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Posts posted by Talon_Sora

  1. Bonjour. Aujourd'hui j'ai voulu créé un Contrebandier Cathar et quand j'ai voulu lui donner un nom, le jeu me dit qu'il faut un espace et au moins lettres pour que le nom soit valide. Il s'est passé un truc spécifique récemment?

    Sinon, pour ceux qui essaieraient de régler ce problème en achetant l'objet du Cartel qui vaut 1000 pièces qui nous permet de changer de nom et de l'utiliser dans le jeu, ça ne marche pas malheureusement. Dans mon cas, j'ai maintenant un Cathar Contrebandier avec 2 noms et un nom d'héritage et 1000 pièces de Cartel en moins...

  2. So, 2 things.


    I get why you feel solo play is being punished. With 6.0, the developers practically converted all the game systems to solo play. At least a significant portion of them. It was needed at the time to keep the game going, as EA wasn't investing heavily into SWTOR at that time. But EA losing the exclusivity on the SW license combined with their failure to do anything with said license changed things, and based on hiring practices over the past 24 months, they reinvested in their one real money-making SW property. It also matters that Anthem fell hard. Basically it left EA and BioWare with nowhere to turn but to reinvest in SWTOR.


    So 7.0 is the culmination of that reinvestment. The move away from solo play stings for you, and I get that, but they are putting the game back to how it was originally meant to be, but this time with a renewed focus on player retention, which is brand new to BioWare's core game philosophy (before, James Ohlen stated it was preferred that players unsub and go away until there was new content, which seemed like business suicide to me).


    I was here before 6.0, so the grouping stuff doesn't bother me as much as it would for the people who were used to the solo play of 6.0.


    But I will give a piece of advice - you will always find that toxic element in ANY MMO when it comes to pick up groups. Its not just a SWTOR thing. And the best way to counter that is to find a Guild. Not all Guilds are good, and I have seen some toxic ones in my day (one of the worst was named after a bed and bath furnishing store), but if you just keep at it, you will find there are some really good guilds out there that are new player and/or solo player - friendly. A guild might be counter-intuitive to a solo player, but trust me, finding a good guild can make all the difference in terms of positive group play.


    I didn't realize the situation was that bad at EA and Bioware...


    Otherwise, I might give another chance to missions in groups one day but not right now (mainly because I fear the toxic guild I was talking about might wait for the right moment to ruin the group PvP/PvE experience for me again, I mean, a high ranked member even changed characters just to harass me, I had to block his entire legacy to stop that), however, there's no way I'm giving another chance to being in a guild.


    Let's face it, I prefer to enjoy Solo content and only rarely do Flashpoint/Operations missions, which pissed people in the only guild I joined and I feel guilds are for people who are mostly into the "group experience" of SWTOR.


    Also, there's still the problem of moddable gear and mods being unavailable below an item rating of 334 in the future 7.0 update. Like I said many times on this website and others, I'm not happy about this at all (especially since it basically means all that spent cash and efforts in the game to acquire rare equipment will be worthless) and I would have prefered if Bioware at least let people prefering Solo content use "Green quality" mods, people who often play to Flashpoint missions "Blue quality" mods, Operations "Purple quality" mods and for the highest level of difficulty for Flashpoint/Operation missions the "Gold quality" mods...

  3. Revenaught, thanks for the Serenity quote, I think I will do a Firefly/Serenity marathon tonight. :)


    Otherwise, I don't think Legacy of the Sith will be released this year. I mean, have you all seen in the dev tracker what Bioware is still working on despite the vague "Holidays 2021" release date? There's no way Bioware will finish working on the expansion and fix all known problems before 2022.

  4. Cedia, the thing is that there's more than just two Operations concerning the Dread Masters. Karraga's Palace is foreshadowing the Dread Masters betrayal, Explosive Conflict introduce the puppet of the Dread Masters "Warlord Kephess", Scum and Villainy finally let us fight the first Dread Master (Styrak) and we meet for the last time Kephess in Terror from Beyond.


    Also, Operations are way more tactical than Flashpoint missions, there's even puzzles you can't solve alone (including against bosses, if I remember correctly). Seeing more Solo versions of Flashpoint missions (with the exception of the Colicoid Flashpoint no one is doing anymore due to a major unsolved bug) is more possible than for any Operation to be done alone.

