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Posts posted by Hyde_v

  1. The Area of Effect changes introduced this patch were a bad idea. I see the following (I cannot speak for anyone else.)


    All AoE effects, including the enemies AoE's, are green. I don't know whose is safe to walk in and whose is not. The enemy's circle used to be red.


    The change also reduced the graphic effects. Fire no longer burns in the circles for abilities that have damage over time effects.


    Please revert the change.

  2. Huttball is known for issues with people appearing all over the map. The game does a terrible job with updating everyone with height changes. Its even worse on queshball. Then if you have mara/sents in the game speed boosting everyone combined with rolls, force speeds, leaps and pulls it messes things up even more.

    The shimmering effect is seen on Quesh-ball. That's where I was just before making this post. So, if it is the game that's doing this, then there's nothing to be done. I cannot make the developers address this or any other issue I observe in the game.


    As far as the others issues go, it sounds like you have not played all the classes out there or are not familiar with all the changes in 5.0. No one has a heal to full button. At least not without help from the opposing team not paying attention.
    Yeah. This is the response I expected. "You don't know the game." Typical response from players on forums for any game whenever someone asks a question. I am not surprised.
  3. I've been playing this game almost since launch. I purchased one of the original collector's edition boxes. "More than a year" wasn't specific enough then.


    I'll try focusing on a single player and seeing what the numbers are. I don't believe it will though. But I will, at least, look.


    This also doesn't address the player shimmering effect and suddenly appearing across the map.

  4. I've been playing this game for more than a year. But in the last few months, there are things taking place in Warzones that seem to defy explanation. Such as:


    * There are players and full teams of players in Warzones that appear to be invincible; they take only double digit damage despite being attacked by multiple enemies at once. They're not tank classes. They're Knights and Sith Warriors, Mercenaries and Consulars. Classes that should not be able to resist damage like tanks. But they absolutely do.


    * Players can heal with very little health to full with one ability. Even classes that should not be able to cast healing spells. Adrenals don't return that much health.


    * Players shimmer throughout the duration of the Warzone and can move across the map in the blink of an eye. The avatars shimmer back and forth in place becoming untargetable. When they stop shimmering, they're very far away. Sometimes, like in the case of the Huttball maps, they appear at the bottom of the stairs at one point and suddenly blink right up to the front of the goal lines. While I am well aware that there are a few abilities that allow you to teleport, they are also supposed to have some visual effect on the ground or require you to place a target down first. But these things are either not being drawn in or simply not there.


    I've tried on a number of occasions to talk to the players who display some or all of the above. They either don't respond or tell you off in some colorful manner. You can't join their guilds either. Often matches are so one-sided that it feels like a waste of time queuing up. And this comes from someone who did a server transfer just so I could get queues in the first place.


    I cannot believe that I am the only one experiencing these things. And I do not accept "It's just lag." I've turned the game's graphics to bare minimum, (as ugly as that is,) and I still see impossible travel lengths and players I cannot damage. I practice good rotations with abilities as recommended by several streamers and guides. At best, the bolster is adding five or ten points to my stats with the gear I have. Yet there are players who cannot be defeated two-on-one or even three-on-one. I hesitate to say "They're hacking" because that feels like a lazy accusation. And one I cannot prove at all either. And I have a top of the line graphics card with plenty of card and system RAM to make any game on the market right now run as smooth as flowing water. So, it's not my computer.

    But Warzones are frequently so one-sided, I am almost to the point of giving up and not PvPing any more.

  5. Subscriber here. Possible spoiler info contained therein.


    I've not even bothered to log in to the forums in months. Here's some feedback.


    I'm currently on Jung Ma. Multi player content is dead. I can queue up for hours at a time for Warzones, GSF, and even Uprisings. This is my biggest complaint about the game. The content is there. But because there are not enough people queuing up, I cannot play any of it. I remember reading about cross server queues in the past and how the developers had technical hurdles to overcome. That was the last I ever heard of it. It is annoying to be allowed to only play half of a game.


    I see a lot of people are upset about RNG of end game rewards. I don't even have this problem. I've nothing to say about this issue other than that because I cannot even play the content that features end game rewards.


