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Posts posted by LordDartAnarhist

  1. Nefla, fine, i don't inderstand you, and don't give a ****. Legitimate faction swapping in this game at this point just isn't feasible, the way i see it, they will just add 2 new factions which we will choose (it will appear like we choose between Reps and Imps, but in fact will not work exactly that), overall you will stay Imp or Rep, just going forward with story you will be appearing as a defector, but all previous content will still be for your original faction.
  2. Did you read what I wrote? Because you're not understanding me at all. Again, I want to be able to choose my faction in the self contained single player story going forward. Playing solo in such stories is NOT an option, it's the only way you can play them. You can't play Shadow of Revan, Ziost, KotFE, KotET, or the story version of the traitor flashpoints with a group. You can only play them in single player. Again, I don't care about dailies, flashpoints, guilds, fleets, etc...all of that can and will stay the same. I'm saying that within those self contained single player story areas I want to choose my faction. (In case you didn't notice, we did just that on Iokath and yet that didn't change any of the things you mentioned). Also again, you don't lose access to Korriban or Tython after you do the flashpoints where they're decimated, and the NPCs who died in those battles such as Ragate on Korriban don't disappear after you do the flashpoints. This is no different.


    I did understand, you want the whole game going forward to be a personal phase, just for you. Well, this is simply ridiculous. I understand that people expected another KOTOR, that's why i said you are playing the wrong game. And i imagine you are a in a minority of the players who don't do group content (FPs, Ops, etc.), i enjoy playing solo but even i do group content from time to time, for one because it's required for completing story (Oricon, Iokath), and EA and Bioware won't just drop everything to accomodate you.

  3. I can think of only one MMORPG that has messed in any way with its faction structure, and that was Horizon 2.0 in the web-series NOOB, where they added a faction, and had some systems for changing factions. But don't forget that this was a *fictional* MMORPG rather than a real one.


    Now there is an interesting idea, we have 4 basic classes and 2 advanced classes for each basic, so why not do that with factions, like in EU, Alliance becoming The New Republic and later Galactic Alliance and Galactic Empire becoming Imperial Remnant, you can keep your original faction and all that came with it and choose a second one based on your choices after Iokath and Nathema Conspiracy. Its just a thought of an idea but if devs can work out all the kinks (like fleet access and diferent gear appearance for different factions) i can get behind that. For all intents and purposes it will look like switching sides without actually switching them, and players only care about how thing look and not how they actually work in terms of game mechanics.

  4. I'm not asking for a real swap that affects everything else, I just want it for the contained single player story stuff going forward. I don't care if my character is still restricted to imperial worlds/fleet/flashpoints, just as I didn't care that Korriban and Tython were perfectly fine after those flashpoints and NPCs that had been killed were alive. If the game lets us side with a faction 3 times in the story but then forces us to stick with our original faction in said story then I'll have to abandon several characters.


    Then you are playing the wrong game, cause they can't do that because of MMO (where you have to interact with other players, choosing not to do so is just an option) part, such swap is global thing which will affect every aspect of the game. 1 scenario where it could be acchieved is to totaly block access to previous content: Chapters, dailies, FPs, OPS and so on, even galaxy map will have to become different with all-new planets, which is pretty much a suicide for the game itself. As i said in previous post, i could be wrong, i'm not a game developer, don't have any knowledge or experience in that area, so don't take my words for an expert opinion.

  5. It would only seem logical but just like you said, we're very much used to BW disappointing/underdelivering. So no, I say do NOT count on an actual defection/faction-swap, especially with game mechanics (guild/changing fleets etc). If it happens great, but it's rather hard to believe given the past 7 years and their track record.


    Let me ask you this. Do you know any MMO RPG with faction swapping mechanics? Even WoW doesn't have that. If that was possible, they would've layed some ground work from early stages of development, which seems ulikely. Yes, there are cross-faction pvp battles now, which there weren't before, but there are different mechanics involved, at least i believe so (devs can chime in any minute). And with some FPs being faction-specific like The Foundry|The Maelstrom Prison (imagine Inquisitor or Agent busting Revan out or Jedi Knight capturing Foundry for the Empire, considering it happened before you switched sides, makes for awkward moment) and others with different dialogues, you can't just realize this mechanism with some patch or expansion. This will just mess up the whole game. So 99.9% says it won't happen. If i'm wrong, good for you, but i won't change factions for any of my toons anyway. Although i did choose to ally with Imps on Iokath on my smuggler, but since it's not final i will make amends and go back to Rep.

  6. they said comments are welcome and they are listening-should I use twitter or here is enough?

    I say they have succumbed to a very vocal minority of hard core fans-majority of which don't play any more and won't come back no matter how they try to appease them.