  5. My only real problem with the 7.0 update is the fact that Bioware is punishing people who prefer to enjoy the story & solo content and prevent them from having access to modifications or modded equipment unless they do hard group missions like Flashpoints or Operations. That's it.


    I don't mind having access to "green" mods/equipments only, I just want to not feel like grinding locked crates or paying for Cartel Market equipments was a waste of time... Once the 7.0 update is out, all of what solo players will have accumulated over the years would be basically costly & pointless armors/weapons skins (since mods won't exist for them anymore).


    Also, I wouldn't mind doing Flashpoints or Operations if most players I've met until I stopped doing such missions weren't such toxic people (hell, the ONE guild I joined was trying to harass me into doing Flashpoint/Operations in Master mode when I definitively had not the level or the equipment for it and mocked me for how I played my characters and my choice of Cartel armor/weapon), if you have an idea when normal, decent and polite people are playing the game on ANY server, please tell me.

  6. That sucks that credits and XP will be removed from Conquest rewards, thanks to that I was able to add HK-51 to my team early (he cost over 1M credits to add to a character's team) and not stress about being the right level when continuing my adventure...


    But if this is the main cause of why we are seeing insane prices on the Galactic Market (like 40M for an armor set), removing credits/XP from Conquest rewards might not be just a bad thing.

  7. I think I also remember Bioware saying the focus will now be on non-moddable gear and mods will only be available for the highest tier of equipment.


    Unless vullk.com and the many forum topics about 7.0 gear are not a reliable source and the multiple videos on YouTube on the subject are fake, this is unfortunately happening.

  8. I hope this doesn’t come stand-off’ish but why do you make it sound like they’re removing modded gear entirely?


    This doesn’t imply the removal of moddable gear from the game, it just implies that it’s not “the best” for content. There is the Outfit Designer for your favorite armors and weapons if it bothers you that much.


    I am annoyed that BioWare is giving us fixed stat values themselves rather than giving us the freedom to allocate them ourselves to begin with, but this wouldn’t be the driving factor with relearning the game. If you’re a solo/casual player with absolutely no interest in the hard content, then you will be fine with your regular routine even without the “best in slot” gear. If gearing is your driving force in this game, then I can see why BioWare would incentivize the diminishing raiding/pvp community by adding gear.


    Though I will say, I think everyones complaints are valid and this is certainly bold of BioWare to implement this many changes at once but aside from that, it’s just another expansion learning curve that everyone will get used to— like in any other expansion.


    The moddable stuff will now only be available for those playing Operations, the 334 stuff what. It's as if you removed mods and equipments that use them from the game to people who don't play to Operations.


    That and the fact that mods vendors on the fleet are being removed to make place for the new "Decurion" vendors.

  9. If you need to stay annoyed, throw your annoyance at me.


    Ok then. I'm annoyed when people are basically invalidating my opinion if it's negative. I'm annoyed when I answer comments people see it as "personal attacks" or just saying "you're just trying to find excuses to be pissed" (it didn't happened here but it was today and it's still fresh in my mind). I'm annoyed that people are completely missing the point on why I'm annoyed I won't be able to play with my favorite armors/weapons anymore since Mods won't be accessible without playing missions I can't even participate to (due to toxic players or lack of players period when I play). I'm annoyed that I feel Bioware is basically making me re-learn how to play what was one of my favorite Star Wars games until now.



  10. Enough with the ad hominem personal attacks.


    As her guld leader I can attest C.M. does in fact play the game, in depth, across many classes, demonstrates broad knowledge of those classes, operations mechanics, and is avidly testing on PTS.


    Yes. She does play.


    Redirect your anger at me if you need to be snarky with someone.


    I just said that I doubted C.M played the game at all after I felt he/she doubted I played the game recently and completely missed the point of why this new update annoyed me a lot.


    If that and providing what I think is evidence against something C.M said counts as "personal attacks", then the problem isn't me here.

  11. Bioware is making it difficult to stay loyal to SWTOR, especially if we have to re-learn how to play the game after every "major update"...


    I was happy with everything we got so far, I could finally play solo content without getting killed because of bad "static gear" imposed by the game, use every skills I wanted and NOT pay in credits for them and not be stressed out about my characters levels/equipment when going to the next part of the story. I literally have the impression to go back to the 1.0 version of the game (with only a few upgrades from later versions kept around) and that SWTOR will basically punish me for prefering to enjoy Solo content...


