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Posts posted by SwordofSodan

  1. Cowards? Why? There are no consequences of any kind in this game or reason to fear anyone or anything. In this game we pewpew, die then respawn and we lose nothing in return. You're obviously trying to goad people into a flamewar with a silly label like that.
  2. I have to admit this game wasn't exacly what I thought it would be, and that includes the rail shooter spaceship portion of the game. But for some reason SWtoR has managed to keep my interest since launch where most simular games only manage to keep my interest for 2-3 months. The only other MMO that has managed to keep my attention for more than 2-3 months besides SWtoR is Eve Online, which I've been playing off and on for the past 5 and a half years. I won't be playing this game nearly that long (for reasons that I don't want to get into) because I'm starting to burn out and it's getting to the point where I have to push myself.
  3. There are only three reasons why I will leave a group.


    1) Everyone attacking other targets instead of attacking my target.

    Hard and elite mobs burn down much faster and smoother when group focused.


    2) Non tanks rushing in and pulling agro.

    This pisses me off.


    3) Breaking cc.

    It happens sometimes and I can except that but some people just seem unaware and make a habit out of it.



    - One more reason for me leaving a group is poor communication.

    The problem is when someone is doing something wrong and it is pointed out, that person is ignored and the offender keeps doing whatever he/she was doing that is wrong.

    Whatever the reason is for this, it is a problem and I've encountered this too many times. I usually give people 3 chances to acknowledge me, after that I pretty much consider them to be douchbags and I drop the group.

  4. Why is this in PVP forum and not server forum? I could care less what you achieved in preseason against mostly pugs in a fairly broken PVP system. If/when we see cross server queues then that might be the time to post in main PVP forum. Somehow I doubt we will ever see that post.


    I wonder how much the use of exploits contributed to your rating though, regardless of your rating it is what you are most renowned for..

  5. I still favor a scaling lockout :p It would suck for a DC, but if you put the first leave of the day at a 5 minute lockout, second at 15, 3rd 1 hour, and a 4th leave as a 24 hour ban, you are not going to hit the DCs that hard unless it is a VERY common thing for them to DC.... I have left maybe 4 WZs, but it is a constant source of frustration to me that I continually see people leaving at the first sign of an issue. Gets WAY old... And hello there Leira ;p
    Shortsighted people.

    Likely scenarios would be: Player go's afk, just starts dancing on node or bunny hopping naked through warzone for example. Say what you want, this will gradually become more annoying then people just dropping out of a warzone. I can already see the whine threads rolling in. Another scenario would be that people gradually stop queueing all together.


    Forcing people to do things that they don't want to do especially in a game thats supposed to be enjoyable is a bad idea. Another point worth mentioning is, there is no cross server pvp currently in SWtoR so player pool is kind of limited more so on each server. This will lead to annoyingly long solo queue times until eventually, (like I mentioned before) people stop queueing all together.

  6. How is repeatedly killing someone on the opposite team harassment again? I've been harassed every warzone as a healer apparently.
    Repeatedly singling someone out match after match is harassment. Maybe your just not mature enough to understand this?
  7. Consensual PvP is not harrassment.
    I had a simular situation in a pug and successfully reported that person for harassment. I never had an issue with that d0uchbag ever again. Got a problem with it? Take it up with Bioware.
  8. To the OP, simple solution:


    1. Put a marker on him.


    2. Have your DPS train set their Focus targeting to you.


    3. Everytime he charges you, they assist and he drops dead.


    4. Rinse/Repeat till rage is complete.





    ^This. But if for some reason this solution isn't working quite to your satisfaction open a ticket window and report him for harassment. This method is very effective and you should be contacted by someone within the first five minutes of creating the ticket. From my experience Bioware takes harassment seriously.
  9. Hi there! The curve on extraction costs is getting adjusted downwards in an upcoming release.
    Unless the extraction costs are being removed completely or being lowered to 1000 credits per item piece, I predict that the majority of players still won't be happy. Anything more just stops most people from experimenting or optimizing armor sets for raids, flashpoints, hard modes and pvp.
  10. the game has credit sinks to keep the economy in check. There is no reason to lower the price of mods and if you can't afford to do that...........you're doing something wrong.
    Go away parrot! The majority of people don't play the market, they play the actual game! So most people aren't rich. There are enough credit sinks in this game to keep the economy reasonably healthy, without having to charge us a fee to be able to swap out a set of mods. All this current system really does is kill game progression.
  11. I will post the same feedback I posted on the PTS forums pre 1.3 which have since been wiped. In answer to the OP: I have not seen the changes to several key issues surrounding PVP that I brought up in my feedback which would make me change my decision to not participate in rwzs. And now the PTS has since been taken down completely.


