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Posts posted by Omophorus

  1. Pretty much this. I can say from personal experience that Revan HM is most likely the hardest fight mechanically in this game to date, on top of a bit of a DPS & heal check. This tier of Hard Modes I would consider "Hardmare" as it is definitely a different direction they made compared to the last HM's being 'facerolls' if you would. I think this is a step in the right direction for the game, but these instances of Hard Mode should not be taken lightly.


    Back on topic, be on the lookout for a new Imperial team I've been hearing about in Teamspeak servers that may not have a name yet. From what I've heard, there could be some nice competition here soon


    That's exciting to me, and I should've done a better job of clarifying.


    Not demeaning the content, more thinking about level cap increase (+ early access) and a very unequal distribution of raiders who've seen content on closed PTS and raiders who haven't.

  2. I have heard speculation of PV coming back and I wouldn't hold your breath. I've spoken to certain players from PV that moved on to other guilds and it seemed less than likely they would come back. On the other hand Postmortem is going through a recruitment phase to where we are testing out members to try to get the best composition and team together. It is a work in progress and I think it can be a good team but I don't know how long it will take to mold the group together. Goodluck to any other guilds that go for the new hardmode content!


    We'll see. I'm back, which is step 1, and we're dealing with a couple things tactically at the moment.


    HM progression race is a joke, so I'm more interested in making sure PV is NiM-ready if/when we go back to full active status. It's going to depend heavily on our ability to field a strong enough team.


    We're not going to be 40-year-old-Brett-Favre coming out of retirement for one last shot at glory, only to be fat, lame, and useless. The goal of PV has always been to be a server-first capable NiM raiding guild, and it will be that or nothing.


    Between the holidays and the fact that HM doesn't matter, we haven't really been racing to hit 60 and put a team together, the only real consideration is making sure that we have enough time to min/max in the 3.0 HM gear before NiM drops.

  3. Seems like there could be a market for you guys to sell masks. I've gotten a few whispers on my sorc asking about it since I brought it here.


    Everyone wants one, no one wants to pay a reasonable price for one.


    Or, more accurately, no one wants to pay enough to rent ~15 peoples' time to make that **** irritating fight worthwhile.

  4. I like your post Srs, you kinda made my point for me. You just continued doing what you do by missing the point of this is a game and you seem to use it to validate yourself. You like to use the words elitist and aloof in your posts, and I often consider you are substituting those words for social awkwardness. In your case is you got some of the best players on this server and had to get some of the best and experienced players from other servers....you are supposed to win, so it may weaken your achievement just a bit. Gosh Srs in this game you have to be good, it's your only attraction, no one would want to be around you if you were not.


    To end we are all on different levels and we all have different friends and access to people who have completed the content from other servers who come to guide us through. And again we also all have flaws and weak points that make us all a little more equal in an odd sense. Let people add their progression to the thread just as you have and let it be. 10 years from now members of unhinged, Freedom Warriors or various other guilds will remember the fun they had with their group, killing bosses, the shenanigans, telling jokes and laughing, and few will remember or care who was server first on that tier. ....all the best


    That was a pretty bad troll, tbh.

  5. LOL, you guys realize this is a game right? and overall it does not matter! Srs cries about how easy the game is after nightmare power was taken away to validate the work of his guild. Great accomplishment, you had the canvas the server for the best talent and then set them for all stars from other servers to come help you finally get the clear. Super Job, a guild was started to be server first and after the accomplishment you looked back and saw that it resembled nothing that you really started with. You built nothing just pushed through because guilds on other server broke and decided to come here at your behest. Sounds a little hollow.


    No, I cry because the core members of the guild quit out of boredom. The only original comment was to bemoan a major change that was for the worse (completely neutering a mechanic, far more than was necessary). It turned into a more general complaint about the way BioWare chose to go about converting Nightmare Mode into more accessible content. I don't mind that it's more accessible, but I just don't agree with the method.


    And yeah, you're bang on with your latter point. At least for DP.


    The only non-Ebon Hawk native in our DF clear was Levium, who came to the guild right at the beginning of the progression tier. He came without knowing how good or bad we'd wind up being, but it aligned with his schedule and progression goals. Both healers, myself, and all 4 DPS were EH natives.


