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Posts posted by moriartykiller

  1. I'm a shadow and enjoy PVP as much as I do PVE. I've been able to adjust quite well to PVP and don't mind the changes to our class in regards to it. However, with PVE I'm having some difficulties I need your advice on. I've found that my old PVE arrangement of 31/0/10 and combat technique (with DPS setup) isn't working for any Ops groups or HM group setups as far as the tank is concerned. I develop way too much aggro for their tastes. I understand and switch to force technique or will just respec on the spot to a balance/infil hybrid. My question is that that with this increased aggro with combat technique, I'm sort of forced to do these other specs which of course increases my DPS but makes me squishy as ever. I feel like I'm more of a burden on the healer for this reason. I've included a link to my gear and current spec and would like any candid thoughts on how I should be approaching pve and if my gear is going in the right direction with the changes in 1.3. Thanks!




    Sorry but I forgot to put this in the shadow section and not sure how to change it now.

  2. Ps. Giveing out a free month to certain players not based on how much time and effort they put into the game but on what lvl. they are is discrimination, and that is straight up illegal. You could have gotten around this by how long people have payed etc. LvL's are not the corner stone of how long you have played its how long you have subbed if anything. You should really avoid this in the future, im sure your lawers would aggre with me on this. To all the people who are incompetent enough to read this as a threat that I'll be trying to sue bioware... you need to /SIT and /SHUT



    I'm not sure where you learned your law but this is not discrimination. Discrimination is the granting of privileges of a certain class or by age, gender, sex, race etc. I don't know which kangaroo court you are thinking of would ever place folks who reached level 50 as a "class of people" and therefore discriminates against folks who didn't reach level 50. You can compare this against frequent flyers who are granted special privileges because of the amount of flying they do and the new status they can achieve. So is granting someone the elite flying status and the benefits that come along with it discrimination to the folks who haven't earned that title and therefore can't benefit just the same? It's not, and your grasp of law and the "legality" of this award to folks who achieved level 50 characters is laughable. What you are really trying to say is that it's unfair, not illegal. Well deal with it. No one is owed anything for free and Bioware chose to award the end-game users.

  3. I wish I knew the answer for you but as much as I possibly hate rolling another toon (and I have no idea what it would be, but I'm partial to shadow) I can't stand how light my server is ALL the time. Rather than trying to complain and say I'm leaving the game unless we get server changes, it seems more prudent to go to a new server. So with that said, how is Fatman? I've noticed it's always standard to heavy population there. Let me know your thoughts and what you play over there.
  4. So I put together a little spreadsheet of the new War Hero gear and comparing it against my slightly modded BM gear, it's clear (as some of you have mentioned) the boost in accuracy and expertise this gear has. Has anyone figured out if accuracy and expertise (beyond the 10.5 level) will have a better impact in 1.2? If it doesn't it almost seems better to just mod the gear to have more power and surge (I'd say willpower but I read somewhere that willpower beyond 1400 is not that impactfull).


    Feel free to correct me anywhere you wish as I don't know enough.

  5. This, really. It works better for infiltration when CDS are up, I can literally take out any target I desire. Even better for KC because of the auto crits.





    The mods are from Battlemaster Stalker Gloves and the enhancements from Champion Enforcer Gloves. Blue relic is known as the M7-R3 Matrix cube. More information on how to obtain it can be found here: http://www.swtor-spy.com/guides/matrix-cube-guide/1047/


    You need 3 Red Shards to make this cube which are all easily obtainable.





    Honestly, it's personal preference. I chose mine because of the looks. The base armouring is the same.


    Armoring (56)

    +41 Endurance

    +57 Willpower




    So your choice should be between Stalker or Force-master.


    Couldn't agree more with the poorly done itemization in this game. It's not just the weapons, all of BM gear is a near waste to a downgrade in certain cases.





    Advanced Resolve Armoring 22

    Binds on Equip

    Armoring (Item Modifications)

    Total Stats:

    Armor Rating 124

    +33 Endurance

    +47 Willpower

    Requires Level 49

    This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item.






    Advanced Aptitude Mod 25

    Binds on Equip

    Mod (Item Modifications)

    Total Stats:

    Armor Rating 140

    +29 Endurance

    +48 Willpower

    +37 Power

    Requires Level 50

    This Mod can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor.







    KC spec'd.



    Sorry I am missing this, but besides the belt, what else are you modding? Love the videos by the way. I've been able to ramp up my shadow that I can almost take anyone one-on-one and hold off two at a time now.

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