    PTS 1.3 Feedback

    The following are only my own opinions.



    I believe that you need to open up some sort of dialogue with the PVP community. The lack of communication of the RWZ testing events has yielded almost zero useful feedback. You have the technology already of displaying patch notes and/or maintenance updates on the game client start. Announce the testing events this way as well instead of through a forum post. Some people do not use the forums. On that note, some people do not use facebook or twitter either. Social media is not the most efficient method of reaching your playerbase. Posting information on-screen at the client login is.


    Surveys or polls at client login as well may yield more useful feedback than the forums as it would reach far more players. Open up dialogue with competent PVP players and guilds in regards to game mechanics. Some of your playerbase spends many more hours playing your game than you do. It is a waste to not tap into this resource and their experience.



    Stop saying metrics in your public PR interviews. Stop relying on metrics to make design decisions for your developers. Larry Mellon does not know everything despite what you may have been told.


    Metrics is a useful tool but it must be tempered with experience and feedback. It should not be the driving force in your design. In fact, you should all purchase air horns and use them every time somebody brings up “metrics” in your team meetings. After several weeks of this air horn use, your entire team should develop a subconscious aversion to that terrible term. They may also become deaf by this time but I believe the sacrifice will be worth it. The silence may rekindle their creativity in their game design approach and stop their reliance on that “term that shall not be named”.


    The fact that such and such particular class is under/over achieving some predetermined number on a spreadsheet and/or graph means nothing to most of your players. Games are created for entertainment. The driving force in your design should be the word “fun”. Say it with me…. fun. It’s a good word don’t be afraid of it. You can’t measure fun with metrics. Instead try asking yourselves: “Is this class/role fun to play?”



    While were on this topic, let’s bring up balance as well. Trying to balance classes is futile. The only way to have true balance is to have one single class. You do not have that.


    You have different classes that do different things. There’s nothing wrong with that. Some classes will be better suited to doing certain things than other classes will. This notion is understood. So I believe your time may be better used in ensuring that all class roles are engaging and fun to play in their own way.


    Stop looking to the forums for class balance feedback. Most of the plebs on the forums post random nonsense that only pertains to them. If you want relevant feedback, seek out contact with competent and established PVP guilds and players.


    It would also behoove you to implement different skill mechanics for both PVE and PVP. This would be a large undertaking but in this way you can make changes to one aspect of gameplay without interfering with the other.


    PTS Transfers

    As with 1.2, there is a serious lack of participation in RWZ events on the PTS. You have the transfer technology already from the mergers/server consolidations. Use it for the PTS as well. Is there no way to designate the PTS as a destination server and allow a few select PVP servers to become origin servers? And instead of a transfer mechanic, it should only create a copy of the character to the PTS without removing it from the origin server. Make an announcement on the client login page so players/guilds actually see it.


    And fix augments being lost on transfer. Relevant feedback requires actual testing under optimal conditions as they would exist on live. (EDIT: this was not fixed even though it was reported multiple times and caused augment slots to revert to mk-1 which then had to be patched post-update)


    Ranked Announcement

    I read Gabe’s announcement on 1.3 RWZs. It seems like you’re already committed to implementing them with 1.3 when it goes live.


    Here is the link to Gabe’s Blog: (which has since been edited)



    Do you really believe they are ready for live even in preseason form?


    I don’t. I don’t believe they will be viable without cross-server queues even with the recent population consolidation. I don’t believe the player pools are large enough to promote healthy competition. I also believe there are simply far too many bugs remaining for you to be able to provide a consistent and fair field of play. And without that consistency, the ratings will be meaningless. Games will instead be decided by chance. I believe this will eventually lead to several new threads appearing on the general forums when players run across these issues on live and it begins to affect their ratings.


    Fix these first:

    -respawning dead in respawn area

    -players not showing up in ops frames

    -players showing up as disconnected in ops frames

    -op leaders not able to queue groups

    -respawn shield timer skipping opening

    -players being stuck in midair

    -net code latency (players not where they appear to be on screen)

    -combat delays

    -camera view (poor movement, environment collisions, etc.)

