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Posts posted by IronjawSam

  1. I have the digital upgrade which allows me to use the VIP section of the fleet. Which is truly a waste of space. You would think there would be a mailbox, cargo access, guild bank access, crew skill vendor, and any and all other amenities the fleet had to offer in one area for a VIP. Instead there is NOTHING of any use up there. BIOWARE!! Why would you not at least offer the stuff I mentioned above up there??? Seriously man, its awaste of money for someone to buy anything but the regular version. VERY DISAPPOINTED. :(
  2. Our guild just spent 15 million credits for a bank tab. That is outragous until I found out our next one is 30 million credits. Seriously.....:mad: Bioware, there should have been a price cap at 10 million or somewhere therabouts...We take pride in the game and our guild is one of the best in the game...and we use our guild funds to allow us to free repairs in Operations...the amount of mats and the prices selling them make it virtually impossible to make 30 million to spend on a tab. Please reconsider the amount and price cap this so we can all enjoy using the guild bank to its full potential. God Bless all. .
  3. Except now those unaugmented implants ones sell too. just that you can only sell the augmented ones for ~90k more than the unaugmented. Oh noes. The horror.


    yes but the whole point of being lucky enough to get a crit was for the augment...and yes now the unaugmented ones sell too...altho they sold before just fine. The augmented ones dont sell for 90k more, that was before...now its at the price of the MK kits lowest price avg now around 45k. So its not worth making implants unless you go out to farm the mats because the price of the mats exceed the MK kit prices. So your better off selling the mats to make a profit. and honestly...Its not worth keeping biochem anymore.

  4. here is something else being crushed by these new augments. Implants with augments was a sweet thing for a biochem crafter....now their useless because people will just buy the cheaper implant and add the augment themselves. Good job bioware for screwing the biochems again! Making stims with higher stats then the ones a biochem crafter uses for all to use wasn't enough!! Thanks for the double slam BOIWARE!! :mad:
  5. How about offering to be able to change your guilds name? I know I would love to be able to do that and Im sure their are others too. My guild members quit and I would like to start over and a name change would be perfect especially now that server transfers have happend. I wouldn't even mind paying for it if its possible. :)
  6. The MK schematics should have been a vendor item...the entire economy has been handed over to a couple of crew skills to be able to have outrageous markups and people will be forced to pay it if they want top things. I have an armomech so trust me, im laughing at all of the people out there not waiting till the prices drop. Way to drop the ball Bioware again. :D
  7. The schematic for the kits should have been a crew skill vendor item. Why on Earth would you make it only for a few specific trades and not all. This is why people quit the game Bioware...because you dont keep a fair balance throughout. People will make money off the making of augments, and the farming of the mats, plus everyone needs to Re-engineer items for mats. What you have done is upset the balance in the auction house even if it is for a little time and made it awesome for a few crew skills. Who do you have running the show over there, they need to be fired for stupidity.
  8. Subscription cancelled. Im not going to feed you my good hard earned cash when your taking the weekend to see how its working out...if you were going to do that, then you should have calculated the weekend people weeks ago. Making the last 10 pct wait while you guys take the weekend off is just crap. Not one of us believes its so you can calculate weekend players. GIMME A BREAK!!!
  9. I cancelled my subscription, when they ask me why I did this, I am proudly going to say it was cause you told me to leave. Not for the fact they are losing people left and right because of so many problems the game has...this server Xferr dilemma seemed to have me on the fence, but now I am convinced the games in decline. Thanks for the push! Have fun playing the game with no one soon! :eek:
  10. In star wars there was speeder races on Tattoine? What do you thing about adding something like that to the game? Racing your friends for credits or gear/speeder parts. I think that would be a blast!


    How about companion dueling or companion PVP. It would be fun to watch your companion duel it out with your friends companion or letting your companion fight it out Sith vs Jedi. :)

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