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Posts posted by Wurble

  1. The "replacement" for Fanged God is beyond worthless. Why would anyone take a tactical that makes focus management even worse for a class that already has severe issues with it?!


    As everyone also mentioned, the buffs to Commando (both DPS specs) are not enough.


    Also as mentioned, a tactical for a ranged class that has to be used in melee distance?! I'm genuinely curious as to what thinking concluded with "this is a good idea."


    I notice you guys said "you have looked at our feedback". Clearly you didn't care about it, because 7.1 is going live now without a single change to your original post. Not one single suggestion was taken into consideration.


    Devs, if you are baffled as to why the playerbase gets angry with you, this is a great example.

  2. Seeing as how SWTOR's PvP "matching" algorithm is so absolutely horrendous, we at least need a forfeit vote.


    Seems like over half the PvP matches are preposterously lopsided. Neither side should have to sit through that nonsense. Allow a team member to initiate a forfeit vote. Make it require unanimity. If everyone votes to forfeit, match ends right then and there.

  3. If you do the PvP without the intention or expectation of winning, it doesn't require you be any good, just to participate.


    Also note that lowbie PvP is actually fun (level <41). This is coming from someone who HATES PvP. At mid level it starts to get tedious as you'll find more people there who are quite good. At 65, forget it. If you aren't an amazing PvPer, then expect to just stand there permastunned until dead virtually every match at 65.


    But since you're using this for leveling, there's no point in doing PvP at 65 anyway.

  4. Flashpoints give a large amount of XP. I find buying the +Flashpoint XP character perks gives a very noticeable bump.


    Fastest way to level I've found?


    First do the starter planet as fast as possible. Once you get to fleet, do the crafting mission, PvP intro mission, PvP daily, and PvP weekly. While you are waiting for PvP to pop, run Black Talon/Esseles solo.


    If you have the +Flashpoint XP perk + 25% XP item + Pioneer gear + Guild bonus, you will get levels so fast it will make your head spin. The PvP intro/daily/weekly give like 145k XP when buffed (doesn't appear to change with level).


    If you have a big guild, see if folks are up for a 16 man base conquer. You can wind up getting 5 levels in as many minutes. Hardmode Flashpoints will offer similar XP (assuming you have the +Flashpoint XP perk).

  5. I noticed recently when I was on fleet, there was a spammer hawking creds as usual. I reported him for spam. Then, not a moment later I saw another message by him in general chat.


    When you report someone for spam, why are they not automatically added to ignore?!


    This is especially important with mail because when you report spam with a mail, their original mail disappears. As a result, it isn't there to be able to then add them to ignore. This leaves them free to spam you again.


    Same goes for harassment. Had someone harassing me via whispers and constant team invites. I tried to be nice but then they sent mails too. I reported them for harassment. What happened? I got more spam, more tells, more team invites. If you report someone for harassment, they should be immediately ignored as well.


    Also, why do I have to add spammers to ignore on each of my characters? If I get credit spam email from someone, when I report as spam, it should report the email and put them on ignore for my ENTIRE ACCOUNT.



    Last but not least, can you guys implement a "shadow chat/mail ban" concept for spammers please? A shadow chat ban is a ban where the person does not know they are banned from chat. The way it works is simple. They can log in and everything. Whenever they send a mail, it is discarded with no error message. As far as they know it was delivered, but in reality it was not. Whenever they speak in chat, no one sees the message. Whenever they send a tell, the recipient doesn't see it. The spammer gets no feedback letting them know their messages aren't getting through. This makes it so the owner of the spammer account assumes it is still working and doesn't fire up another spammer account. However it eliminates spam. Since no one is getting their advertising anymore, their business goes down and eventually it becomes unprofitable to spam on SWTOR.

  6. So i've been doing Rishi with an alt and just upgraded from raider's cove pummler to sky ridge pummler gear which is the better version of raider's, yet my stats goes down; mastery, crit, accuracy, armor rating and health all reduce despite all the stats should increase. Is this an issue caused by the new level cap on planets?


    P.S. hope not incorrectly using the forum...


    I encountered this. The bug might be visual because I didn't try any combat, but it's temporary until you zone or relog. It happens when you change equipment sometimes now.