    I personally liked alliance very much and to be honest even those who say "puke" don't mean it or at least 50% of them don't mean it-just trying to "follow the lead"

    Speaking in terms of game events our hero had accomplished more then republic or empire ever did on current timeline, so him becoming again support of someone-doesn't seem right. Also alliance was not just to defeat Zakuul/Arcan/Valkorion - it was people transcending their differences and working together, which is now going to trash.

    Thanks, but I think I'll be leaving the game and so will others and Bioware will loose both "hardcore", who left already and newcomers, like me (although I play for a year now).

    What can save the game? New and exciting story-now when commander is weakened, both republic and empire should see him as a possible threat, considering his abilities and no matter whom he joins, there should be a very smart game, where he (of course!) will win at the end and beat them both, reestablishing alliance. He has no fleet now, but he has a really great team


    You are correct about story if we're talking about those who chose dark side ending of KOTET, after losing fleet, we have no choice but to join one side or the other, to bide time to reestablish our dominance once more, for those who chose LS ending obvious choice is to rejoin the Republic, because Alliance in essense was duplicationg Republic, at least it's values. As for hardcore fans leaving game it's their choice, whatever the reason, i'm a hardcore fan, always was, always will be, but i'm still here, paid for subscription for 3 month in advance, partly to get the best gear(which is painful going solo on 8 toons), bacuse with next expansion, i think it wiil be a long time to get the new one if ever, partly to get new expansion fo free and last but not least, to support development of the universe, because if you don't pay, then they got get paid, and, well, it's obvious where this will end. Personally, if i'm right in earlier post on this thread about which planet they are going to add, i will be very excited, if not, i will still want to find out what is what. I never get into hardcore discussions about what should or should not be in the game, because i have my opinion, you have yours, we're both entitled to it, and, frankly, i just don't care what other people think. Plesa don't start thowing accusations of being a EA bot and sucking up to them, i have my issues with direction they are heading but only in terms of New Canon and movies and books and all the crap with tolerance, IT'S EMPIRE, ITS SUPOSSED TO BE RACIST, XENOPHOBIC AND SEXIST AND GENERALLY ALL-AROUND EVIL (Sorry, ranting) so far. Over and Out.

  7. Fits with the theme of the old republic era, most of it is built on the back of the four schisms as far back as 10,000 years before. Ossus was apart of that, it was a big target for the sith, a target of jedi arrogance they wanted to crush as much as they wanted the knowledge within the databanks.


    the planet is a ruin on the surface, yes, but after all that time i find it difficult to believe that plant life couldn't of recovered enough over a few hundred years. even nathema after the emperor was taken out of the picture, trees, plants and grasses were growing from that ruined world once again.


    Nathema is a different case altogether, Vitiate absorbed all Life Force from the planet making it a void in The Froce, when he died (allegedly) that energy poured back to the planet, accelerating it's restoration, destruction of Ossus was caused by Cron Cluster gone supernova, that kind of destruction is more lasting as planet described as arid and toxic, but not lifeless.

  8. Same thing for me, did 9 chapters on MM easy (well, not really but managed), started chapter X, got to the junction and things went south, i'm Guardian 70 with 248 gear complete with 228-240 augments, Kaliyo rank 50, set her to cc 1 while tried to nuke the other from the start with heroic moment, got down to 50%, then they start to swap out, i even get skytroopers off of Kaliyo while tanking boss hits with Focused Defense and Saber Reflect, after they pass i get off'd by suddenly appearing second boss. Really need group for that, or lower their stats for MM
  9. Ashara styled Jaesa as a third option would've been nice, i am most of all dissapointed in strict duality either LS or DS, if character can go neutral (sith with conscience) why not companion, also speaking about Ashara, would've loved to get her to fully embrace DS and watch her rivalry or crazy love-hate drama romace with Xalek
  10. That's just an excuse for lazy writing, you can be commited to dark side and keep Jaesa a light sider with the same reasoning that Vitiate kept Revan, but without locking her up in stasis for 300 years, to better defeat Jedi you need to understand them better, and what better way to understand Jedi than too keep 1 around espesially if she follows you willingly, essentially dark side version of Jaesa but without crazy-murderous-sadistic-*****-16-year-old part
  11. For the past week been playing sith warrior story, not the first time, initially i wanted to do full Dark Side sith, merciless murder machine, as i went through chapter 1, i got curious what would happen if keep Jaesa on Light Side with me being Dark. All went well, i killed her teacher on Tatooine and her parents on Alderaan, tortured Karr and taunted her when she showed up on Hutta, picked all the right lines to make her suggest to kill Karr and off'd him. After reporting to Baras i went to talk to her and you know what her fisrt line is: "..We're surrounded by the enemy...". *** (sorry), back it up a sec, I KILLED EVERYTHING YOU EVER LOVED AND DESTROYED EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVED IN AND YOU ACT AS IF I AM SOME LIGHT SIDE WORSHIPPING WEAKLING. Anyway just wanted to went about this, feel free to add your opinion or share similar experience.
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