    -GCDs going off without firing off skills when keyed

    -resolve breaks not triggering when active/available and keyed

    -disconnects and/or CTDs

    -dozen+ more


    Ranked matches would be nice but I would happily exchange them for the items below:


    1. The ability to queue as a group of 2-8 in ranked and unranked.

    2. The group above carrying over and not being disbanded after every match.

    3. Not having to ask everyone in the group above to drop queue so we could re-queue after every match.

    4. The leader of the group above remaining the ops group leader while in and after the match.

    5. Everyone in the group above showing up in the ops frames.

    6. An easily visible targeting reticule that I do not have to lower graphic settings to see.

    7. A better targeting system.

    8. A proactive instead of reactive resolve system.

    9. More maps. (different huttball arenas?)

    10. OWPVP with valor/comm incentives.


    Proactive Resolve System

    What does this mean? I would like more control over my own CC immunity rather than relying on outside events to fill my resolve bar. I would prefer to fill my resolve bar immediately when I use my CC break thus granting me immunity when I choose it. Not when outside factors dictate it. More player control is always good.


    Crowd Control

    All debuffs that impede normal player movement should be subject to diminishing returns. This includes snares and/or other momentary skills/animations that remove character mobility from the hands of the player. Loss of character control in PVP, no matter what form that loss may take, can be frustrating. What is the difference between being chain-stunned twice in a row and suffering a coordinated chain-leap/charge by 3-4 different players? None. Both lock the player down for the same amount of time.


    Net Coding

    There is a serious discrepancy in what a player perceives on their screen and what is actually happening around them. The server/client synchronization needs significant improvement. There are many times when you may knockback or push an opposing player away from an objective only to see them being pushed towards it 2 seconds later. This is not acceptable. Random teleports around arenas are also a common occurrence in matches.


    Respawn Area Shield Timer

    Why does this shield even exist? There are numerous times when the timer for the shield simply misses and/or skips an opening and strands multiple players behind it. You can see it quite regularly with notices of the “Deserter Warning” text popping up on your screen and occasionally leading to you being kicked out of a warzone match completely. Why are you telling me to please exit the respawn area when it is your very own shield mechanic that is preventing me from doing just that? Why not simply add the timer on death and simply not allow you to select the respawn button until it expires? This is the same mechanic you use in-game for PVE area respawns. At least I know that when I key to respawn I will immediately be able to run out of the respawn area. You could then remove the shield mechanic completely.


    1.3 Going Live On June 26

    I believe there are many items of higher priority than ranked warzones. It would be far more beneficial to spend time addressing these items first as they affect far more people and far more aspects of the game.


    For example, people’s augments going missing upon transfer to PTS for 1.3 testing. Has this been fixed yet? Will I log in on June 26 and still see all my augments in their augment slots? I definitely will not be the first person to log in on June 26 to test it out, that’s for sure.


    There are more points I could touch on but I think this is long enough already.



    Insufficient testing and no open two-way constructive dialogue with your playerbase leads to... ?

    Great post except for: "The ability to queue as a group of 2-8 in ranked and unranked" *** were you thinking here? Pugs already get stomped by pre-mades and pvp is suffering because of it so why make it worse? There are far more people pugging than there are people doing pre-mades. Such a change like this would kill pvp all together in this game. After such a idiotic suggestion it's almost difficult to take you seriously.
  12. I always feel like the guy that is screaming on ops chat, saying how bad the team is... is ALWAYS the guy with 50k damage, no other stats other than the 2-3 medals and 1500 objective points.


    BW should give these guys the title "backpack", because just like a backpack back in high school... we only carry them because we have to.

    Your just parrotting. Many times I've noticed that the guy badmouthing has had the best or better stats than the majority of the team.
  13. Killing lowbies is how every single instance of awesome world PvP ever got started. it goes like this:


    1. High level guy griefs leveling area.

    2. Griefed players call their friends and guild, then hop on their own high level character (if they have one).

    3. Griefed faction now retaliates against Griefer.

    4. Griefer calls his friends and guild.

    5. Griefer faction now reinforces Griefer.

    6. Repeat steps 2-5 until server crashes from too many players in one area.


    They need to add a Galaxy Defense channel to chat that notifies subscribed players whenever a friendly is killed in World PvP action. This would make it easier for response teams to assemble and full scale world wars to break out.

    Seems great in theory, but in reality the majority of noob slayers run when help arrives. I've witnessed this way too often in many different MMO's. Besides, why not go to lvl 50 areas for same effect? Nevermind, I already know the answer.
  14. The game will be dead before christmas and just be played by PTs and Marras. Honostly If they dont give my commando some love before GW2 ill prolly never play this game again.
    Quick someone call ^this^ guy a whaaambulance!
  15. I use a Razer Naga and have all my abilities bound to it. A total of 36 keybinds and 3 modifiers and it's still a pain in the ***! I'm looking forward to GW2 and I hope (pray) that it's a big success so maybe some of the games more unique and innovative features catch on with other MMO developers.
  16. yes and no.