    I bought crystal gear on a toon recently and when equiping the full set, my stats were as if I were naked until I changed zones. Hope that helps.

  7. I've noticed this problem as well. Only for me, it seems the actually skipped an entire month at one point. I've had a continuous sub.


    Here are my dates. Starting in August of last year:


    08/02/2015: 500

    09/02/2015: 500 (31 days)

    10/05/2015: 500 (33 days)

    11/07/2015: 500 (33 days)

    MISSING DECEMBER DESPITE BEING SUBBED!! (note, I got an email on 12/9/2015 saying they gave me 525 coins. My ledger shows no coins on that date. Grants always show the day after the email so it would have been 33 days)

    01/12/2016: 525 (67 days)

    02/14/2016: 500 (33 days)

    03/18/2016: 500 (33 days)

    04/20/2016: 500 (33 days)


    08/14/2015: 100

    09/13/2015: 100 (30 days)

    10/13/2015: 100 (30 days)

    11/12/2015: 100 (30 days)

    12/12/2015: 100 (30 days)

    01/11/2016: 100 (30 days)

    02/10/2016: 100 (30 days)

    03/11/2016: 100 (30 days)

    04/10/2016: 100 (30 days)


    So the despite the oddity with December, there appears to be a pattern. Security Key reward is 30 days. Monthly sub is 33 days. Thank you for starting this thread. Looks like I have to contact Customer Service about December's missing sub grant.

  8. Yes, I just re-read the patch notes and I think you are right.


    Thank goodness I waited for more replies, I just about through my toys out the window.


    Yall were right. Yeah, I thought it meant the alliance supply crates. I have a lot of alts but only a couple are through KOTFE. I like to run a lot of alts through a bunch of quick heroics to get crates for my alts that have actually done KOTFE. Sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you to the folks who read the notes more carefully than I.

  9. Hey, just wanted to add. I tested something out today that I hadn't. I tried to run Hammer Station solo.


    I had done this a bunch of times on characters all the way back to before 2.0. Way back in the early days I could only do it on my tanks. In 4.0 I smoked through it.


    Well I tried on a juggernaut with a healer companion. Vette is influence level 27; haven't gotten a chance to grind her up to 50, but I figure 27 is decent enough right? 3rd pull destroyed me faster than anything I've ever seen. That's ... messed up. I mean, we're talking something I could solo way back when 50 was the max level.


    So yeah, this isn't just taking away fun; it also took away content. That's super uncool.

  10. This is I believe my first post (if I made a previous one it would have been years ago near launch).


    I played the game around launch. I played for a year or so and then stopped. I came back around May or June or so.


    I enjoyed some the new content that had been added in the time since I had been gone and leveled up some more characters. I loved the 12x XP for class quests allowing me to finally finish the Consular storyline (had the other 7 done previously). I think I'm an ok PVEer. I'm definitely a solo'er. I remember there was a Republic Heroic 4 bonus series mission on Balmorra that I had solo'd on a few characters that was insanely tough. I'm not the best player but I think I'm pretty decent; I've held my own in some quests that were previously not meant to solo back in 2.0 days.


    Anyway, so when KOTFE early access hit and they changed companions, it was a big surprise doing heroics. But honestly, I can't say I've ever had more fun than I did during that time. I was leery about level sync at first; thinking it was going to make stuff too hard and make it so certain heroics that I had never done would be something I never would get around to ever doing. Quite the opposite. In fact, a character I had all but abandoned due to feeling like a piece of paper, my Sentinel, suddenly became my most fun character. Previously I would have to rest for like 10 seconds after each fight to regain health making questing a slog. With the companion changes I could continuously cut through my enemies with reckless abandon, tearing them to tiny little shreds with glee. Holy goodness it was awesome!


    I read the posts about the companion nerf and got really worried. I finally was able to log into one of my juggernauts and I was able to go through the class quest stuff just fine with zero issue. Then I logged onto a commando. Yes, I was still able to go through class stuff just fine but I noticed that Forex and me weren't blowing the crap out of everything like we were before the nerf. Then I tried a heroic on my commando. I finished it, but it wasn't fun. Challenging? Meh. I'd say it was tedious, not challenging. I haven't tried my sentinel. My commando has always been a posterior kicker with above average survivability. I honestly felt like he was weaker now than he was in 3.0. My sentinel? I doubt she'll be any fun at all now.


