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Posts posted by pinmoney

  1. So what's my prize for hitting -100?


    LOL, that made me laugh.


    I appreciate the humor.


    To be honest , there is no in game changes. You are not forced to stay in a match.


    The only side affect is the monitoring.


    Well. I appreciate everyone that stopped by to throw their collective thoughts in. Even if nothing is changed , its nice to get the overall thoughts of people around me. I may be in a match and see someone leave, but I think now I will take a moment to look at their point of view a wee bit more.


    I am going to stop monitoring this thread I created, but, please continue to discuss. Thank you one and all.


    See ya on the field!

  2. You came up with this whole convoluted system, but you forgot something important: Your system doesn't actually DO anything. So I have -100 points. So what? So other people can see my -100? So what? It doesn't have any effect on anything. What's the punishment for having -100 points? What's the reward for having +100 points?


    So why go to all the trouble and waste all the development time on something that has ZERO impact on anything at all?


    Thats sorta the point. Yank. It has NO impact on the PvP at all. Who wants more rules to play the PvP.

    Hell, if you are perfectly honest with yourself, the Win and Lose records do almost nothing as well. You do not win on your own. You do not lose on your own. You get into bad games, does that mean you are a bad player.




    Then again, maybe you are a poor sport. May be you do quit. This tracks... that. The players have the control if they invite you to a pre-made.


    Cause that is what is boils down to. Are you worth making a pre-made for, if you are going to bail.


    Can you honestly say, you would NOT want to have some prior knowledge if a player is going to have your back into a pre-made, more so with ranked matches.


    You see exactly what the system does, I been saying the exact same thing, page...after page...after page.


    You are right though.


    What would you say if the -100 to +100 affected your overall Warzone rank?

  3. Then if this system would not work, perhaps we should have the Warzone Que more flexible.

    Like how it is for ranked Warzones.


    If we are allowed to pick which ones we want to play in, then we get poeple that WANT to play that map. If no one is queuing for the map, then after a period of time , the Que expands into other maps.


    This would be much like the how if you do not get a ranked match, after a time the Que will start expanding into non-ranked.


    Like that but with WZ maps.

  4. Congratulations, you've got uptight over a single sentence response with a simplistic, yet logical theory.


    Yeah I did. I should apologize. It was rude and pointless for me to make a comment like that. It shows no concept of cooperation. It was trollish and well just mean.


    Sorry Tim. After reading your expansion to your post, your edit, I find your idea of being able to que for the warzones you want to great.


    Would that deminish the PvP or expand it?


    If we have people queuing for matches that no one wants, will that make them que for others

    Or much like the matching system we could put down a priority of which ones we would want to be in and have the system do a "best match" that expands over time.


    Sorry tim, once again.

  5. ^Same guy will come in here complaining when there is no one queuenig because they all left due to this system.


    What an excellent post, no really. It had well thought out ideas... laughter, humor and a pile of trite condensation.


    You got a better idea maverick?


    Or is the idea of someone posting an idea to daunting for you. Please enlighten us, or perhaps expand on your wonderfully inaccurate and defamatory comment. :) I am sure we are all waiting on bated breath for your insight and overall tactful responses.


    OH all right you twisted my arm. I'll expand on that errr well I guess thought. I am sure there hand to be SOME brain activity the be able to make the letters line up so well.


    He is trying to say, if a system that introduced, not a punishment, but a over-all record of one's activities in PvP is introduced, this would cause a negative outlook to PvP overall. He feels that there would be a schism (divide for you Timmy) between the players that would like this and those that would not. This divide could reduce the overall players that would want to PvP and indirectly make less PvP matches for those that want to play.


    Thus the over all concept he is introducing is that there would be less PvP, to the point where I would come back at a later date and make a new post to find a way to introduce more players into PvP warzones.


    That sum it up timmy?


    Got to agree too.


    If we could Que for the warzones areas we want to play in, less would leave.

  6. Great responses! In such a small time. I can see why the system itself would not improve very much.


    I agree , this does come up every now and then, but if you look at the bright side. Sometimes opinions change, or other avenues of thoughts are explored. May be one day we can get a idea that people can agree on, or back.


    In such a short time there have been some really good posts on this. I am actually impressed.