    For DP, a bit of a different story, and that had more to do with deciding to switch to 16m instead of doing 8m, as we had a number of very solid DPS sitting on the sidelines unable to participate. Then we were faced with the brutal reality that 16m Council was not tuned at all, required 5 healers for most of the fight (except one had to respec to DPS for the 2nd phase, then spec back to healer for the 3rd phase and final burn), and that we simply didn't have 5 healers that could get it done.


    Given the time crunch we were under, we absolutely pieced together the best 8 we could field to make sure we got Council down with Nightmare Power. All of the members that were in that kill team had been a part of the 16m progression team, and ultimately 6 of the 8 members who got the server first Brontes kill were able to get the DP title.


    But you're right - we did pick up a handful of people from other servers who wanted to raid more, and our schedule didn't conflict with most other world progression teams (we typically started up right after they all called it a night). Those people were instrumental in getting Council down with Nightmare Power. It likely would not have happened with all Ebon Hawk native talent unless we'd never done 16m and had just spent as much time on 8m Council as we did on Brontes.


    Bio-ware came up with this strategy to keep people playing this game, as other games have found out making content that only 1% can see is a waste of time and eventually subs will drop, if you don't like it I'm sorry.


    I like the idea. I don't like the implementation. The raid damage was reduced by too much, some mechanics were toned down too much, and it was very odd that the DPS checks were made easier only because bored healers can now DPS like 50%+ of the time and more mechanics can basically be ignored.


    They should've scaled down enemy HP slightly to ease the DPS check a tad, and scaled down raid damage some, but not as much as they did.


    They also should have implemented a method of turning Nightmare Power back on voluntarily, perhaps with a new title that indicates that you were able to clear the instance at full strength, but not during the initial "progression" window. The people that want the challenge could have it, with a reward to show for it, and the people that aren't there yet could take it on in its current form, then give it a try at full power if they like.


    We all have flaws and they all come out here, so just let people post their progression, say grats and lets move on. And never think your accomplishments are better than any others, we all have different goals. Also If you really are sincere about your props, find them in game and whisper them a good way to go, or pop into their voice coms, in the long run I am sure it will mean more.


    There really isn't anywhere else to talk about it, so conversation is bound to happen here from time to time.


    Sometimes it'll sound a little elitist. Frankly, I don't care.


    I'm happy for them, but they have the same basic goal that we did - challenge themselves on the hardest PVE content available. I *do* think our accomplishment is better because we did the same content when the difficulty level was higher. I *don't* care if anyone thinks less of me because of that. I don't really do much in SWTOR these days, so the likelihood of anyone having to suffer my presence or attitude is negligible in any case.


    I'm happy to see more guilds trying out Nightmare content and having success. I genuinely hope they find it to their liking and decide they want to take it seriously the next time real progression content comes along. I don't know if PV will be there or not, but I do know that if it is, I'll relish the competition and I'm excited by the idea of having a real scrap for progression milestones. Nothing is more motivating to me than a real threat of being second, or third, or fourth. So good luck to all the new guilds setting foot in NiM DF and DP, and hope to see you pushing for server firsts next time out.

  6. Single target pure DPS?


    Assassinate if available.

    Shock to CD.

    Maul with Conspirator's Cloak proc.

    Thrash for CC/Energize procs.

    Saber Strike if low on energy.


    FL and Wither are both DPS losses on a single target if all you care about is max DPS and nothing else. The biggest problem with both is that they do less DPGCD than Shock and consume GCDs that could be spent on Shock or proc'ing more Shocks.


    Edit: Realistically, your DPS rotation is your tanking rotation, which means you just need to go look at KBN's "Pain Free Tank Rotation" thread.


    In a nutshell...


    Shock > Wither > Filler > Filler> Shock > Filler > Force Lightning


    Repeat until blue in the face. Adjust as required thanks to Energize procs, but make sure there is 1 GCD between getting your 3rd stack of Harnessed Darkness and casting Force Lightning unless doing so will cause you to lose Dark Protection stacks.


    Filler priority is:

    Discharge (if needed for Acc debuff)


    Maul (CC proc)


    Saber Strike (if empty on Force)

  7. lolol you still get the heals regardless. you are a tank so you are taking near constant damage so you could never "invalidate" the self healing. which brings me to the next thing, current shadow/sin tanks with no self heal > self heal shadow/sins tank for that very reason of "invalidating heals." if you are rotating your CDs properly and know the fight more mitigation >>>>>>>> self heal on FL/TK throw


    If a healer cast a heal that topped you off in such a way that at least 1 tick of your channel didn't actually heal you, they invalidated the mechanic. The balance between tanks prior to Harnessed Darkness/Shadows changes was functioning on certain assumptions about the value of self-healing versus mitigation.