    There's all this talk about numbers this and numbers that. I don't know about numbers. I just know what I enjoy. I liked it before. I like it less now. Will I quit? Heck no. But it was absolutely positively WAY more fun before the nerf.


    Anyway, just thought I'd share.


    Bioware had found a way to make the game a lot more fun for a while. I'm kinda sad they took that away. I hope they bring at least a little of it back.

  11. There's your problem. You need to be in whites and greens.


    I'm going to assume this is a serious post.


    Why would worse gear be better to wear??


    EDIT: I just tested in a warzone with different equipment.


    I swapped my gear for greens and noticed on any given piece of equipment that typically the greens lowered my damage slightly but increased other stats slightly like crit % and crit dmg bonus %.


    The differences were largely negligible.


    I also tested equipping a level 9 cannon. Again the differences were negligible. It was slightly worse than a 33 green cannon.

  12. The damage levels you speak of are not possible for my commando. He's level 34. I have purple gear and it seems to suck in PvP now. Just recently I engaged in a huttball match where the other team was quite terrible. I spent every moment of the match doing damage. It was nowhere near the 500k range. I'm level 34, not 55.


    Those saying "simple l2p issue" should please just not post. You are not constructive, you aren't helping, you add nothing to the topic. You are just trolling. Go away.


    As for the comment about the sniper, as I said, I haven't played him since the patch so I can't speak for his gameplay in 2.0. I can only speak for my commando which is level 34. So talk of "my level 51 ability" is not relevant since I am not level 51. If by saying this you are implying that I have to wait until level 51 to be viable in PvP, that doesn't seem right. I don't like that now I have to wait until 45 instead of 40 to get Demolition round, but oh well.


    PvP on my commando used to be about stacking some armor debuff (grab round), this also stacks a buff on me for my high impact bolt which is what I follow up with, and then full auto. These were my highest damage dealing abilities when done in that manner. Occasionally when someone or a few people were dumb enough to stand in one place I'd smack them with mortar volley.


    I tried this play style since the patch and it just isn't working the same. Clearly I have to change something but I don't know what to change.

  13. I have a number of characters, some of which I PvP on a lot, some not.


    I've never been a 50+ PvPer though, all sub-50 PvP. Nonetheless, I've never been all that bad at it. Racked up a ton of kills, had a really good time with PvP in this game. I have 13 characters, 8 of which are 50 now. All of my 50s had maxed out warzone commissions by the time they hit 50. My sniper had maxed valor. My favorite characters to PvP on have been my sniper and my commando. I used to do really solid damage on them.


    Now I just die. I die fast fast fast. Preposterously fast. I've only so far played on my commando, who is level 34. Before the patch, he was solid. Smoked people like the dickens. I've played 5 WZs with him since the patch and it wasn't even remotely fun. One match, I got 2 shotted literally 3 times in a row, dieing within moments of leaving the gate.


    I don't understand. What happened? What in the world did they do? Is there any kind of remedy? This isn't a skill issue. When you get killed seconds after leaving the gate there's no skill involved; there's nothing you can do.



    I'm not having fun anymore and it makes me quite sad. I used to be quite happy at how balanced and fun PvP was. This is not fun at all.

  14. They use them and pick conversations options they like.


    Is not like companion affection is hard to get in this game at all.


    Not really possible post 2.0.


    Now conversation gains are based on the level of the mission in relation to your level. Best you can do is gain like 25 or so on a normal "positive" and that's if the mission is higher than you by a good amount.


    For missions your level, you get 15 or lower.


    The really broke affection with 2.0. Horribly. Very very horribly.

  15. The patch notes indicated that the affection gain would now be scaled based on the level of the mission. Period.


    This is bugged. It is scaled based on the level of the mission IN RELATION TO YOUR LEVEL.


    So now if you spend time PvPing and doing space missions at all, you are completely hosed as far as companion affection goes. This is even more true if you took advantage of all the double XP weekends. It is an understatement to say this is totally unacceptable.

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