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Posts posted by XDOUBLEX

  1. No offense intended with my comments but this thread scares me. I am not saying that anything with this game is rocket science or that anyone here is bad but some of the comments on here make me nervous. If you don't use something and you get through things just fine then don't use the buttons. Some of us like lots of options and find uses for things others don't. The game really doesn't need to be simplified more than it already is IMO.
  2. I don't post often but I'm going to go for it on this topic.


    I don't blame devs for the continual dumbing down of games, lack of depth or ease of aquiring anything. It's on the gamers totally. They cry if something is to hard, if they don't have time to get something because if they can't have it nobody should! I have kids and see this mentality on the sports fields, classroom and playground. It's not all kids but it's a majority in my opinion and that is just the way it is. Unfortunately for a great deal of us gamers with a different mind set and point of view, we suffer as the minority. The "if I can't have it nobody should have it" are the majority now and finding games that don't cater to those traits are out there but unfortunately it's not going to SWTOR ever. It's going the other way actually.


    As far as SWG, I have more memorable moments with friends doing corpse runs alone than I have in this entire game. Sure it had a lot of problems but fun wasn't one of them. [scylla forever] <Kotor>

  3. @warrgames. I've stayed out of this whole drama fest but I wanted to pop in and say you are dead on correct. MH does an amazing job with communication, customer service and information. I've seen very inflammatory threads diffused there just by a community manager jumping in and speaking honestly. Often times they bring in a dev for a quick response then continue to manage the issues back into calm discussion.


    I remember reading somewhere from somebody (amazing detail I know) that it is the developers job to set the tone, the narrative for how people communicate and what they communicate on their forums. Silence is always followed by flame wars because of speculation and wild imagination by all sides (super fans and cynics alike). Just admitting a mistake can diffuse days of hostility and communicating reason and intent often calms the outraged gamer.

  4. The game population can't support all these servers. Why do you think they have gotten rid of so many already. I've suffered through the tython1 lag problems and I wish they would fix their game to help us the game base play on populated servers. I've seen the problem when the server isn't even at heavy load so I would imagine any server no matter the population will have problems if a bunch of people are on the starter planet. I wonder what it's going to be like with the new influx of players we will get when the new movie comes out.
  5. I disagree with the idea of an incentive to go to a lower pop server. As a beta and beyond player, I had uninstalled the game due to pops taking hours for pvp and pve on my old server. The 90cc transfer came and I moved all 8 of my 60s over to Harbinger and I play daily again. Feels like around launch time there and I can't imagine going anywhere else, or telling anyone to go anywhere else.
  6. I've been playing off and on since Beta. Mostly on but after this last break due to some frustration I came back to find many fun things about the game ( new content and stories) and some bigger frustrations with Q'ing (pvp and flashpoints). I know it all depends on what server you are on but honestly, who wants to pay to transfer 3-4 characters to somewhere with more life in it. It seems like that should be BW's job. Hopefully you enjoy the story and new missions because that is what you will be paying for.


    Enjoy and good luck

  7. Your $15 a month is paying for access to the game, not interaction with developers. Sure, it'd be nice if they had a stronger presence here, but it would also be nice if the community gave them some encouragement to do it, rather than whining like entitled brats and demanding that they get what they want for free even when they treat others like total crap.


    I agree in a technical sense that our 15 a month pays for access to the game but I can't help but shake my head at the customer service end of the game that we experience here and going the extra mile is how companies separate themselves when competing for dollars. I also agree that this community can be toxic and the only way to change that culture is from the top down. It takes a while but it can be done and at the end of the day the constant complainers become insignificant and neutralized.


    I am one that is patiently holding out hope for a change in culture/direction for this game before I get to "that point" where my dollars go to something else and if feels like that point is rapidly approaching. I understand there are bugs and problems with software, it's how a company deals with those situations and the community that supports it that determines my level of patience and what I will put up with. So far this is a " how not to handle customers" chapter in an upcoming book in my opinion.

  8. Am I the only one who wonders who the heck is actually paying that much? I almost *never* buy mats from the GTN. (In fact, even selling finished crafted items, I usually end up with excess I put up for sale)


    'Course, I'll admit I have all 8 chars as either crafters or pure suppliers... and mission costs are FAR cheaper than what you'll see on the GTN...


    I am in same boat. I have about 3k each of the grade 6 mats used in crafting them all farmed or bought cheap. That will run out at some point and gathering more takes time.

  9. 10 a day is way to much. It might be an unpopular opinion but it's true. I understand things start hard and get easier in the game when people complain but this is insane.


    Granted my guild hasn't finished HM EC yet due to dumb tanks and a dead server until now but the hours put in learning the fights for a couple comms that drop from each SM boss was a grind. 10 a week would be a great reward that I would be ecstatic over. My main only has 3 pieces of Bh gear still but I wouldn't have wanted it any easier.

