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Posts posted by onewildman

  1. I just got out of a sub 50 match of the coast where the pub side had 10 men on it. You say you are stoping the hacking and things on that order then I want to see you stop this kind of cheating and do it NOW. there is no reason at all for it for all I know there were 50's all I know is that I was in the match with my guild mate and he was at south and counted 4 of there players there I went by west and counted 4 player all fighting when I got to east ther was two players waiting for me now I'm real good in math and that adds up to ten when there is only suppose to be eight. YOU need to eather get MORE people working for you and watching the numbers in the warzones or something to stop this from happening again. I pay $15 a mounth to play this game and I have been from the first day it was released. There is NO reason for this to be aloud and I want to know what your going to do to stop it and don't tell me I need to be recording my PVP mattches eather there should be a way for you to stop it on your end and IT needs to be done NOW!!! You say you read these post I want prof. contact me and or have someone join our guild and see for your self I realy don't think you care about what is going on as long as your getting your money. I know you don't do anything when we put in tickets then next thing I will be doing is calling untell something is done about this issue.
  2. Find away to keep people from hacking during warzones and make them mor fair as in more lvl caps and different worzones for 50's per gear. That way the new 50's have a chance on finishing there weeklys in a week or less rather in a mounth or two. Maybe put some watchers in the warzones that can spot hackers and stop them then and there. Some thing else you could do is maybe put a segestion vender on the fleets for players to give you faster feedback wekk there in game.
  3. I think you should have staff members in the live games and on all servers. You don't need to let people know who they are but I do think that they should be maybe in a guild or playing side by side with all the rest of us.
  4. I agree about lightsabers I just think that we should have more different color crystals, and make it ezer to get them like i said before eather by test server Guilds of by some other means but The game really needs a lot more different color crystals. After all there are more colors in the color wheel then just blue, green, purple,magenta, yellow, orange or red.
  5. Is it possible to get more different color crystals? Maybe by way of being in a guild or even given to those that use the test server. A bigger choice in colors would really be nice. Something more then just blue, green, red, yellow and orange. Colors like black,pink,purple, or even going with the dark or lighter look at the colors. Most anything that will bring more color to the game. They can even be for more then light sabers.
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