    If the assumptions were wrong (because of outside influences like healers topping you off), then the entire model for game balance was wrong. It may not have been *badly* wrong, but it was still wrong enough to help breed the idea among players that Shadow/Sin tanks were "squishy" (because, relatively speaking, they were between about 1.3 and the changes to HD after 2.0 thanks to the healing not working out like it was supposed to).


    So yeah, in a nutshell, BioWare designed the Sin/Shadow self-healing mechanic in a bubble which didn't look anything like how people actually play the game. It was either mad OP (in easier PVE content and PVP when not interrupted) or really weak (in harder PVE content or when players were smart enough to deny your heals in PVP). And it was all down to that pesky detail that they couldn't balance/scale it and they didn't anticipate its real value accurately.

  8. Can we have our self-healing back? I like what we got in return, but it's what made us truly unique as tanks.


    Now we're overall not much different from the others.




    It was a *********** terrible mechanic.


    Good riddance.


    I am glad it was gone, I hope it never returns.


    What makes Shadow/Assassin different from the others is a higher dependence on active mitigation and CDs which must be used against the right sorts of attacks to be strong (but are very good in terms of effect and CD in exchange for their less-broad applicability).


    Self-healing is a nightmare to balance and scale versus content, it's awful to try to balance in PVP vs PVE, and it's just a bad game design choice in general. It puts additional burden on your healers to avoid the risk of invalidating self-healing as a mechanic (they need to intentionally not top you off), it is wasted if you ever have to interrupt a channel (whereas DP stacks on itself, so it's much easier to keep up and gain the full benefit whether or not the channel completes), and it's utterly worthless if you haven't taken damage in alignment with your "rotation".


    No one who begs for self-healing back can justify why it would be a good decision to do so. They can't discuss game design or game balance and put forth a scenario where it makes sense or can be balanced and scale.


    Unless you can do that, **** and ****.

  9. Look guys, I understand it's not a challenge to you, and I can appreciate that. we're working to get that point, but we aren't there yet, and to basically call what all of us are doing as nothing is nothing more than shoving crap in our faces. We're working to progress, same as you were. I can't imagine you didn't go through the same challenges with coordination. (btw, those grenades were only there as a result of a grenade going off seconds before he went down, and our heals didn't get the chance to cleanse, they're better than you're giving them credit for) Not our call to change things, nor will I be any less proud of progressing sans Nightmare Power. It still takes the time and effort to learn the patterns you call so easy.


    Complaining about Bioware I can understand, but I would think having more people progressing is a good thing for the server, not a bad thing.


    I do like, in the abstract, that BioWare is making Nightmare content more approachable before you overgear it by multiple tiers. I don't like how they did it. They nerfed outgoing damage like crazy, meaning that tank and healer gear is essentially meaningless and the only things anyone really has to worry about is meeting DPS checks, not failing raid-wipe mechanics, and not having too many people die in hilarious and humiliating ways.


    So yes, I expect people to take time to learn to execute fights, but the individual excellence that was required with Nightmare Power is long gone. To be blunt - if healers and tanks can't cut the mustard in DF and DP right now, they will be on the express lane to the bench the next time real progression content is released (aka sometime after 3.0). The current state of DF and DP is only really a litmus test for DPS, as the DPS checks have only changed insofar as spending less time worrying about mechanics and execution means more ability to dummy parse on raid bosses.


    For example, it used to be important that people paid attention to positioning so that large groups didn't get hit with the Corrosive Grenade. And it was imperative that people were cleansed right away, as the damage the DOT dealt was very high. Now, the DOT does utterly pissant damage and there's no incentive to pay attention to positioning or rush to cleanse it. The healers have much less need to be on the ball and the DPS can pretty much chuck raid awareness out the window except on phase changes.

  10. So much corrosive grenade! :-) Congratulations, guys.


    It's hilarious how piss-easy the healing is in "Nightmare" mode without the buff. There's like no reason to even worry about stuff like those grenades anymore, it's really sad.


    At this point, the only thing that's remotely close to a challenge is being able to meet certain DPS checks (Council 2nd phase, primarily).

  11. There's a flaw in that line of thinking. You seem to be give the average mitigation value of the DCD, where the importance is on using it at the right time, which is true of both PvP and PvE.