    I have to wait another year to hopefully get missing companions back? If that's the case, there are some classes I will simply not take through the Eternal Throne story lines. I do not want to give up Mako or Kira Carsen for my Bounty Hunter and Jedi respectfully. I've invested a lot of time in them as companions. I already lost Illora (sp?) from my Republic Trooper. And I ran her through the story and married her! Talk about a wrenching story. Considering how quickly I have no gone through the new chapters, to wait another year feels too long. Didn't Lucas do that to us with long time spans between films? Perhaps you should have staggered out the chapters a little more.


    While I may have enjoyed the story of the Eternal Throne, it is pretty much over now. Valkorian is gone. Vaylin is dead. She may be in spirit form out there. But the game specifically said she was not powerful enough to create a new body for herself. So, she's gone. The Empire and the Republic are friendly and not fighting. There's no conflict anymore. What is next?


    Finally, making previous content harder may work. But if I cannot access the content, I think you're wasting your time. If I am having the same problem this same time in 2017, I'm going to have to stop being a subscriber. You have that long to address the queues. And telling me to spend extra to transfer servers is not the solution I want.

  6. I never understood why tanks exist in games other than every other game has them. In the Star Wars universe healers further make little sense. Other than lazy game mechanics, why can we not make everything damage based? This would make for a more realistic land of make-believe and speed up the game.


    I don't know about anyone else's playing experience. But, for me, the tank / healer / DPS format may get a little dull at times (for DPS anyway,) but I can recite plenty of times where I wish there was a tank and / or a healer in our group of four DPS. My DPS characters cannot take the damage from elite FP mobs that a tank could. The tank is designed to endure those kinds of numbers. My DPS is there to do damage while the tank keeps the mobs off me. Oh, I'm quite sure there are players who could solo the entire game's content and not break a sweat. But not everyone is that good. And if someone is using a DPS gauge, Heaven help you when your DPS suffers because you had to take a few seconds to dodge an AoE or had some bad luck on a huge critical strike that forced you to take a moment to heal yourself. In other MMO's, a drop in damage means you're kicked out of the group by players who only look at the numbers and don't care that you were trying to avoid death or maybe help heal the group if things are going badly.


    Yeah, sure. Let's get rid of the tank / healer / DPS concept. When you're interrupted every time you try to heal yourself or shoot the target dead and die, you'll be wishing someone had distracted the target just long enough to avoid dieing or kill the target. Then we would all be hearing your whining that it's "too hard." Hypocrisy at it's finest.

  7. After two tickets and a phone call to tech support to confirm I had not encountered some weird game bug, it appears all my frustration was for naught.


    Kudos and thanks to Fredsun at tech support for helping me. I do wholeheartedly appreciate his help.


    That being said, the developers have let me down a little by not making certain items about the new quest line clear. First, it appears you can only do the solo mode one time and that is only if you have not completed the quest line on any character. I completed the first three FP's on one character prior to the patch but was stymied because none of my other characters were given a solo option after the patch. Turns out, clearing it one time was enough to prevent the solo option from even appearing. Yet the game offered nothing that informed me of this.


    Bottom line: the expansion is centered around this story. The beginning of which is going to be obsolete soon in the community's eyes. I guess it's "too bad, so sad" that I wasn't able to take more than one of my characters through the FPs. But then again, I just love skipping the beginning of the movie and going straight to the middle.


    I understand the developers want us to group up to play certain aspects of the game. But wait times in the LFG tool are often incredibly long with the chance that one or more players will drop out even if a group is formed which forces more waiting.


    Please be more clear in the future about details like this.

  8. Ok. You can /sit on the chairs in your house (actually, /chair works better). You recline on the very edge. But that's technically sitting. And yes, you can finally sleep on your bed and there is animation of your character doing so. Good.


    Ok, I feel a bit better about it all. Now, if we could just interact with the computers. Perhaps typing on them, the character thoughtfully reading it, and then nodding would be simple enough for me. This would work on the wall units as well.

  9. Type /chair to sit down on a chair, type /sleep to sleep in bed..

    I know about the /sit command. I used in my stronghold and did not sit on the chair I just put it. Instead, my character took up a sitting pose on some barely visible dark pipe looking thing where they were standing. Not on the chair. I wasn't aware of the /sleep command. I'll try that. The last time I used the /sleep command in ToR, the text said "You fall asleep." While my character kept standing there normally.


