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Posts posted by robcamp

  1. Could I get some love for the best tank class in the game, if you have awareness and skill?


    All these people crying that the class is not as easy as the others simply stink at being a tank and need mad AoE threat to save their horrible skills.


    Can't hold threat = your rotation is wrong

    Can't grab AoE threat = Learn to tab target and use your taunts correctly

    Taking too much damage = replace your crappy gear/spec


    Suck it up buttercup, the class is beast if you have skill. If not you should just go play DPS or heals unless that it too complicated for you as well. :D


    I agree with everything you said. People love to QQ about a class just because it requires some skill to play. I sincerely hope BioWare does not dumb down Jugg Tanks.

  2. 1 - Guarding a healer is a good idea.

    - This is not true because: The 50% damage reduction is for PVP only, and the 5% damage reduction is barely noticeable. The threat reduction is infinitely more useful in PVE if put on a DPS. Don't guard your healer.


    2 - Only taunt when you lose aggro, save your taunts for this.

    - This is not true because: Taunting in this game puts you a set percentage above the current highest threat in the group. Taunting whenever it's off cooldown is advisable to build threat, unless of course you need said taunt for a boss mechanic.


    3 - Jugg tanks suck.

    - This is not true because: It's the player, not the class. If you've truly played a geared Jugg tank, and still think they suck then you are a bad player.


    edit: grammar.

  3. as a tank that's ran this probably 20 times, without being knocked off once I can tell you without a doubt that OP is doing something wrong.


    keep your back to the wall at the side of the stairs until 15 percent or so, then move him towards the ledge with your back towards the long hallway, if he knocks you back you wont fall off. when he starts casting lighting force push him off the edge. its INCREDIBLY easy, and there is no excuse for being knocked off.


    seriously, if I ran as dps with a tank that got knocked off I'd kick him from group and find another.


    only thing wrong with this fight is it's too easy. he should hit harder, and cast unlimited power more often.

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