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Posts posted by AStryg

  1. I know there probably is alot of these threads already, but im making a new one anyway!


    The problem with low population on many servers needs to be looked at ASAP.


    My server, Niman EU PVP, was one of the first servers, and was full before 20.12, with a heavy queue.. Now the server is completely empty. I dont know what went wrong with the population limit, or if people just stopped playing the game. These last weeks it have gotten to the point where i consider to stop playing the game! It is so boring to run around alone on every planet, never be able to get groups for heroics and fp's. Always join a pvp match that ends in 2 mins because not enough players join.


    I cant be the only one wanting to quit because of this.


    Sure i can make an alt on a more populated server, but i would loose all my legacy, and all the time invested in the chars i have already made.


    So now im at the point where something needs to be done, or im out of hre. And im sure im not the only one.


    Imo this problem needs to be looked at with a much higher priority then implementing a new patch. Because if nobody is going to play it anyway, whats the point??


    Just my 2 cents.



    Peace out

  2. To me, the trooper story was kinda .. meh..

    Didnt feel like i was playing in the SW universe, and i'd like that in this game!


    So im thinking 5/10 for trooper..


    But i must say darkside options were fun, just killing off everybody with my pistol :D

  3. Imo you should try Vanguard/Powertech with Taugrims "Iron Fist" spec. It provides alot of utility and survival, plus very decent dps for a hybrid tank!


    I find it very fun to play, with harpoon and storm, low CD interrupt, and alot of dmg reduction, its awsome!

  4. Nice movie, but I'm blown away that you got to play Huttball with another Republic team!


    On what server is there enough Republic to actually have same-faction Huttball? My queue times are 15-20 minutes because there's not enough Republic to fill a single game. And this is on weekends during prime time!


    LOL @ this. I actually played my first rep vs rep last night. Was stunned when I found out it was a rep team!


    But anyways I was playing this spec and it seems awesome. Really missed the 2% reduction when I played 21/2/18.

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