    Pyrotechs/Assault Specialists

    the only problem with PT is that it only requires you to spam one abil (if out of melee) or 2 abils (in melee) in order to proc 1 abil. there are other buttons to push for greater burst, but the rotation is actually simpler than - wait for it - tracer spam. yeah. you didn't think it was possible, did you? but tracers actually need to press more abils in a regular roto than PTs. :confused: incidentally, that one abil that PTs spam to proc their death dealer also has a 100% chance to slow and apply a dot (both functions of the cell they're running). so yeah, BW really did give too much rotational utility to one spammable, instant cast abil.


    This is easily remedied by getting rid of the 100% application of plasma cell (in rep version). make that rng just like the auto attack. you could also apply a cd to it similar to the one that affects the melee abil (stockstrike in rep version), and then have something that might proc a reset on the abil. for example, in that useless unique tree (tactics for rep), applying one of the dots has a chance of resetting the melee attack. that might make the roto a bit too complicated. iunno. but it is definitely too simple as it stands now, with way too much "good stuff" working off of one infinitely spammable abil.


    regarding the 1.2 "nerfs," I think PT was also more powerful at that time. every other gcd was a proc and the melee proc'er hit harder than it does now. granted, this made them *more* of a melee AC, but they still want to get close. worst thing you can do is turn your back on a PT. it's like turning around for a deception sin or concealment op - except they hit harder. he'll spam his 2 buttons to death while you get slowed and can't dps him.



    the core of the op's argument is, however, pretty sound reasoning (burst/sustained dps ceilings are good, survivability is out of line with other dps classes). both PT's and the dot version of mara/sent have a plethora of stuns & int. even in the unique dps tree, mara's have a great aoe mezz by virtue of the war class. much is made about the bubbles. nothing much to add there except it's twice as many as any other dps class that I know of (perhaps a jugg, which is an actual tank and it would make sense?). and, of course, they have a vanish (that can, if spec'd, give them accelerated speed). predation (speed boost) is essential in most rwz's.


    so in review, mara's have:

    1. exceptional dps (I would put PT's ahead though)
    2. exceptional raid utility (primarily the all-important speed boost, but also great survivability + leap = best non-tank class carrier by wide margin)
    3. very good survivability (exceptional in skilled hands, but then you could argue that for any class; all things being equal, however....)
    4. 2nd best mobility in game (between gap closers/speed boost and all but 1 abil being instant cast, only the PT has it easier because he has fewer buttons to press)



    what are the downsides?

    • medium armor (not sure how this entitles them to all those dcd's, but w/e)
    • many more abils to balance than other high dps classes (although a "rotation" is pretty easy if single target doesn't change)


    personally, I do think they need a dcd nerf. I would get rid of the 99% mitigation bubble b/c it allows them to do too much tank-like stuff (walk through fire, guard nodes - yes, 6s is a LONG time when it allows another person to get in range of node). However, I could also see letting them keep their 2 bubbles (the 25%[?] is in line with other dps classes), but then at least remove the vanish. give them a pure threat reducer for the pve'ers to make up for it.


    just to be clear, I'm suggesting that only one of the numerous dcd's get the nerf bat. but there are a couple candidates.

    I agree, the 5 second immunity should be removed. But I disagree with the removal of force cammo. Mara/Sent survivability in a wz was really bad until lvl 30, which is when force cammo is unlocked. Force cammo provides an opportunity for escape as well as additional gap closer. It's only a 4 second ability (6 sec if speced) and is very much needed.
  17. 2-3 good teams q'ing ranked on my server, all the other "pro" pvp guilds/teams are back to rolling undergeared pugs in regular WZs and calling it skill. Their ego got hurt in ranked so since they can't compete vs other organized teams they murder pugs and come up with excuses why they don't queue ranked anymore.
    Haha! Truth be spoken!
  18. When people brag about how easy and fun it is to wreck lvl 20's in WZs, or non-bolstered level 20's on whatever planet, I think the core of the problem is that the wrong people are getting upset.


    They kill you, they laugh, you rage. This is backwards, when you, and in fact the whole world, should be laughing at the level 49's. And since this is a necro thread, I thought I would necro the funniest response I've ever seen.



    Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

    'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


    Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

    'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


    Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

    'don't pick commando'

    You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

    'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


    You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

    'who's the tough guy now?'

    But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

    'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


    So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

    'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'

    Most awesome post ever in the history of this forum!
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