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Posts posted by CoppertheBeagle

  1. They we're doing it for ya'lls own safety. "oh no! Corsin is melting the brains of those american kids again with his debating! quic***k before they rage quit the game lock the topic. "


    Sorry guys!!! <3


    Coming from a country where like a million % of their money comes from celebrating the royal family

  2. kickball seems like a weird idea as we can just set up ranked solo ques at the same time. that would prolly work just as well. I dont do 4v4s as playing my gunslinger now makes me want to cry and break things(yeah im a big baby) as i suck on him now but setting up a night where every1 ques might be a good idea.


    ps rincepz no disrespect but you are def not the most hated player on the server. There are plenty of other ppl I and know for a fact others hate much more so if you want to keep that title step up your trolling.

  3. I understand what he wants. He's full 72s has no need for elite or ultimate other than gearing companions or vendoring gear. He want to turn his useless comes into basic so he can buy Isotopye-5 to either craft his remaining 72 mods for BiS or to sell.


    I'm not sure how I would feel about this. I wouldn't mind the ability to trade down if you don't need the upper level stuff, but it could also devalue isotopye 5.


    Both of those points are true. I was looking for more of an opinion of the general population on this topic. I should have probably put this in the crafting forum. The thing is it will devalue isotope 5 which would make ppl gear up quicker. The question is if it would be way too quick. I also don't think a lot of people farm basic comms anymore as the dailies are a pain. and the weeklies are even more of a pain except the gsi one.

  4. No I want to go the other way. I want to trade down. I want to trade elite comms for basic comms. kind of like the way you can trade 10 ranked warzone comms for 10 warzone comms. Not the other way to trade.


    The main reason is elite comms to me are useless. I am almost full 72 and need isotope 5. Basic comms have more value to me then elite comms

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