    However, if I use the /sleep command and my character lays down on the floor and not on the bed, I'm still going to be disappointed. In my opinion, sitting on a chair means you click on it and your character sits. You can stand on a bed and type "/sleep" and do that. That's how it works in another MMO.

  10. Yes, I am a subscriber. I've just logged in and played with the Stronghold expansion for a few hours. My ISP keeps cutting out and I'm lucky to stay online. But that's another story.


    My initial response to having my own "house" in Star Wars was "cool concept." I like having some personal touches made by me in the games I play.


    But there is one glaring truth with the housing concept: I cannot interact with any of it.


    I cannot sit on any of the chairs I place in my stronghold. I cannot lay down and sleep on the beds. I cannot use any computers I install. The lights on the ceiling do not alter the lighting in the rooms themselves.


    This lack of interactivity with my own personal stuff is a disappointment. I'm essentially putting together a museum with displays you do not touch or use in any real manner. My pets will sit exactly where I put them and display their standing animations. My companions will stand where I put them...and say the exact same things they always do. And if I want a drink, I have to put in a bartender to SELL it to me.


    I'm all for player housing and this is an attempt to deliver that to the players. This was a nice first step. And the prices you have to pay for upgrades are going to require several hours of play time in order to pay for. I understand that. But if all I am buying is a chair to just look at and that's all it is for is to look at, I will have to say "No, thank you." Sure, I can get some cool looking items. But again, if I am getting a throne with skulls on it and I can't sit in it, no. There might have been technical hurtles in this. But as it is, I am not interested.

  11. What we're still missing is your CPU info. A lot of what you're describing really does look like CPU lag. If the CPU is from the same generation as the video card, then we're probably looking at the late Core2 series, probably a dual or quad core running at 2-2.6GHz. Again, that would be at the bottom end of what I'd suggest. Even a Yorkfield (Q9550) can't match the game performance of a low end laptop chip from a couple years ago (i3 2100). If its an AMD CPU from the same time, performance would likely be worse.

    I currently have an AMD Athlon II X2 245 CPU. This CPU, and the four gig of RAM on my board, are the maximum outputs my currently board can run. As for my hard drives being spindle or what not, I do not know. I may used to know how to determine specs like that. But after years of disuse, I do not recall that (I never found work as a hardware tech as I wanted.)


    Time sure flows. Six year old video card. I got this one because it was supposed to last a while. If I need a new one to pick up performance, I may be stuck for a while since income would not allow me to purchase another high-end card. I would also have to get a new motherboard to accommodate the card. That probably means a new power supply and case as well. *sigh*

  12. Some posters suggested I make some notes about lag and graphical issues I am having. So, tonight, I took some notes.


    The issues I have involve lag in Warzones. Sometimes, attack animations do not display or graphics fail to appear. For example, during the Hypergate WZ, I can capture a pylon and will not see the node turn green and the UI will not register the point change for 25 to 30 seconds. This sort of issue usually happens at the start of the WZ. But it has happened in the middle or at the end as well. Other issues include during Huttball, people who are still reeling from stun attacks are able to pass the Huttball or the game will stutter as if I'm viewing every third frame of animation. I have had people tell me that these are hackers bogging the server down. But we'll see what you techs can offer.


    I currently have an NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT video card. It has 2757 MB of video RAM on the card itself. I have four gig of RAM on the board. I do not have the most current driver on the card (one came out early this year) because when I last tried to upgrade the driver, it forced my card in to a resolution that could not be seen and required a system restore to undo.


    For tonight's experiment (I feel like Dr. Clayton Forrester,) I played eight WZ games. The first four were with graphic settings all the way to nothing. The last four were with the usual high settings I prefer. Not all of the settings are maxed. From experience, I know that the game tends to play the same way despite graphic settings. So, any issues I mention apply to both halves. I will mention where they do not. And I play on the Jung Ma server.