    I'm staying until "Legacy of the Sith" is actually released but if it's as bad as it looks (especially for casual & solo players), no more SWTOR subscription.

  12. And you Crystal_Mind, have you played the game at all? Did you ever tried to play with a full adaptive armor set from the Cartel Market or anywhere else in SWTOR but without any Mods on it? I can assure you, you'll get killed in-game in no time if you tried that.


    This is no decoration or weapons/armors appearance problem, this is a true problem where people can't wear the armor they want or use the weapon they want anymore because Bioware is literally removing modifications from the game for those only playing Solo content and push them to play harder missions despite the difficulty of finding a decent group/group alone.


    Unless you have evidence of the contrary, you're just disagreeing for the sake of it.


    Me? I have evidence of Mods vendors getting removed from the game, a YouTuber who has access to the beta of the new Expansion posted a few videos and I think I recognized the area where the vendors of the 60-75 levels Mods were when she showed the new "Decurion" armors.





    It's not much as evidence but it's still more than what you "showed" so far.

  13. Yeah... Except that my main source of Mods was the 270 rating mods sold on the fleets and Bioware is removing that to make place for the new "Decurion equipment" vendors from what I heard and my only other way to get Mods (since I only play Solo content) was the renown system and Bioware is getting rid of that too...


    All of that is making me very worried for the equipment I already have alone...

  14. I was under the impression that their post was in reference to strictly cosmetics not gearing. I assumed this because 6.0 gearing revolved around set bonuses which neither Cartel Market Items or Alliance Crates provided and therefore purely are cosmetic.


    I can understand why people are visibly upset, however I also think that it’s a nice change especially if it could potentially intrigue players into doing harder content— giving them more reason to play.

    Also, CMIIW (@Devs) I hear that legacy ops will be scaled to level 80 which wouldn’t result in a predetermined stat allocation. I do agree however that going from moddable gear to predetermined stats is a bit much considering it takes away the freedom to freely allocate stats to fit our playstyles.


    No, it was about gearing and mods. Also there's players who don't like doing HARD content and prefer ENJOYING the game for its story, you know, the solo stuff.


    Not counting the fact it's hard as f* just to find the right people to do said "hard content" (by "right people", I meant people who wouldn't ask for money to help, people who wouldn't let you die before the last boss is killed and fire you from the group to prevent you from getting the loot, people who abandon you or rage quit during a Flashpoint/Operation mission, a Guild who wouldn't try to harass you into doing "harder content" or because they don't like how you play your characters...).


    F* Bioware and anyone else agreeing with them basically removing Mods and the usefulness of adaptive armors from the game (and basically saying all efforts to get the "perfect" equipment players wanted until now are worthless).


    Sorry for my language but I'm angry and frustrated right now...

  15. And what will happen to the armor sets inside the "Alliance Locked Crates" we get when we finish Heroics missions and unlock on Odessen?


    I had to get and open HUNDRED of crates to get "Dreadguard" sets for the 8 character classes. I feel the 7.0 update is making all of these efforts and grinding worthless...

  16. I have moddable armors & weapons on my characters (Gold/Platinum) and Bioware wants to remove modifications and adaptive armors from SWTOR, what will happen to them? Will the game give me the equivalent of what I currently have in normal armors/weapons when the 7.0 update is released? Will I be forced to re-buy armors/weapons/accessories to be able to continue to play?
  17. Speaking of Mods, what will happen to our current equipment? I mean, on my Sith Ravager and Sith Assassin I have "Cartel market" armors and weapons and has given an adaptive armor to my favoriter partner for each class, since modifications will be a thing of the past ("thanks" Bioware...), will all my stuff be forcibly removed and taken to my inventory/safe? Or will the game give me a complete equipment which is equivalent in terms of overall strength and just put my Cartel armors/weapons in the "character decorations" thing I heard about?
  18. Hello. It's been years since I felt motivated in doing hard missions to get the best equipment possible for my characters and I want the absolute best equipment there is right now for my Nautolan Sith Juggernaut.


    What Flashpoint and/or Operation mission offers the best loot for the players? What "fragments" would be needed to buy them on the fleet (if necessary) and how much of those fragments are dropped in Flashpoint and Operation missions?

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