  10. I switched all my willpower augs over to power augs and there is a huge difference. My crit suffered a bit but my overall damage has gone way up and I don't play warzones any differently than before (I have a valor 84 sorc and a 74 healing op btw).


    Maras and juggs that are speced into the insta crit were the ones who first turned me on to it. After getting hit for just under 7k with my 1323 expertise against one in particular I we were talking about it and since I make both, I decided to give it a try.


    I am up to 550 power on my sorc and there aren't but a few that can outdamage me in any voidstar game where its just raw damage on doors for the most part. I really don't put a lot of stock in the final dps numbers in warzones because thats not what the games are about but I won't be switching back to gimp myself anytime soon.


    Try it, you will like it.

  11. Hi, I've rolled an agent and withT kaliyo having a bonus for arms tech would I be gimped if I chose armour tech?

    Thanks for any tips regarding this :)


    I have an agent with armormech and not having a crafting crit bonus is tough. There is no droid part you can get that will give you an armormech crit bonus (it's laughable that BW has set their crafting system up this way) either. I have both armor crafting skills on two characters with max affection on all companions and if I had it to do over, I would not have an agent with armormech again. I know it's luck if you get a crit but after making thousands of pieces on each character but my warrior has far better numbers with the bonus than my agent.

  12. Good info as usual. The only item I would say was a bit off would be the aug kits. If your on PoT5 you can expect to see my 150 aug kits on the GTN for much less. ;)


    I understand servers vary but I can't imagine people not stalking up on the mats for these and that competition for the sale will drop the kit price if it starts high.


    Great info though, thanks.

  13. Everyone is worrying about the community on this new server....nay-sayers...instead of poo-pooing the inevitable transfer, how about we step up and make a community that rivals that of fatman. Even fatman started with zero population at one time and zero community...


    Now if in a few months, when the 6-months and year subscribers run out and/if then our population blows, we can whine and ***** to our little heart's content. By then, anyway, I think we will know if BW was able to revive this game and if it is still worth wasting time playing.


    Future P5'er here and I couldn't agree more with your post. Well said

  14. Nice constructive argument against my point.


    I see you've been reading the '12 year old's big ol' book of comebacks'. Adorable.


    Sorry but the fact that actually posted that it wasn't the manufacturers fault their product wasn't enjoyed by the consumer and that they didn't have to do something different to continue to make a profit left me speechless.

  15. Saber has a decent core left of hardcore people that will join with ALL the other servers on our new server. I look forward to the new home and the quick Q pops to go along with pug world boss raids and picking up a pug here and there to fill out our ops groups.



    I will commemorate our melting pot with some free aug kit giveaways when 1.3 goes live. (now please announce our move)

  16. Honestly why are people complaining so much? Bioware couldn't control people leaving your servers and leaving them empty but still they give you a free transfer to fill up your server again and STILL you complain. Take what you're given or accept that the game isn't as popular as you'd hoped. It's not Bioware at fault here, it's just unfortunate that people didn't like the game as much as you need.


    Unsubscribe by all means but don't get angry at them.



    Thanks for the laugh. Funniest post of the day!


    .....oh wait you were serious with this? Now it's so ludicrous that it is funnier

  17. I had this happen to be 4 times yesterday after the patch. I put tickets in each time and put it in customer service so I would suggest you do the same. The answer I got here was "make a ticket".


    Between that and the UI lockup coming back (haven't had this problem since 1.2 came out) I have been kicked from 7 war zones since yesterday and on our server that means your daily isn't getting done. :mad:

  18. This.


    People should stay cool and more or less praise BW for making this happen, and for having a smooth transfer system. You guys asked for transfers, and all I see the last couple of days is complaint after complaint talking about name changing and so on


    Lighten up because it is just a game.


    This is where you are completely wrong. I'm not an RP'er at all, they could change my name to stupid and I don't care. I just want Qs to pop. I do however respect what others get from the product they pay for monthly. You understand that if they didn't merge/transfer that their product wouldn't continue to sell? It's not an act of kindness that they did this......


    So many of you make excuses as to why it's okay that people can't experience what they paid for that it used to make me laugh. Now I worry that this type of service will become the norm thanks to people that accept a broken product and defend it. If you were lucky enough to be on one of a handful of servers that are healthy then my hats off to you, many of us were not.


    I will end it here before I say something that will get me reported ......:D

  19. How people have that much time on their hands, that they can actually manage/play 16 characters is stupid. Don't you people have Work/Education to deal with.


    I am educated and work for myself so maybe I have more free time than you do. You do understand that people ALL OVER the world at different stages of their lives play this game??


    Sorry but this post was offensive and well..... Let's just say of the low IQ variety.

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