    Server latency was always at four bars. It never lost a bar for all eight games. Latency numbers ranged from 61, the lowest, to 193 at the highest. It tended to stay around the 60 to 65 mark. There were two instances where it changed. One, was at the beginning of each Warzone. Latency would soar to as high as 149 at the start and then lower back down to 62 as time went on. The other instance where latency would jump is when two or more enemies got close and attacked. This was very prominent during Huttball and latency would jump to the 170 - 193 mark. Also, the more enemies that showed up, the more the game started to skip as if you were looking at every third frame of a movie. I did not encounter any of the players that people tell me use hacks and see the severe slow drawl like I did earlier this week. There were a few games of Starfighter in between WZs. But I have never had game issues during GSF like the ones I see in WZs. Also, during two games, one at high setting and one at low settings, using a channeled AoE ability would not display the green circle showing the area of effect. And while channeling the ability, the game did not draw the ability's appearance. This happens frequently at the beginning of a warzone on every character I play that has a channeled effect. After the first time of not appearing, a second casting will display the proper effect. When this happens, the accompanying sound effects will not play either. Mouse turning 180 or 360 degrees will cause the game to stutter in both halves. Keyboard turning will also stutter but not as bad as turning with the mouse will.


    The only other problem I encountered was sound issues. I've had them since 2012. For example, even when the graphics color the captured node green in Hypergate, there will be no accompanying sound effect with it for at least the first capture. Neither the effect of taking the node nor the narrator saying "You've captured a pylon" plays. Sometimes, NPCs and companions will not speak either when they are supposed to.


    The only other graphic issue I see consistently is that companion gifts in the cargo holds and in player inventory will turn black. If you pick them up and move them, the appearance returns. I used to be able to refresh the UI and this would be fixed. But the more patches that have been added, the less often refreshing would fix this. Now, it doesn't work at all. I usually have to go through an area loading session before this problem is resolved...that time.


    Ok, what do you think? Server lag? My card doesn't like the game? Keep in mind that I have other big graphic games on this computer. None of them experience what I have described seeing in ToR.

  13. wait... you are opening TICKETS to report players for foul language? dude... there's a report function specifically for that that does NOT clog up the ticket system. right click name, select report, select reason FOR the report, hit ok, done!

    Clarification: I am not opening tickets to report players for language. The UI seems to be automatically generating them when I right-click / report names. I looked at the open ones I have and discovered many of the tickets were just shots of chat with one person's name highlighted. I certainly did not cut and paste and submit those.


    I can compile another list of lag instances and then post them to see if anyone sees something I am missing. To be honest though, since I see the lag even with my graphics settings as low as they go, I am really not sure what can be done (the game also looks pretty ugly at those settings.)


    From now on, I will submit feedback only via email as another poster suggested. I thought the forums were a better outlet. Go figure.

  14. No one needs 65 tickets open. I suspect you are using CS for things that are NOT CS problems.


    A couple of tips:


    Most people you think are hacking, aren't.

    Launguage can be harsh. Time to get used to it.

    You may be in need of a general update to your computer. MMOs are different beasts than other games.


    By opening frivolous tickets you actually DEVALUE the entire system and create a crying wolf scenario where people no longer take you seriously.

    I said I did not want to get in to a war about this. But I will respond to this once. Just once.


    From the game's Terms of Service:

    - Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, "spamming" or flooding [posting repetitive text].

    No cussing in the game. Most people who consistently swear in chat get added to my ignore list. But if I am grouped with someone and I ask them not to cuss and they persist, I'm turning their butt in. And I have every right to do so. If I ever cussed in the game and someone turned me in and I was suspended, well, that's my own bloody fault, isn't it? Rules are rules. Everyone agrees to obey the rules in order to play the game. It is not my fault some folks cannot do so.


    Opening tickets is how I report things. Stuck in a wall? I open a ticket. Game shuts down while logging in, I open a ticket. Getting an error code? Ticket. NPC is partly inside a tree? Ticket. It's what I am supposed to do unless some developer wants to give me their personal email address to forward things to. This is not some sort of Obsessive / Compulsive Disorder on my part. The ToS also says it is against the rules to abuse the in-game support system. So, I am pretty sure that if I was abusing the system, EA would have banned me a long time ago. And I've been here two years. Blizzard never accused me of abuse when I opened tickets about guards being frozen and not responding or the mob who keeps spawning partly inside a rock and evades all attacks in World of Warcraft. I did not realize that helping out got you labeled a psychopath or gave you the stigma that you were a bad person.


    My computer is not the issue. I know this. The computer expert friends I have know this. I spent $2500 on this system to max it out in RAM, video card, video card memory, bus, etc. I play plenty of games. The lag issues I mentioned in my original post only appear in ToR. I cannot explain it. But it has been suggested that game servers themselves are the source. I did not accuse anyone of anything. I simply stated the issues I have personally experienced.


