slow to get up, its either server lag or your own internet thats delaying. This class is in -my- opinion a most viable, balanced and pretty bad *** class. Besides killing Jedi with a sniper rifle is so much more satisfactory.

  3. Gotta agree that it sucks to play against premades. Unless we kick their asses anyway I just leave the warzone because it is simply not worth it. Beta PvP was fun because everyone played casually or was to some degree a n00b, which ment that it could be challenging but not overwhelming which was fun. But thats how it always is sadly in MMO's. Hardcore no lifers play without sleeping and exploitng to get the highest lvl gear then group up into premades to kick unorganized players asses who just want to have fun.
  4. Bah, Republic just has all the "noobs". Its a little sad, when you see your own team tries to go for only kills and even than still fail at that :/


    I just hope the avarage republic player will get better, since Republic is undermaned and should have a harder competitian to get better against.


    Exactly. Well historicaly the Empire won and the Republic lost, so it makes sense that Empire is better and will win again ;P

  5. Also BW needs to consider debuffs, for example if one faction has 3 times more online players (within a level tolerance) than the other faction then all the players of that faction should do eg. 1/3 of their damage in world pvp, to compensate for the numbers.


    If that happened the sides would balance themselves out amazingly quickly as people rolled the other side to get away from the debuffs.


    What you fail to realize is that people want to play the Empire, and because something is popular it should not mean consequences gameplay wise. If I want to play Empire, but doing so worsens my gameplay experince, then I cant see why I should play the game at all. Not many will follow your logic, but World PvP is not a problem. Currently theres no reason to world pvp, all we got is warzones, and there we always have fairly balanced numbers.

  6. On my server Lord Calypho I also had the impression that the Republic were having a hard time. However as of late i actully lost a few times, but it were close matches so they are improving on my server. Join in ;)
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