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Posts posted by gabarooni

  1. Renewed my sub a couple weeks ago and cancelled the same day lol I was really excited when I saw the 2014 roadmap that I would see something to get me interested. Nope.


    Hard mode raid , instances , and generic storyline. No sandbox features, no new systems, nothing to breath life into this sterile world. Oh well here's hoping for 2015.

  2. You guys are all pvpers lol people like me who just play to have fun in a SW sim are not going to have to worry about being killed cause we are not gonna play on a pvp server. I have always said that pvp and pve should be completly seperate games. And I honestly wouldnt mind at all if pvp is unbalanced. Why should it be? Dosent make sense from a lore stand point. Plus the real world isn't balanced so why should the virtual world be? Class balance ruins fun and is the downfall imo of a great many MMO's.
  3. P.S seeing as this game is a mmoRPG I really don't care about PvP balance at all. Just make pvp players only have 100hp and make all of their attacks do 10dmg and presto chango they are balanced. Now that , that is done let us RPG'ers have some fun in the SW universe!
  4. If we are going to stick with the same old boring AAA game style lets at least add something interesting to the mix like multi-classing. Other MMO's like DDO and FF have it. Lets not focus on balance and instead focus on fun! Let me make a smuggler/jedi hybrid that runs around with a blaster in one hand in the saber in the other!


    P.S. Anyone familiar with SW's lore knows that the characters are never sterotyped as being just One thing. In Tesb we see luke using a blaster as well as reading about jedi and sith using blasters in the EU. Come on bioware take a chance and try and do something FUN! Don't just follow the path of wow and slowly die out Forge your own path!

  5. It's almost september so the Summer of Swtor is almost gone. I want to know if there is anything worthwhile coming in the fall or winter. Some kind of lasting game play that dosent involve dailys,raids, or pvp would be nice. And a new line of character progression that dosent involve getting new gear.
  6. How come in my place of employment there are at least 10 people with the same name as me but in the entire SW online GALAXY there are no two people with the same name? I really don't think it would be game breaking if people share a name.
  7. Seriously I could not care less about getting my Jedi a new Outfit.... or a flashy new Car. These mmo's are getting so silly. Where is the progression or even the fun? Just grind grind grind to get new cloths. lol it's just plain silly. I honestly think im done with Tripple A mmo's I haven't played WoW in 2 years and going on my second month of not logging into Swtor. Im gonna wait until Sandbox's start coming back and fill up the time in between with Skyrim lol.


    Do you guys really enjoy the Hamster Wheel to get new clothes? Maybe I've just been playing Tripple A's for too long and im burnt out on them. I started my MMO journey with UO so to me MMO's were large virtual worlds with tons of possibilities , not the gear grind , hamster wheel, liner path of the MMO's coming out today....and for the last 10 years lol.

  8. I believe that the makeb dailies ( to a certain extent ) and the Makeb weeklys can be done without been forced to group up. They can be challenging to a new level 53-55 , so you can tweak your characters , depends how many high level characters you have. Even if you have upgraded your earpiece , implants , belt , bracer and offhand with basic level mods , you can then use the elite comms to buy gear to send ( in an empty legacy shell ) to another of your high level characters and so on. iv'e been doing just that lately and finding it really fun and good for my brain. Next is 2 weeks of the gree event level 55 this time , not all solo but a different place to get your basic comms and hopefully elite comms.






    Unfortunatly im not one of those people who think that doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again is fun. I want to log in and think of a hundred things I could be doing in this supposed living breathing online World(s) not eh do the same dailys over and over until the next tier of the gear grind comes out and then do those dailys over and over and over. Themepark Tripple A mmo's are just Not fun for me anymore. Here's to hoping that the semi sand box and fully sandbox games on the horizon are fun!

  9. Any of you other old timers getting sick to death of the hamster wheel? I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately I wish MMO's were more like that. So sick of the gear grind and forced grouping. I miss Sandbox gameplay. I want to have my own goals not set goals lined up before my feet.....


    Blergh any who just complaining nvm

  10. It's something that is missing from this game that was nice in Kotor. Sure there are plenty of NPC's you can talk to for quests while leveling but when your 55 and you just want to interact with an ingame characters there is nothing for you. In Kotor you could talk to tons of NPC's and most of them had nothing to do with quest chains they were just fun parts of the game that added immersion and lore.


    Swtor needs to start hiring their voice actors to flesh out the NPC's of the world(s) and allow us to just get in some conversations.


    This is of course just Imo. What do you guys think?

  11. You guys seem to be overlooking the little thing called The Force. I think meditating on and feeling The Force is what caused the big changes in Lukes demeanor. As he became more in tune with the Force he became more "Awake" to the Universe and learned and experienced things that no mortal teacher could really teach him. Remember by Rotj he had been in contact with the Force for several years and was seeing and experiencing things that no other non force sensitive being ever would. I imagine that changes you in pretty significant ways.
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