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Posts posted by Subatomix

  1. You might want to let people know what server you're on. You might also have some success posting on your server's specific forum.


    I'm on PoT5. Tried posting on those forums a while back (when I rejoined) looking more for a guild. I'm in one now, but not much action going on. Similarly, none of the other guilds I've spoken to seem to have much going on. I'm wondering if I'm on the right server or if pvp in the game is just fading.


    So I thought I'd appeal to a larger community.

  2. Came back to the game about a month ago, have leveled up and ground out pvp gear for each of my Shadow talent trees (kinetic, infiltration, balance) ... but have yet to play any rated games.


    I've been told that queuing solo as a tank will take forever, since there are so few tanks apparently doing the same and the rating system must match like-for-like.


    The thing is, I find playing a tank in pvp to be the most fun by far. Specifically, I like running around in Survivor gear retrofit with a combination of Stalker and Force Master to give max +power with just a touch of +shield on the actual device, which I think I could take or leave (the stats, not the actual shield item).


    I find this lets me run around the warzone, often able to disrupt via CC and do all sorts of things that I find the DPS specs to be just too squishy for.


    I'm hoping I can find a team, I don't care on what sever, that might be looking for someone.

  3. Recently came back to the game. Software engineer who plays random times (east coast). Been mmo'ing since eq.


    Grinding my way to 55 and just about there so thought I'd put out a feeler.


    Looking for some folks to play coordinated pvp with preferably w/ voice comm. Willing to help out with pve when possible.


    Message Naxor in game or via mail.



  4. Please note, I wasn't necessarily saying that a handicap is a bad thing. I was just calling it what it is.


    I love to hear people talk about "gear" as if it were real. It's not. It's a modifier to a real time system of networked digital user input that's cloaked in some pretty 3D rendering.

  5. In any game or contest ...

    When you are awarded a statistical advantage over another player...

    To create an unequal playing field...

    No matter what the reason...


    That's called a handicap.

    Call it what it is folks. Jedi should speak the truth.

  6. There are so many flaws in the logic of the OP I don't know where to begin. The simplest way to put it is this:


    If I put a monkey in front of a keyboard and simply train him to do very basic things, he will get gear. He will never acquire skill. That alone refutes the main drip of logic in this thread.


    So spending time grinding out gear only means that you've spent more time sitting in front of a computer. It has very little to do with skill. The latter has to do with analyzing game mechanics, your class, and figuring out optimal strategies for success. That happens pretty fast.


    In fact, by spending so much time in front of the machine and hence gaining a statistical advantage, you actually need less skill. So there's actually a stronger argument that Gear = Bad Skill. Remember:


    gear = a statistical advantage over other players


    nothing more and nothing less.


    In golf, they call it a handicap. That's all it is. MMO developers haven't yet figured out an optimal way to deal with it. Separating PVP and PVE gear is one bandage they've put on the model. GW2 is taking a radical approach where EVERYONE will have the same exact gear when competing in pvp.


    Another thing to think about is this:


    A baseball player spends more time in the minor, then major leagues ... they don't get a better bat or gloves. They get better because they work at precisely that, getting better.

  7. Constant problem on my server. Turns the game into little more than an interactive screen saver. If they don't fix it before the 30 free days are up, I'm gone.
  8. PVP is quite sporadic. Sometimes it's completely non existent during what one would otherwise consider "prime time." Basically a couple of guilds that pvp, both Imp and Rep. When either side is running an op, there's no pvp. When one side doesn't feel like pvp'ing (eg., because they don't have certain members online) there's no pvp. When there simply aren't enough people online, there's no pvp.


    It's killing the game. The novelty has worn off. Now we're left with the same 3 original warzone maps, a new one which is a slightly reworked version of Civil War, and that's it. There's no world PVP. As I said, more often than not, there is no pvp at all.


    Please, Bioware, help. I'd like to keep playing the game and really don't want to reroll on another server.

  9. I was one of the many who unsubscribed shortly after patch 1.2 went live. For me, it was mainly about the 4 v 8 games and no abort timer. It made pvp unplayable on my server (a low pop one) in any real sense. If they were students, I'd have given them an F at the time.


    But in the week that followed they made good on their word to fix the abort timer and a few other things. i got my free 30 days and I got my Tauntaun. To be honest, I didn't really expect either and figured they would just cut their losses with people who cancelled on 4/13. They didn't.


    So I'd bump them back up to a C+ / B- at this point. Most importantly from my perspective is that they made a good faith effort to fix things and kept true to their word regarding various.


