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Posts posted by Judgeofdeceit

  1. look ive really been thinking about crew skills. I am biochem so i know that its way unbalance, I understand that there was probably an intent to make bio chem buff as in terms of being OP and not have very good money rewards to it. So my thought is why not do something like WOW did. NOTE: this will be the ONLY time i speak of world of warcraft in a good manner :p They had a good idea with crafting by adding a bonus to it. Now i do understand you have a +crit or w/e that goes alot with crew skills that is passive. What i am saying is go further than this and have it where you can put an extra enhancement slot in two items, grant a skill that would buff you or create pvp armor or even like a certain piece or 2 of armor or weapons that was just WAY OP compared to anything else in the game ( would have to be able to have a pvp /pve version of OP item). My point being Biochem is overpowered YES but it takes ALOT of time and work to get the resources u need. On top of that the proc rates are retarded. I had 30 freaking blue stim and reversed eng. them and did not get a purple schem. i tried 10 10 10 stacks and still no purple schem. This is the only crew skill i have seen such a low proc rate. I think other skills need to be buffed and biochem changed instead of nerfing something. I dont believe nerfing anything in a game is the way to solve something. You guys made this game a certain way for a reason and instead of completely changing it, i think adjusting it would be a better approach.
  2. you guys cry like little girls. Who cares if it favors ranges classes in one wz look at any other wz torrent dont favor ranged classes, Secondly did you happen to notice the melee and close combat class happen to have 10 times the CC ranged class do I WONDER WHY HMMMM maybe to compensate??? but i understand you noobs dont think that far??? why is everyone in the game always complaining about the classes?? ive played several classes now and they are all equal in str and weakness u can continue to QQ all u want but i suggest you go back to PLAYING WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!! see its not the classes that are unbalance its that you guys just dont have skill cause u've never played a real PVPMMO and case close CRY ME A RIVER BABY
  3. I can not understand why they are already beginning nerfing classes when scoundrels get killed fast and put out Op dmg isnt that balanced??? Killed fast/Able to kill fast that is the way it should be and now they are taking our ability to do Op dmg its is going to suck in PVP. On top the that why does dirty fighting suck so bad what is the point in even having that skill tree??? i think if they are going to nerf our Scrapper they should Boost Dirty fighting so that we have some variety!!! Second look at the Jedi counselors thier DMG out put is far beyond ours, thier surviability is WELL beyond ours and they nerf us??? i cant understand it honestly i am quite disappointed in this game so far. They do not have any good healer classes and instead of boosting healing, they nerf dmg its going to be a nerf war i can already see it. they begin with one class than another class get nerfed and next thing you know they are buffing everyone up again because the damage is way wacked. they need to just leave it alone how they originally made the game and keep it like that!!!If ppl do not like it than go play another game!!!! I cant stand when PPL QQ about a class on boards/forums and they end up nerfing that class. Basically i think they should keep all the class like they are Jedi counselers/sith are OP but only if you have skill to Optimize ur char is the same way for scoundrels. they are going to end up making it where ppl with out skill can be good because every class is so nerfed down!!! Let us skilled players OWN :D
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