    Lets use Aelanis example of back to back 30k hits (DP NiM Council tank swap to Calphy with NiM power up), add another ~13% mitigation there and your value is bust. I'm not saying tanking Calphy in hybrid is really viable, just pointing out that unless you are taking a consistant damage amount you can't compare the averages. Basically you don't use CD's when taking average damge you use them to mitigate burst damage.


    It's why I had asked You and Aelanis to give a true comparison. To do so you'd need a boss fight log, using the actual hit damage before any mitigation, then of course, re-adding the values for all tanks and then factor in the use of DCD's at the appropriate time.


    For the other CDs, I'd agree, but with Blackout, most of the time it gets used near to CD because:


    a) It doesn't actually mitigate that much damage, so while it takes the edge off a burst, it doesn't have anything like as much impact as our other CDs.

    b) Hybrid is hilariously Force-negative even with the tank tree talents to help Force recovery, so it's beneficial for recovering Force as often as possible.


    As such, it's not too much of a stretch to just consider its average contribution.


    There are a few times I get cute with using it (e.g. aligning with a Thundering Blast on Tyrans to reduce the spike *and* recover Force), but it only really sits up off CD if I'm not actively tanking, and even then it often gets used just for the Force recovery (e.g. Raptus when just poking his tookus with a double saber).

  12. Shadow Protection / Dark Protection

    The 12 second duration is far too short a time to keep four stacks of this ability. It is easily lost in both PvE and PvP due to issues in mobility that are directly linked to building Harnessed Shadows / Darkness and channeling TKT / FL.


    • Increase the duration of this effect to at least 18 seconds.
    • Possibly even change it to a flat 4% DR bonus and eliminate the need to acquire four stacks.


    The only real argument for 12s being too short is in the (relatively rare) situation where you have to Shock for a 3rd stack, channel immediately to refresh stacks, and then break channel after the initial tick. You'll be left with 3.5s of Shock CD to contend with and 11s of DP duration left. If you manage to use every GCD with no gaps and get zero Energize procs, you'll Shock @ 8.5s of DP duration and 2.5s of DP duration meaning you have a 1s gap to start your channel to keep stacks. That may not always be possible, but that's literally a worst-case scenario.


    4% flat DR would be a horrible change. It would be OP from a mitigation perspective and would have a negative impact on Assassin's rotation. I'll talk about that latter one below.


    But yeah, Assassin's DTPS is already inline with Juggy and PT (lower on a lot of current fights thanks to hybrid). We don't need more steady-state mitigation and a reduced skill floor. Might as well just play PT at that point.


    Harnessed Shadows / Darkness and TKT / FL

    This has been at the core of our tanking rotation since day one. Now that is required to sustain our defensive buff through a rotation that FOR SOME is too tedious, it has become a liability. Specifically in PvP or high mobility PvE encounters, channeling a three second ability with 10* range every 12 seconds is not easily doable. Add to the fact that you can be knocked back and stunned to ruin a channel. And this is supposed to be the compensation for the removal of heals.


    • With full stacks, make TKT / FL channel and tick twice fast. Adjust the damage bonus as needed to balance for the increase in DPS.
    • Change Upheaval / Chain Shock to provide two stacks of Harnessed upon firing a second Project / Shock. OR Slow Time / Wither grants two stacks of Harnessed. OR Lower the maximum number of stacks required to produce Protection to two.


    Discuss and flame.


    There's nothing wrong with the mechanic seeing as the stacks fully refresh off even 1 tick. It's rare to not be able to get off even 1 tick, although doing so intentionally does increase the amount of forethought and needed to ensure you rebuild stacks again in time and don't Force-starve yourself.


    You should be so lucky that someone in PVP will waste a hard stun on you to interrupt Force Lightning. Seeing as how the first tick is instant, you still get your stacks refreshed and you get resolve to boot.


    Plus, it's tight but 100% feasible to always have HD stacks in time even if you get no Energize procs so long as you're within 10m at all times. Considering you only ever need 1 tick to keep stacks up so long as you got them up to 4 at some point, you can be substantially mobile and keep your stacks so long as you're sufficiently skilled and attentive.


    Assassin is the "skill" tank and it does actually provide measurably superior performance (especially in PVE) with sufficiently skillful play. It's still very much in line with Juggy an PT even if stacks do fall off occasionally, and its overall performance is directly proportional to your ability to get the most out of your CDs and manage your active mitigation.