    As for the hacks, hey, I've already admitted I don't know. These could be intended. I know there is a class in the game that can teleport great distances. I know that lag can make it look like someone is still stunned but they actually came out of it two seconds ago in order to pass the huttball. Maybe you can crit someone for so much damage that they die in one shot. If I submit a possible hack and Bioware responds with "This is working as intended," no problem here. This is not me being a sore loser. This is me seeing something strange often enough to wonder if it is legit or not.


    To be perfectly honest, I do not care what others think about the way I play or that I try to be a "good citizen" in the games I play. Maybe it would better for all concerned if I cussed up a storm, hacked my way to victory, treated everyone that plays ToR like a real jerk, and created hostile posts on the forums and Twitter posts about how the people in the Austin, Texas office suck at their jobs and should commit suicide whenever a problem with the game appears. But I doubt it. Some of us want to help out to make the gaming experience a little more fun is all. I'm so sorry that this means I am worse than some whacko who killed a bunch of people at a Batman movie.


    Thanks for the time. I think I'll go away now. I seem to have disrupted the forums for some.

  15. If the developers are chatting like some posters here have said, I must be missing them. Granted, I do not always come to the Star Wars forums. But if the developers are having in-person chats and there are transcripts floating about, I was completely unaware of them. The last I saw of developer interaction was when there were Q and A sessions linked off the main site's front page. I was not aware they were talking to players still. Perhaps a link to these or a mention in the occasional email I get would have helped.


    When I encounter a bug, I make a ticket. If someone constantly drops the f-bomb in chat, I turn them in. I reeeeally do not want to get in to the whole "turn-on-your-filter" discussion so do not go there. But yes, I do open a lot of tickets. I do not see how the developers will hear about issues with me sitting in fleet chat going "Yo, Bioware! I got stuck in a rock on Denova and blasted 'til I died."


    I can try turning off nameplates and see if that helps any. I do not believe that the graphical or sound issues are on my end though. I have several other graphically intense games I play and my computer plays them as smooth as butter. Believe me when I say that my ISP is no help in isolating connection issues. I know this for a fact because I used to work for them. Everything comes from my own research or the gurus that I know.


    Again, I don't know that people are hacking. I just know that I'm seeing some strange things. 75% accuracy in GSF? That's amazing. But hit a target that is behind them and kill it in one shot? I dunno. A player recovers from a stun so fast it was as if the stun never hit them? That's pretty darn fast. 32,000 damage in one hit? I didn't think our stats were high enough to create such numbers. But more and more people are saying the same players hack. Heck, some even freely admit they hack in open chat. I cannot compete with people who do some of the things I've seen lately. And player skill doesn't figure in to it when a character without a teleport ability can move from the pit floor to the top level in Huttball and catch their own pass.


    As I said, developers do as they will and they do not have to listen to any player for any reason (though it would be foolish to do so.) I do not expect my concerns to be addressed or even taken in to consideration. But I was quite vocal for several months that the game needed more chairs for us to sit in. Suddenly, chairs started to appear. You just had to buy packs from the Cartel and hope one appeared before you could actually sit in one. /shrug

  16. I rarely post my own feedback about any game. For me, I do not see much of a need. Game developers are going to do whatever they want to do no matter what a majority of people say to them. But on this one occasion, I wanted to leave Bioware some feedback about The Old Republic. I am not really expecting any kind of acknowledgement (though it would be nice to know someone in charge actually listened to me) nor do I want to get in to a big argument with other players about why I am this way about a topic or that way about another. Still, it would not surprise me for this to go unread and simply fall off the forums to wherever forgotten posts go.


    Before I get in to it, a little about me: I've been playing video games all my life. MMOs for about fifteen years now. I am by no means the worst player but neither am I in the top ten. I try hard even if I do not always expect to win. I have been a subscriber of ToR since 2012 with the Collector's Edition and have bought all the expansions since. I may get burn out from time to time. I do play a couple of other MMOs but I always come back since I love Star Wars.


    So, first, what I really like about the game. I love the story lines. They're great. And the voice acting, for the most part, is really good. My companion's AI is really good and since companions have a story as well, I can get attached to them and feel part of a team. GSF was an excellent addition and though it took a few tries, huttball is one of my favorite Warzones. And since I am an avid roleplayer, all of my characters have their own background stories.