    I hope the trend continues. I'm using my remaining 32 days to see if they can fix pvp to the point where it's actually a game again. On my server (low pop) the queue situation is horrible. When there aren't enough people, you can wait forever. When there are too many people, you end up getting passed over by the queue more times than is fun. Only when there is just enough people online ready to pvp is it remotely fun, and that's rare.


    So please, server merges or cross server pvp asap.



  10. The real plague in this game is "Uneven Matches in Warzones." It's ruining it for me and many others.


    I reinstalled the game to see what the hotfix had accomplished. Thankfully, I still haven't re-subscribed. So at this rate, when my sub runs out I'll have an extra $15 a month.


    The game in its current state really isn't worth three beers a month to be honest. I get much more fun from the latter.

  11. Seems like it only aborts under certain circumstances, but I can't tell what those are. Perhaps when it goes down to 3 or 2? I'm still not sure. I played a 3 v ___ huttball today but I think the Imps had only 6. So maybe 3 v 6 rolls but not 3 v 8?


    Either way, this is a mess. Uneven games are not games, period.

  12. What about when I am with my pre-made and as soon as I leave I have another queue waiting because of this genius system they have, I leave that queue...I dont wanna receive hate because of this.


    The idea is for repeat offenders. It's for people who don't accept the queue. Not the situation you describe above.


    Players who intentionally clog the queue to force short handed matches should have their accounts banned, if that is what's happening. People have suggested as much on these forums.

  13. Yes, some kind of abort timer has been put back into the game. But it's quite broken. We still routinely play 6 v 8 matches on my server. In fact, they're the norm.


    Additionally, I've been in 3 v 6 matches that went several minutes.


    They make the game not worth playing ... or paying for.

  14. If they are repeat offenders or friends of the opposite faction guild, it's something everyone on a server should see, no?


    So when a WZ starts, it should show:


    waiting for player <name>...

    waiting for player <name>...


    Seems like an easy fix.


    Short handed WZ are still the norm for my low pop server and they're still not fun.

  15. Just played a match, Huttball. We had 3 people on our team, so I made sure to grab the ball first.


    Abort timer DID NOT trigger. The regular timer began. We played for a few minutes until one of our team got frustrated at the 3 v 6 and left.


    When it was 6 v 2, the abort timer kicked in (a few minutes later) which of course by that time the other team had already scored a few more.


    Come on guys, can't you implement an abort timer properly?

  16. It's a problem on all low pop servers. They need to get server transfers or server merging going ASAP. My server is dead pretty much all day with the exception of a few hours a night.


    Played 3 warzones last night. Took two hours to get them.

  17. ilum is a complet fail. thats why there is no quest anymore


    It was only partial fail with the daily and weekly quests. Now it is by definition a complete fail. There is 0% reason to go there for anything pvp related. At least with the quests there was SOME reason (even small) to go.


    Even keeping the daily would be *something* no?


    "Small moves, Ellie, small moves"

  18. They were at least *something* else to do when no warzones were happening. Now, there is really NOTHING to do on my server for most of the day.


    Even last night, I logged back in to see for myself if the abort timer had been put back (a version of it has). But in two hours of "game time" I got into three (3) warzones. Yes, I'm on a low pop server, but still.


    There really isn't much to do PVP wise in the game now at all. IE., right now, I'm logged in and there is nothing I can do to advance my toon PVP wise. I'm not a big fan of PVE so ...


    Please, put the Ilum dailies back in at least?

  19. They already said they were going to put it back in the game because it was only for ranked warzones and since ranked warzones are not in the game yet and won't be till most likely 1.3 there is no need to have the time out timer taken out of the game.


    It was supposed to go back in TODAY along with the other fixes. Mark my words, it's not coming.


    DanielErickson PvP -> On Warzone Scoring and Rewards

    Hey folks,


    Some follow up news from observations of play and feedback over the weekend. In the next couple of days we will be deploying a small patch that will address the following issues:


    As discussed, minimum medals to gain rewards will go from 3 to 1 to better reward those who are backfilled.

    Warzones will once again be shutting down when population imbalance is detected. This was an unfortunate bug where a feature of Ranked Warzones (in full team play it is not desirable to let one team end the game prematurely by quitting out) was incorrectly implemented globally.

    Completion of Warzones will gain a large increase in the percentage of rewards it represents, so while scoring is still the primary driver, you will cease to see games that give no rewards if players have a minimum of 1 medal earned.

    We are extending the time we wait for a full team of eight to better make sure Warzones pop with complete teams.



    A huge thank you to everyone who played this weekend and provided valuable feedback and analysis.

    04.16.2012 05:06 PM

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