    One question though that troubles me. Does Group Finder still make it a lose in ranked warzone if you leave?


    I rather NOT have that be the case.

  7. I don't care for ideas of leaving a warzone causing a negative impact, and here's why. I play while I am at work, that's the only time I CAN play since I don't have internet at my home, and it's 45 minutes to town in any direction for me. Sometimes, while I am playing, even in the middle of a warzone, someone comes up and it requires me to do about 2 minutes of work. More than enough time for an enemy player to come kill me, and for the Warzone to kick me. I would be upset beyond all belief if I got another penalty other than no EXP, no Valor and no commendations.


    Yes personal life can cuase problems, but that is also a factor in ranked matches. The concept is to have a rating on all factors, not only if a person quits, but if they NEED to quit. On a non-ranked match I would love to battle with you. Then again if the ranked match needs your undivided attention, your work would interfere.


    If would cause turmoil, that is not to be disregarded. Yet the trend is to look and leave. People see you quit out, they do not see the reasons why. I can understand how it would be frustrating. Would you say this would work better for ranked matches only?

  8. we have the vote kick




    That only works if they are not participating, if they are just out and about looking for 1v1 fights or to harass some idiot yet not really helping the team the VK will not work.


    That is a very good point. Its impossible to track a player just out to cause havoc.

    I did mention the medals would gain you more points though. There is medals for damage, attackers, and defenders, and time . Would you think that only certain medals would be tracked as gain in points. If you are doing what you should then you would gain more points.

    On the other hand, taking down possible enemies is in a round-about way helping, may be not directly.



    QUOTE jolleebindu

    When it counts it is. If you leave a rated match it counts as a loss. The unrated matches are for more casual players. Enforcing quitting rules on casual players is a bad idea.


    Hmm very good point. Would you say then this is better suited for just the ranked matches, or would you stand that the lose is suitable on its own?


    Also how do you feel on the lose recorded for non-ranked?

    I could see how the system itself would discourage others to PvP even in non-ranked matches.

  9. Give it up and QQ more,,,


    None of you even realize that right now is the better thing. A person who leaves when the going gets tough is NOT someone you want on your team ANYWAYS. You will not be punishing them for leaving you will be punishing yourself and others like you because ALL THEY WILL DO IS JACK AROUND.


    Seriously think about it I would rather people leave and maybe get someone who is decent then to force them to stay and have them do jack..... Vote kick only works if they are not participating well that is easy really.


    So back off and let them LEAVE for the LOVE A GOD


    Besides why would some people (myslef included) want to put themselves through noobie pvp when the they can't even hold a single node? No thanks I have better things to do.


    You do have a good point, even if its full of bile and hate. I must say, since you start the post with the standard "QQ", I immediately am ready to disregard anything that you type. But , I shall answer your vicious attack with some thoughts.


    You also have to consider, Am I GOING to get someone else?

    Just because the quitter leaves, does not mean I WILL get someone better, I may also get someone worse. That is pure speculation.

    The fact is , if I have a team mate leave, I am one person down. There is no guarantees someone will replace them.


    Also that someone's actions will degrade if there is a system that will ACTUALLY TRACK their behavior.

    If we have someone that fools around, we have the vote kick, or need I remind you of that.


    Let them leave for the love of god? There is a button, I am not asking to FORCE that you can not leave. I am asking that I can see, if I am going to start a match with someone that WILL NOT LEAVE, or jack around.


    Don't you get it?


    If you have this system, and are going to make a pre-made for ranked or non-ranked. You can see what you are getting into. Or would you rather jump in and hope we get someone as stellar and personable as you?


    I honestly am not sure, who "QQ"'s more. Then person that tries to make a debate on this, or the Highly vocal minority that screams whenever someone tries to make a new post.


    He has a point non-the-less. IS it better to have them leave and get a replacement, or is there a trend that once a person leaves its harder to get the spot filled? Thank you for your insight.

  10. I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

    Here is a break down I been thinking about.


    1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

    2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

    3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

    4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

    5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

    6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

    7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

    8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


    You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


    Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





    You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


    1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

    2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

    3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

    4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

    5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


    You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





    I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


    I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



    So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.

