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Posts posted by Ganadora

  1. Where to start



    First impression


    The first impression is very important which means that the first thing the players do in the game should not be the SAME THING they do in all other games. It should be an epic start to an epic adventure. Put a lot of effort into making it the coolest experience they have ever had in a starting zone.


    I stopped reading here, because when you look at the MOST successful MMO of all-time, wow, you will see that their starting zones were anything but EPIC.


    Kill kobolds? Kill some wolves and troggs? God, let's not talk about Tirisfal Glades...man, epic...right. The game didn't get interesting for alliance until Westfall. And originally for the horde, it NEVER got interesting, all the races except UD ended up in THE BARRENS.


    Nothing epic about it.


    I thought star wars did a MUCH better job than wow ever did with their opening campaign.

  2. I'm only like level 12. Had the game for a while now, but just don't have much time to spend playing it. I like it though, nice break when it happens, but I did do an instance on my Sith Marauder last night and got yelled at for "taking too long" with my replies.


    It seems, already, there are too many people speeding through the storyline.

  3. I don't see anything wrong with it per se, but just like gearscore (yeah, remember in wow when that was popular) more often than not, people will abuse it to the point of absurdity.


    It ends up becoming: "oh my god, you are doing 100 less dps the this other guy who is in tricked out gear and overlevels the content by a considerable margin" Kick.


    Yeah, bit of an overstatement, but people DO take it to the extremes, and that is the point.


    For everyone one person who uses it correctly, especially guilds who analyze the data for the hardest of hard encounters to pick apart what went wrong, I can bet there are 5 or 10 who will misuse or misinterpret the information.

  4. Im Talking about Vanilla WoW, Not what is has become 7 years later.

    Im Talking about when WoW was less than a month old it had all the content im claiming.


    No, it didn't. The original wow, before any experience changes required the exact same zones, unless you were instance grinding. At higher levels it was even WORSE. Considering half the now present zones weren't even populated until later on or during patches.


    TONS of zones were DEAD; devoid of any quests whatsoever, and in the event you did get a quest there (azshara for instance) it was from a major city.


    1 path for horde and 1 for alliance, very few contested zones had multiple faction hubs -- perhaps hillsbrad and arathi were exceptions.


    On top of that, nothing was streamlined at all; quests would require you to fly from Tanaris to Darnasuss -- that's like a 15 minute flight, AND back to turn in some quests. It was absolutely nuts.


    And, as far as end game went; 2 raids -- Molten core and onyxia -- and yeah, I guess you could count UBRS, so 3. And you had the L60 stuff. Other games have more content at launch then wow ever did.


    4 dungeons, 3 raids. Wow. So much there.

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