    But sadly, there is the other side of the coin. In the last few months that I have been playing the game, a number of issues have appeared that have disheartened me about the game itself. There are a range of issues so I'll list and group them together as best as I can.



    In my untechiness, I cannot state with any real confidence just what kind of lag I experience. Whether it's server lag, connection lag, driver limit lag (if there is such a thing,) or whatever. ToR lags. Sometimes, it is worse than other times. But it is always there. Run to a new section of the main space station on the fleet and the game will suddenly pause and then start going again often with my character having changed direction through no command of my own. While players themselves are drawn in slowly, I can wait a good twenty to thirty seconds before a quest turn in machine will appear and can be accessed. NPCs sometimes will not speak until a minute or so after I click on them. And sometimes, they may not even speak at all though they are supposed to. In Warzones, my attack animations will not be displayed for several seconds after it starts. Capturing a node in Hypergate will take thirty seconds to change the graphic that I did, in fact, take the node and for the UI to register the point gain. Planet load times are long. On occasion, even the astromech computer interface icon on the loading screen stops spinning which makes me wonder whether the game has locked up or I have been disconnected. In fairness, I've tried the usual fixes for this. I've turned down my graphic settings to bare minimum, turned off all programs running in the background, including anti-virus, and made sure all my device drivers are up to date. My computer is rather high-end on specs so running the game is no problem at all and a colleague has told me that my pings to the game servers are "more than adequate" to run the game. Yet still, the lag persists.


    *My tickets are full.*

    I have had this happen to me on a couple of other occasions. My tickets will fill up and I can no longer create any new ones. At the moment, I have sixty-five open tickets from 3/18/2014 for things like bugs, reported players, and other issues. Of those, I have received three confirmation emails. I don't know if that is how backlogged your GMs are. But I have come across other items that I should let you know about (like getting stuck in a particular wall in the Civil War WZ,) but I cannot because I can open no more tickets. The last person I spoke to from Bioware about this was that it was a problem within the UI itself. Bioware was aware of this problem and was working to fix it. That was in the summer of 2013.



    I never know for sure whether someone is hacking in the game or not. But I never just assume that because I see someone do something weird that they are hacking. However, in the last few months, I've noticed a number of odd incidents that seems awfully suspicious and have had other players say "That is a real hack." For example, the issue I mentioned above about how in Hypergate the game takes thirty seconds or more to show the fact that you captured the pylon has many people telling me that this is a clear indication that someone in the game is using a speed hack and is bogging down the server responses. If you are playing the Denova WZ and the game stutters every few seconds during combat, that means someone is using a hack for instant kills. People who recover from a stun at the very instant they are stunned or appear to be reeling from a stun and can still Throw the Huttball aren't just lucky many times in a row. And it's not just Warzones. I've seen players of Starfighter getting accuracies of 72% or more. It is usually the same people every time. And those are the same names people say again and again are using an Aimbot hack. Do I know for sure? No, I don't. And I would love to turn these folks in. But my tickets are full and I cannot create any more. I will not name names (but boy, could I,) but these kinds of players are taking the fun out of the game for me. I cannot compete against someone who uses a hack to two-shot me or move so fast that I cannot target them. And I don't want to download and use the very hacks they are using. Though it is a really easy matter for me to find these hacks. I could even list sites that allow you access to them. But again, I will not do so. Also, many of the weird things I see, like stunned players still passing the Huttball, might be lag. I can never really tell.


    *Queue times*

    Oh, brother. Queue times can be atrocious. Depending on what level you are, you could spend twenty to thirty minutes in queue for a Warzone. It is not uncommon to spend forty-five minutes to an hour (or more) waiting for a flashpoint to find a group. The group finder is great. And I thank Lucas's beard that we have it. But the queue times need to be addressed. Yes, I've read the articles about the Hero engine and the developer statements that cross server queues have a significant technological hurdle to overcome. But the last time I heard anything about this was in June of 2013 on these very forums. Which brings me to...


