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Posts posted by Fireal

  1. There should not be any gear rewards. Gear should all be crafted.The pve and pvp content should all be enjoyable and fun. If they could provide enjoyable content in both aspects this would work great. I am sick of treating mmos like a second job.


    As it works now you have to spend many days doing content to get all the gear you need and then what? Do it all over again. That's not fun in my eyes. These companies are greedy and only care enough to keep taking your money. People need to stop feeding them for the same ideas redone.


    I lost all respect for Bioware with this game.

  2. I'm going to be nice, just this once, but I don't like repeating myself. Failures of reading comprehension from this point forward will not be taken lightly.


    Shields do not work as advertised. The only abilities which shields work on are those listed as "Weapon Damage" in the ability tooltip.


    Shiv, Rocket Punch, Lacerate, Back Stab, and Hidden Strike are all abilities which look like they should be mitigated by shielding but they do not, they are classified as "Kinetic Damage" and therefore bypass shields entirely in the current game. Operatives and Bounty Hunters therefore only have three abilities, each, which are affected at all by shields.


    Any tooltip which lists its ability as doing "Elemental Damage," "Internal Damage," "Kinetic Damage," or "Energy Damage" bypasses your shielding entirely.


    This means that the only classes significantly affected by shielding is Snipers and Saber Weilders. Everything else in this game gets by your shielding without batting an eyelash.


    This is of course unfair for both sides. Saber Weilders and Snipers deal with significantly more damage mitigation than anyone else, and Tanks aren't getting nearly as much bang for their shielding buck (Powertech tanks especially since the whole damn tree revolves around shielding, something which less than half of their opponents do a significant amount of attacks towards).


    There may be "no abilities which grant the ability to bypass shields," but my point is that there doesn't have to be since so few of the attacks can be shielded in the first place.


    Don't believe me? Spend an hour of your own time to test it. Like I did when I didn't believe the person who told me.


    Assassin and shadow tanks rely heavily on shield/absorb as well.

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