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Posts posted by KungfuRabbit

  1. Cancelled my subscription - c-y'all later!


    4 hours this morning and I managed to play 10 warzones, all of which were aborted since no repubs joined, and couldn't even find 1 other person to do a FP with.


    What is there for a lvl 50 to do with no server population?


    Combine your 50,000,001 servers down to like 3 so there is enough population on your crappy game to do something and I might come back.

  2. What is the logic for giving imperials credit towards their daily / weekly for matches they only had to show up for?


    This morning I played 10 matches, 9 of which were ended immediately since we had 4 people show up. The last 1 one we got ***** (no big surprise, they have way better equipment).


    So how is it fair that an imp can get 9 wins to get their weekly quest in about 1 hour strictly by showing up when between last night and today ~25 WZ matches I am not even done with my daily?

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