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Posts posted by Roscius

  1. Skadge is showing a 0% chance to shield and 0% absorb rating. He's wearing a generator and defensive armor.


    In the tooltip it says Shield Chance (160): +9.15%

    Skills/Buffs: -9.15%


    same story with absorb tooltip


    tried taking off all armor, reapplying, changing his stances, etc


    anyone else having this problem?

  2. Not sure if trolling.


    Most of the top Arena Teams in WoW use Skype, and that seems to work just fine. Skype is way better than vent or teamspeak, MUCH less lag, and the quality is way better. Never heard of Raid Call.




    My guild is nothing but ex-glads from wow, and we use nothing but Skype

    Better response time, great quality, no push to talk

  3. In that situation, it would suck.


    Luckily, the situation of two players with the exact same skills is impossible, so the hypothetical situation has little to no basis in reality.


    Every person you fight is unique, with unique skills and deficiencies.


    Find their deficiencies and you can beat them, regardless of their gear.


    I'm playing the bloody warzones as a 16 sniper lately and downing 50s, you can deal with a little gear disparity.


    After reading your posts its clear you've completely missed the point of this thread.


    This isn't about skill or hardly even about pvp itself. Its about the arbitrary pvp loot system.


    Yes, skill trumps all, but getting rewarded for the many hours spent in BZs would be nice, and seeing a valor 3 casual with 3 pieces of champion is maddening.

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