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Posts posted by Xanatex

  1. As far as quest hub guards, those of you saying you need a 16 man raid group are not correct. I've gotten all of the pvp achievements for each planet for killing the champion level 55 guards at the pub bases. I did it entirely on my own. Granted I'm a jug tank with high tier pvp dps gear and pve tank gear, but if you have a good companion and presence level, you can kill those guards solo. My HK is full 78 mods and enchancements, with 72 armorings and all purple 66 augs. My presence level is something over 700, and I have 4 heroic abilities (though they aren't needed, they come in quite handy if players attack you.) Although difficult, you can kill up to 3 55 champion guards in one battle. You CANNOT attack mission givers or medical droid though.
  2. First of all, it's champion, not legendary. Second of all, what in the world are you implying at?? We're players, not npc's, we all are aligned within set stats; those titles on mobs are to say where their stats/ difficulties are with regards to their level. It seems that you should look at the Achievement system, as that might be more along the lines of what you're thinking. Also, the title Living Legend can be shown for those of us with Legacy 50, so there's an example for you.
  3. I recall in Swtor General Hesker on Imperial side was considered an absolutely outstanding pilot. I have no idea where he compares to others, but that's one Swtor character that we know is very good. More info on him would be nice.

    I agree about Wedge, and Anakin I think is a close second. Those two spots definitely should stay that way. A few other names to throw out there are Hylo Visz (broke through Mandalorian Blockade of the Hydian Way), Z-man from the Swtor book about Malgus, can't remember name, also seemed to be an exceptional pilot, piggy backing the Imperial ship and keeping his ship alive for as long as he did. Boba and Han definitely belong on the list. I believe Plo Koon was an exceptional pilot as well, as was Revan. I'm just throwing some names out there though. Interesting idea for a post. :)

  4. I'm just gonna throw out my thought that this is probably a troll post.... The idea makes absolutely no sense and I've never even heard a whisper of it... Either that or he heard about Kotor 2 not knowing what it was and assumed it was a future Swtor 2....
  5. Well, I have been a loyal sub since day 1, and have seen this game go through a lot. For the past few months I've gotten the feeling that Bioware is really getting a good hold on how to make MMO's succeed, and I've been really appreciating what's been going on. There are 3 news ops since you left: Scum & Villiany, sm-NiM, Dread Fortress and Dread Palace, both sm & hm atm. All three ops are outstanding as far as story and bosses. The new ops especially present a challenge even in story mode, which is a nice change of pace. Arenas for pvp are a lot of fun, fast-paced, and very skilled based. Obviously BW is putting a lot of time and energy into the Cartel Market... Is this good? Well, it's making them money, which helps the game. I do feel that it takes some time away from content, but a lot of what is going in the Cartel Market is really cool stuff. From Lore armors, to 4 animal mounts: 3 veractyls and a zeldrate. Overall, I think the game is doing very well, and the players that actually play it are having fun. Ignore all the haters all over the internet. I see someone make snide comments on YouTube or Facebook, and they played it for 3 months and quit... Really irks me that they really can't judge it but so many do. Anyways, enough of my rant. I hope I was helpful, and welcome back man!
  6. Alright let's see here, the FP's are a day old and people already want a fricken nerf?!? Really people? What's the point of a game if there's nothing to work towards? Also, there is no way that these need a nerf. I tanked it with 3 competent guildies and we one-shotted both, well at Zokar I jumped in and the others got locked out of the room so I /stucked it, but besides that we breezed through. I noticed that they are VERY healing intensive, but so what. It's good to have a challenge. Also, I kinda like the SM ones. They are intentionally easy, and I enjoyed doing them solo with my HK. (He's full 72's and purple 66 augs so he's like a player.) If I'm in a bad mood one day I can do my weekly without dealing with people, lol. Anyways learn the mechanics and give it more than a day before you ask for a nerf.
  7. The title says it all. Those crystals are almost gone on the GTN now, and if I want them on an alt that I did not have at the time of the event, I would like to be able to add the ones I have into my collections. Otherwise this crystal is extinct, and that's a shame because it's a great crystal. I've noticed that the Collections do not only include Cartel Market stuff, as my CE stuff and a few other special event items are included as well. Anyone agree?
  8. It really is a good idea to use the crew skills to your advantage. I have all the crew skills across my toons, and I'm almost entirely self-sufficient. This means that on my main, 55 jugg tank, I can augment his pvp and pve gear completely in purples, and I've gotten all purple 66 augs on my HK, Jaesa, and Malavai. Being able to aug companions actually makes a huge difference. So, if you don't want to spend all that money, you have the time, and you want to perform at the top in both group content and solo content, USE CRAFTING.
  9. I don't see performance issues being a problem at all... There already is music within the game, it just plays sporadically and is set to the area/ part you are in. I just think we should be able to play whatever music we want, wherever we want, for as long as we want. If I'm in a depressed mood, and want to feel inspired, I'd play "May the Force be with You." If I wanted some nostalgia I'd play some Kotor music. Ect...
  10. Alright so I've been wanting this for awhile, and I've seen it in some other MMO's and I've loved it. I think it would be absolutely awesome for us to be able to open a menu and select a Star Wars soundtrack to listen to while we play. The music of Star Wars is outstanding, and with immersion into any Star Wars game I need that music to play. Swtor definitely lived up to the Star Wars IP regarding soundtracks, and KOTOR I and II had great music as well.