    *Developer communication.*

    I completely understand that a developer's time is limited. There is a lot to do and not enough time to do it. When I first started playing, the developers talked to us on a monthly basis. Suddenly, that just stopped. Granted, monthly talks are difficult and time demanding for the developers. But since then, communication dried up. Before a new content patch, the developers will make a video talking about what is coming up. But that is not communicating with us and answering our questions. How about once every four months you answer a couple of player questions? Just something that says "Hey, folks! We do hear you! Keep sending us your feedback and we'll try to respond!" That has been missing for more than a year now.


    *Team balancing*

    Sometimes, the WZ finder does not seem to balance the teams out. One side will have three healers while the other side has no healers. In GSF, one team can accumulate thirty two kills in less than three minutes while the other team has yet to hit five. Arenas can, and are, often four versus three, or four versus two, four versus one, or even just four and no opposition. 4 vs. 0 should cause the game to abort. Not award a free win. Oh, it's nice to get! But geez, I'd rather play than get a free victory at no cost. As for the thirty kills in two minutes, that may be attributed to the aforementioned Aimbot hack in GSF...although I have never been able to shoot someone who was directly behind me either.


    I'm not trying to grief anyone or get special favors. I just want to play a fair game and have fun. Even if I lose a close game, it can still be a "GG." But so many things are going against that fun that I am starting to consider quitting. And that's sad. The Old Republic has great potential and there are only so many places you can pretend to be a Jedi without being arrested. I sincerely hope someone at Bioware reads this and addresses a few things. Having my own house on Korriban is neat and all. But if I could play a warzone without having to hit my Rapid Fire icon more than once before I see the laser firing would be a lot nicer.


    I will bump this at least twice if only to satisfy myself that it has at least been visible long enough for someone out there to see it. It's that important to me.


    I do thank you for your time.

  17. As I said, I'm all for removing people who are not participating. We don't want battleground bots or people "sitting in the hanger" so to speak. But if the alternative to being told you are not participating while trying to avoid dieing is to commit in-game suicide, that is NOT cool.


    I admit that I do not see an easy way around this problem. But at least I can claim that I had several weapon locks on me. Even if I had stopped turning to type in a call for help in chat I would have been destroyed. *sigh*

  18. During a Starfighter match in my gunship, an enemy player kept targeting me from behind. I would manage to break his missile lock on me by slowing my flight speed and doing some quick turns and boosts. The player persisted so I ended up doing this several times for a few moments and was unable to get in a shot on anything. Lo and behold, the game told me that I was not contributing. I was to do damage or interact with an object or be removed. All the while, I'm still turning sharply to get this guy off my tail (hard to do in a slug-slow gunship.) Unable to fire on anything and about to be removed from the game, I slammed in to an asteroid and was told "You are contributing again."


    Oh, yeah. THAT is fair. I'm trying to avoid being shot and killed and the game says I'm not contributing. What was I supposed to do? Just fire my blasters at a target I could not see?


    I am all for removing people who are not participating. But I was participating!! And I was about to be kicked out of the game for that. Sorry, Bioware. But that's really not cool.

  19. You are rewarded a medal for guarding a node. Bronze for remaining within a short distance for one minute, silver for two minutes, etc. These are just like earning Defense medals in ground PvP.
  20. In all of Star Wars, the Empire always has two main focuses on ship design: fear and power.


    When you see a ship, the Empire wants the viewer to know that the ship they are looking at belongs to the Empire. They also want you to know that just by seeing the ship, bad things are on the way. And that ship will be the one killing you today.


    After that, the Empire believes in mass production and then utilizing that production. The Empire would not send a single squadron to accomplish a mission. The Empire would send eight squadrons and a super carrier. Crush it and win.


    Aesthetics were never the Empire's way. Even modern day Tie Fighters required the pilot to wear a full life support suit and had little or no shields. Their ships are not pretty. They're deadly.


    That being said, however, I will admit that the Imperial gunships are a little ugly. The extra wing protrusions seem unnecessary and just make for something extra to target if the gunship is caught exposing it's starboard or port facing. Let's hope those do not supply or generate energy for the gunship.

  21. He specifically called out a scenario in which one team outnumbered the other 5:1 at a node and was prevented from capping by a single pilot expertly dodging around the satellite.


    That, I believe, is intended. I believe the tutorial cards say that if you want to capture a satellite, you must clear it of enemies. Sounds like a good mechanic to me.


    Five to one, or three to one, and you cannot stop the one orbiting enemy. The pilot is good.

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