    Maybe it could be more user-friendly, but quite honestly it's very balanced at an average level of play and perhaps slightly too good (to offset the difficulty of execution) when played near-optimally.



  13. Well the day is now here and NiM buff has been taken away. We are now left with a game that no longer has challenging content and with that notion, no content at all in some people's eyes. I wonder though, is this (removing all content) just an attempt by bioware to scare off the raiding community? Are we seriously the "redheaded step child" in this game? Are they fearful that our constant awareness of their mistakes and lack of quality servers will push people away from the cartel market? Idk about yall but I'm gonna be half asleep while raiding till 3.0 hits. Ill wake up to see the new raids then fall back asleep till their NiM versions are released but yeah thank you. Bioware, you truely are the best at what you do. We ask for more content, you take all content away. Truely the best at what you do, listening to your customers.



    Real ****.


    **** you, your servers are ****, your customer service is ****, your game is ****.


    I can see how removal of Nightmare Power could be seen as an attempt to scare off the raiding community, but I think it's the opposite - for serious raiders the race is what matters most, and once the race ends there's more upside for BW to being more inclusive than there is being exclusive. Hard content on farm status (for the groups that got DF and/or DP on farm status before buff went away) is still content on farm status.


    I'm impressed that several guilds pulled out last-minute Deposer kills, but I don't think that many guilds *capable* of clearing the content at the full difficulty level (and without over-gearing it by a tier or two) exist that haven't already gotten the kill.


    It definitely seems like more people are attempting NiM DF now that Nightmare Power is gone, which is a win for BioWare, but doesn't really have that much impact on people who Conqueror'd. The biggest downside, at least to me, is that alt runs won't present as much of a challenge, so there's less opportunity to be challenged playing a new class.


    If SWTOR had anything like the number of serious progression raiders that WoW has, maybe things would be different, but just think about how many individuals (people like Yolo) have gotten kills in multiple groups. The number of guilds/raid teams getting clears is relatively small to begin with, and the number of *players* getting clears is even slightly smaller.


    I can't imagine it's easy to cost-justify creating content for maybe ~200 players, so if the stupid Nightmare Power gimmick means that it's an easier sell to create more NiM content, I'll live with it.


    Maybe, if a unicorn farts and causes a pig to fly over Austin, TX, we won't be waiting 6-9 months after the digital expansion to have new NiM content. Not holding my breath for that, but if BW judges that Nightmare Power made the whole design of NiM better, it's possible they could accelerate future development. Would be nice...


    Edit: Not apologizing for BioWare, just being a realist. Also, don't mean to imply that PV had either DF or DP on farm status with NiM power. We got both titles but we definitely aren't in the same league as folks like Zorz, who I'm sure were already getting pretty bored of the content even with Nightmare Power.

  14. <Proper Villains> didn't post on this thread when we originally got our Council kill because we were far enough behind World First that it didn't really matter.


    Did want to make sure we had documented, for posterity, that we 5/5'd with Nightmare Power regardless of the rank on world progression.


    Few weeks old, but meh.



    Kill Video (sans audio, since Twitch is stupid about it)

  15. Question along similar lines but actually moderately more probable:


    What about Eternal Warrior title by itself? The mask looks kinda dopey to me ^.^


    We haven't really considered selling just the title, and it's somewhat doubtful that we would.


    To put it bluntly, Hateful Entity is annoying as hell, so if we're going to take the time to monetize it, we want to maximize the return on our time, even if it does potentially reduce our volume of business.


    On top of that, it is in our interests and our customers' interests that the mask and title remain exclusive, so there is that as well.

  16. If the answer is yes, then you're in luck!


    Proper Villains is going to be offering a very limited number of Crest of the Dread Master masks (the drop from Hateful Entity) for sale to interested parties. The price will be 30 million credits, and is not open to negotiation.


    Each mask comes with a complimentary "the Eternal Warrior" title, free of charge.


    These masks will be made available this Thursday or Friday evening (August 28th or 29th) starting at 11:45 EST.


    There are no gear, role, or DPS requirements, you simply need to be able to enter the operation "Scum and Villainy".


    Please contact Srs'bsns, Manglazed, Hashtäg (Alt+132 for the special character), or Sev'ak in game if you are interested, or send me a message here on the forums.

  17. Oh mike, I'm no one of consequence. Just a trash collector, I see garbage sometimes I take it out. Just calling out a socially awkward PV Fanboy who does very little in this game, and counts for even less...


    Not you, the other chucklehead :p

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