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Posts posted by Aiseldin

  1. Sith Recluse set. The chestpiece is consistently above my capital. I would love to have it for my Juggernaut.


    Also the vanilla Revan's Supplementary gear, just to unlock the outfit in collections as I like the chest (it doesn't crop on women like all the similar tops!) and skirt. I got the Upper Body during DvL and the legs/robes off the GTN easily, but the mask and belt are so pricey when they do appear.

  2. My favorites are the Agent and the Warrior.


    Agent has a really intelligently crafted story with a nice slant towards moral ambiguity and does a great job with diverging consequences based on choices within the context of the story itself. I love the feel of the agent RP wise. There are lots of ways to play and the story in engaging and unique.


    The warrior has a lot of great Sith and star wars themes and has imo the best pacing of the class stories. Start of finish it follows a larger arc that has a very satisfying conclusion. I enjoy it light/gray, thought plan to do a dark playthrough soon. Parts of this story is a bit predictable but I don't think that is a detraction. I also really like the companions.


    I enjoyed the Jedi Knight after act 1, and it's my favorite of the republic stories. Consular is okay, but a bit dull and works far better light than dark. I haven't completed the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter yet.


    I find that both the trooper and inquisitor have strong first acts but fail to keep the momentum in acts 2 and 3. It feels like they string out a single acts content over two without much finess. I really enjoy the background and feel of the Sith inquisitor but couldnt care less about their act 2 and 3 nemisis. The trooper is frankly a blur despite my having played it less than a year ago.

  3. Not particularly interested, but not opposed to her being optional.


    I guess it would depend how it played out. As it stands, I can't think of any one of my characters who would want to work with her. They'd either reject her presence, given how crazy she is, or kill her either because she is a loose cannon or because she is the enemy. But that doesnt mean things couldn't change that. They'd just have to be pretty dramatic.


    Honestly I'd be more interested in an option for Arcann, but some of the same issues hold.

  4. I would love some new customizations for Ashara (Sith Inquisitor Companion) that use the new racial Togruta options. I agree that the PC race has such nice detail to it compared with the older Togruta models.
  5. I think Sith Warrior has the best set of companions. Vette, Quinn, Jaesa, and Pierce all seem well integrated with the story and I enjoyed them all. I liked how often they participated in the plot conversations and really felt like they were a crew together. Broonmark is very meh to me, but I can't think of any class that I like all of the companions.


    Jedi Knight also has a good crew. I really like Kira and Scourge and T7 is adorable. Doc annoys me some with his cheesy flirts and I don't even know why Rusk is there though. I also enjoyed the Trooper crew a lot, as I felt they really fit in with the story, but Trooper one of my least favorite stories overall.


    Jedi Consular has by far my least favorite companion team. I find Qyzen super dull and, as someone who played a healer sage pre-4.0, I was stuck with him way too long. Theran is amusing but his flirt path is awful and he doesn't connect well to the plot. I enjoyed Zenith alright but he's nothing special save for not being Qyzen. Iresso actually has a cool backstory given the Consular themes but his personality is dull and flatly nice guy. Nadia is okay . . . But I liked every other class's padawan better. Just all in all a dull group that doesn't integrate as well to the story as some other classes,

  6. Dromund Kass is my favorite planet, though I think it's half aesthetics and half nostalgia. I like the lush green and shadowy lighting. I also enjoy Hoth, Rishi, and Voss. Hoth has a great mood and atmosphere. Rishi is both pretty and has a great mix of world cultures. I'm not even sure why I like Voss, but it could just be that it's a breath of fresh air after Belsavis.


    Coruscant is my least favorite. I don't like the layout, aesthetics, or vibe. It takes forever to get places. It's by far inferior to Dromund Kaas and I've played it way too many times. Belsavis is a very close runner up. It's too big and I too often get lost in opposing faction territory. I think the fact it's somewhat nice to look at just increases my irritation, because I feel like I should like it, but get annoyed almost every time.

  7. Only gotten to the level 25 reward thus far.


    Best item I got was Revan's Upper Body Armor. It was a set I wanted on the Shadow I was playing, so I was pleased. I grabbed the lower robes off the GTN and a dark purple dye and am really happy with the look.


    Otherwise aI just got some basic stuff. A farmhand crystal I already had, a kind of cool Yavin statue decoration for the stronghold I never decorate, a bronze speeder I had in my collections, and some gifts.

  8. Sith Warrior works very well as Light Side, and of the Imperial classes As others have mentioned, it has a honor bound and noble feel as well as potentially having goals of reform among the empire / Sith. I personally find it to be the best class option if you intend to go pure light side on an imperial character.


    My Sith Inquisitor is Light V. I found it to work just fine, as I RPed she was a slave so didn't buy into the depraved Sith morality that reinforced the abuses she experienced as a slave. However I have heard others say it works better dark and think doesn't quite feel right as light. Having played it fully light, I think light leaning or gray might be better.


    I prefer Agent as best gray / pragmatic, but it is a story that takes into account light, gray, and dark and has ending variations for all types of alignment. Light could work very well and has a really cool ending option.


    I can't comment much on the Bounty Hunter, but I can it work light side and you get some cool options for a light side character.


    I enjoyed Jedi Knight as dark leaning, though there are a few dark side choices that are weird and more greedy than anything else. My main Knight is impatient and action oriented. She believes in taking the fight to the empire, killing ones enemies to resolve threats permanently, and ends justifying the means. She feels the Jedi Council are too set in their peace bringing ways to properly deal with the threats they are faced with. She thinks she's a hero! She is Dark IV.


    I haven't played the Smuggler, Trooper, or Consular as Dark. I can see the former two working better than the latter. The dark counselor feels awkward to me, at least for the first chapter, but I know others who found it fun.

  9. I am honestly disappointed by the limitations on this event - that I can only complete the event on new characters. I know it is optional content, but I was anticipating something I could play with my current characters, which events in swtor typically allow for.


    I played swtor at the beginning but did take a few year break. I came back last summer and between work and family have been progressing through content with my three primary toons and playing through the class stories I hadn't done the first time around (the streamlined 1-50 experience really helps!). These toons are characters are enjoy playing but I still have a lot still to do.


    However this event ignores all upcoming progress I might might make on these characters I am attached to, in favor of me disregarding them to play brand new characters. This just isn't very appealing to me.


    I really wish that what we accomplish on our current toons during the time of the event could be counted towards the event achievements. Or even that a part of the event was geared towards already established toons.


    I doubt they will change things, but if it is only for new characters than it should be a 'new character promotion'. That may not be how marketing or business works, but I was looking forward to a new event I could participate in with my current characters.

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