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Posts posted by scottgw

  1. With 4.0a, release of KOTFE and now this that makes 3 downtimes in a week. If you reimburse only the exact time it was down that is also ridiculous as it does NOT factor in the time most cannot play as we do not have 24/7 available to us even if the server is indeed up. SWTOR relies on the consumer and as one i feel disappointed in the inconsistency of this games availability. I think it is fair that the consumer be reimbursed in the form of 2 days sub or cartel coin worth.
  2. Some of us pay for this game, and 2 times this week alone i was shorted more than 7 hrs of game time. This being the ONLY time available to play. Then i log in and NONE of the tiresome new bugs are fixed? Respec is still bugged, i looted an artifact quality implant with NO STATS. Tactical Flashpoints are now a complete joke, as it is too hard to complete these with low level characters just boosted in stats. Boosted stats doesnt replace missing VITAL skills and utilities to survival, and the more experienced players are being greatly hindered by those who have completely no idea what is going on. The people who are not full level SHOULD be experiencing this with people their level and in easier content modes. Also constantly in random warzones one team (especially) in 4v4 has fewer players then the others. We also cannot choose a WZ but we can choose which flashpoints or OP we would like to run?? Please focus less on story, companions, and cartel items. Put more focus in the gameplay, as first and foremost this is an online video game.
  3. My point is, it is obvious the comment was meant to mean something to the effect mercenary has unfair abilities. That is simply not true, mercenary has its drawbacks.
  4. To the in combat invites, this would mean we have to stand around or not be aggro'd at all when joining a warzone. I for one, que while running my pve quests, as im sure many do for the sake of multi tasking.


    As to the chickening out, well you dont know when u will be called to join and you dont have all day to accept.


    The fact all people on the same side are not grouped together often dwarfs these complaints. Also, why not allow 6 v 6 battles, but not having the proper amount of players when a warzone begins is a faulty system. I mean, there should never exist a warzone being aborted because of the group size.

  5. When u have an ability that requires no movement, irregardless of the shield that supposedly prevents interrupt; being moved any bit interrupts any ability you use.
  6. Apparently you haven't pvp'd on master gnost-dural.

    I'm on a server where republic has a guild that pretty much rolls pvp all day long. Three nights ago we counted 52 consecutive pub wins before everyone quit for the night. All the while pubs had control of ilum and only stealthers could even have a chance at armaments.

    For pretty much the last 2 weeks pubs have dominated and imps can't do **** about it.


    The bigger issue is that people can't finish daily or weekly missions when the bigger side wins literally every game all day long, and that is bull ****. Give them plenty of extra medals and some valor but really, daily denial is ridiculous.


    This can be related to the fact that theres 100's of servers. Less servers would solve alot of these issues

  7. all i read is alot of whining, theres actual issues that need to be resolved like the amount of servers and all players actually being grouped upon the start of warzones.
  8. In nearly every warzone i enter there is not enough people to start it, and some people are left out of the group! In one instance i was not shown in my own group! This is totally messed up, and ruins group play!
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