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Posts posted by Mooklum

  1. Well we have a few empires out there that could start a war, the Hutt Cartel is. Then in the SWTOR we still have remnants of the infinite empire, the Gree who are obviously up to something, and even the Yuuzhan Vong have been seen in the galaxy (300 years ago). I always thought it would be cool if we finally found out what caused that force plague in the infinite empire was created in a lab by a race of non-force or mostly non-force user race. Such as the Yuuzhan Vong or Gree =)


    The Yuuzhan Vong aren't actually a non-Force race. Same thing happened to them that happened to the Rakata. Sorry, just had to nitpick.

  2. I believe this is a very likely possibility. Sort of awkward since the Gree are helping to rebuild Coruscaunt, but I would be rather surprised if an upcoming expansion doesn't include a Gree invasion.


    The only question I have left is...why?


    They were a galactic power before the Infinite Empire was even a dream is some Rakata's mind. The Republic is crippled and in their debt, the Empire is racked by revolts and defections. Both the Jedi and Sith have been decimated by the Great Galactic War (the Jedi have taken to training Flesh Raiders and Sith while the Sith are training Jedi POWs and slaves they've both become so desperate for bodies). An invasion of the Empire and independent worlds and a Republic that isn't in a position to resist or even complain would make sense if the Gree have gotten patriotic and nogalistic for their glory days.


    Have no fear, if they do invade they lose and the Republic rules in hegemony for 3,000 years. :p

  3. Personally I used to be a ds player myself.. but then as I started to play the classes I began to realize that maybe ds isnt entirely the way to go.. Like my BH for example; I started thinking bout the choices in the game.. and it hit me that sure all my bh wants is credits, but he does have a conscience, and morals, so why couldnt he be kindhearted and still be greedy?



    p.s. DOn't get me wrong I still play ds , but i find it kind of refreshing to play the opposite side of the field every so often too


    I love playing a LS BH. Let every mark go but still dupe my clients into paying the bounties.

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