    Problem is, we rarely hear actual songs played in-game unless we're a) in a cut-scene/movie b) finishing a story-line c) in a loading screen. After any one of those instances, the music will continue until the song ends or you enter combat. After that? Almost no music while you play. Give us a playlist of ALL the classic Star Wars movie songs, the KOTOR songs (1 and 2), and the Swtor songs.


    Heck, you could make an achievement out of it to unlock some. For example, to be able to listen to a planet's theme song, you have to have reached that planet on one of your toons. Some would be pre-unlocked (like the movie music I would presume), but over-all it would be really nice to select the Star Wars music you want to hear while you play to enhance the immersion. And no, playing iTunes or YouTube in the background isn't the same, and it can be a pain. Hope you like the idea, and post any suggestions. :cool:

  11. I mainly play a Jug tank, which I've been playing since launch, so I know a lot from the tanking perspective. If my hp is fine and the group is doing well, (which I do pay attention to) then I love a healer who helps dps. Now, in the past few months I've been playing a lot of other toons, mainly a merc and a sorc. I love dps on them, but there have been several times in FP's where I switched to heals, for various reasons. Now I may not be the best healer out there, but I know the game and all very well, so I was able to effectively throw in dps between healing. It helped a lot, in fact in some lowbie fp's it made the difference between beating a boss or not. So if I can do it as an inexperienced healer bc I know the fights so well, then yea, I def think most healers should do so when situation allows it. Makes it a lot faster and nicer.
  12. Regarding destabilizing server population. As far as I know, you can only play one toon at a time. If move all of my toon from one server to another server that I also have a couple of toons on, the server will still only have to cater to one me and one only.


    Yes but you are moving characters from one server to another. One server just gained a player, one lost one. Put into mass perspective, and some servers could lose a lot of players because one has the best PvP. All of a sudden the original server has no PvP whatsoever and the balance is gone. By pricing it they can prevet mass exoduses and only the players that really want or need to move will. Like I said though, for those that need the service due to the origin of the game mess-ups, it should be different. That comment was made towards the people that just want a different experience.

  13. Why should customers have to pay to fix the vendor's screw-up? Put this into any other context and you wouldn't think it's just fine to pay.


    You take your car into the dealer for an oil change. Their porter runs it into a wall. Are you going to pay their bump shop to fix it?


    You go to a nice restaurant and order a wonderful meal. The server brings it out and it looks great... except for the hair sticking right out of the middle of the smashed potatoes. Are you going to buy a second plate to fix that problem?


    You purchase a new iPad, get it home, unbox it, and find that the screen is about 10% dead pixels. Are you going to rush right back to the Apple store and buy a new one to replace it?


    Well let me clear that up, I made that post to point out both sides of the argument. If anything I said that to bring up at least one positive point. Read the rest of it and you'll see that in the OP and many other's cases, I DO feel that the service should be done differently. Is there something wrong with pointing out pro's and con's? It could be like "other" MMO's and cost a huge amount for one. That was my point. I was NOT saying to "deal with it cause it isn't bad"....

  14. I'll throw my two cents in. First, although I agree that you got screwed, you should realize that ~$18 isn't that much for a character transfer compared to most other MMO's. It's actually kinda cheap. To defend BioWare, having people transferring their toons all over the servers is a little hectic, and it can destabilize server populations. By throwing a price on it, it monitors the transfers so that people don't just switch around for the heck of it. It's there for reasons precisely like the OP's problem. However, as a Founder myself, I can understand how someone would feel about having their characters split because you had to guess where to put them. I remember that time pretty well, and to be honest I got lucky. But, for those of us who have been loyal subs, I think BioWare needs to put in a discounted package for moving multiple characters, with the discount increasing with the size of the legacy. $18 is cheap for a toon transfer though, as I know in "some" games, it costs nearly $80 just for one, but for those who have been screwed since spring of '12 there should be another option. BW messed up in the beginning, and although this technically "fixes" their screw-up, it doesn't feel like a service to those that were hurt. More like, "Alright we'll allow you to get what you should have gotten originally, but you have to pay us to make it happen." /shrug There's arguments on both sides.
  15. I don't remember exactly how this goes, but as the Sith Warrior on DK, you go to oversee some imps getting cargo to Darth Baras. After two groups surround you to ambush you, you can say, "I'm going to kill you and eat you!" (close enough), and one of the guys that looked like Skadge freaks out and says,

    "Eat us?! I don't wanna be eaten, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Are you serious?"

    Sith warrior, "No, it was a joke... I'm not going to eat you. Attack!"

    I know it's not exactly but I loled so hard.

  16. If it doesn't have 3rd Person in it, I probably won't buy. That was one of the most unique aspects of the Battlefront series and was expertly done. I almost always played 3rd Person. Also, going along slightly with that, I really hope they keep the Jet Trooper and Dark Trooper classes with the same Jet Pack mechanics. Combined with 3rd Person, those were easily my favorite classes. Yea that brings me to one other thing, don't screw around much with the classes, they're great already, their weapons are balanced and work well, and the advanced classes were very unique. Do awesome stuff with the maps, space combat, maybe heroes, graphics, but don't fix what's not broken/ don't change what everyone already loves.
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