  11. try /stuck


    I know after some cc Im running around and everything is out of range like Im lagging..... Ive basically fallen below the map or something and /stuck syncs things back up.


    I havent been in the perma stun for awhile to try it but Im guessing its the same issue of not being synced right with the map


    /stuck does not work. I had this done to me twice ..... today. No lag, synced fine. I did notice right at the moment I died a player pulled off a stun trigger on me.


    Seems be be happening a lot more. I would not put it past someone to try to use this as an exploit.

  12. When you are suddenly over ran by 8 sorcerers.


    when you log into the voidstar defending, with 6 seconds to start..... but you are taking a 30 second Fing speeder ride. Geeze I hate that.


    when you have 5 people defending the left turret, but 3 people trying to take the other 2..... against 8.


    When you have the same odds of getting the game pvp war-zone you want to play, or getting a date from the internet that is not going to try to kill you afterwards.


    When you find that you would rather place your friends on ignore, then accept one more Fing party invite for warzones.


    When you find your friends are in a different warzone cause it auto qued you solo after the last match.... and there match is winning.

  13. i dunno dude. he did get you to make this poast, and according to some, this would make him the victor. also, he could have been eating a sammich while dancing on your cold dead corpse.


    You do have a point. He never left though. Yet, If he can control his character with one hand and make a sandwich at the same time, then eat it, he clearly would be the victor.


    And yes I did make the post, but if I didn't he would assume I was waiting all that time for him to leave. Its a catch 22. I choose the lesser of the evils.


    meh I thought the story sucked..


    basically you avoided world PvP, while posting in the PvP forum where everyone complains theres no world pvp. Next time just ask in general for help if he out lvls you, most of the time this is how epic battles start


    Never said the story was good. LOL If I had some back up I would have got it. I did try to get others to help, but once I said he was much higher then us.... the commentary for assistance dried up like fish on a rock. It was a shame.


    The turkey sandwich was excellent though.

  14. So yesterday I was rolling through planet Aldy (nickname) doing some quests when I was suddenly attacked by a level 44 sith. Now I will not name right out any names, but I bet that guy was sitting with a fair amount of anticipation and trollin for kills. He seemed pretty loathsome to me.


    I was 35, so of course I put up a good fight but I really was not much of a match. He killed me in a mater of a minute. I didn't fight back right away, but I should have, got some good licks in. In doesn't matter. Here is the funny part.


    He stayed to see if I would revive. I was not going to give him another target, yet again so I waited. While I waited I did a few things:


    1: went outside de-iced my car's windows.

    2: made a sandwich.


    I checked back, he was still there, doing /sit over and over. I am sure that had a lot of impact on my character. So I stepped away again.


    3: Changed the litter box.

    4: took out the trash


    checked back, yep still there. This time he was dancing. I guess I could only imagine he thought he was getting the best of me. Like I was in some rage. Its a PvP server, its bound to happen, just got to roll with it. so after waiting and watching him, I invited a two other guys I had over playing the Xbox.


    I showed them this nameless person, had some good laughs. He was by then trying to pretend he was leaving on his speeder. Funny thing. I still had him targeted, so I could tell exactly how far away he was. So I...


    5: paid a few bills on line.

    6: looked up some locations of datacrons.

    7: planned out some crafting.


    He eventually tried to hide behind a building thinking I would not see him. I did, plus he was still targeted. My buddies laughed at that. This big hulking sith juggernaut trying to hide around a corner, Its like hoisting a cow into a tree to hide.


    good 20+ mins had gone by before he tired to hide.


    So I finished off my sandwich, finished the chapter on the book I was reading. And he left.

    Right as he left, I jumped up, /yelled a big "ha ha ha ha ha" cause I am petty, and finished my quest. Not only that, but I went and immediately got the datacron that was near by and knew exactly how to get it since I spent some time researching it.


    The point I make, during those 30 minutes (in total) I kept productive not only in real life, but things for the game as well.


    in those 30 mins, he sat, danced , and play hide and go seek. He thinks he was preventing me from leaving, but in reality I was preventing him. I could have went to the medical center at any time and been perfectly safe. Done a few other quests.


    Sometimes its better just to gank and move on.

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