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Posts posted by Dreadikous

  1. 15% increase ad probe and all AoE, I dont even use sniper fire much anymore i spam surpressivepressive which base damage is 2000+ over 3 secs 15% is a extra 300 damage with high crit I recommend at least 33+ crit and since the surge nerf i keep mine at 72% as for cunning and power. The program I made calculated a .44 variance between damage output stacking cunning is a damage decrease of 44% per point if you want bug hits big crits just stack crit/power/surge the crit will make up for the loss of cunning get the 20% decrease armor reduction for ambush and also use shatter shot for an additional 20% I'm orbital strike spec as well and am picking up field tech BM so 40% reduction to armor and having 107% accuracy with special attacks ive been able to hit 3-4000 over a 3 sec channel of supressive fire and my OS has topped 4k... OS flashbang surpress fire corr dart works wonders
  2. The changes in 1.2 put the final nail in the coffin for my subscription. You guys and gals dropped a bomb on Star Wars lore. With your inability to put appropriate Crystal Color solutions into place.


    Remove the LS / DS restrictions but, if only on the RP servers you should add restrictions that adhere to the traditions during this time period (Sith and blaster shooting classes use red only, etc).


    Ability to have a Bounty Hunter Force Choke someone is a joke as well. Why didn't you just unlock skills that don't give someone such a large Force advantage like that? Such as Imperial Agent unlocks a Stealth Generator skill. Or Jedi Consular can unlock your ability to rally your allies with a temporary buff.


    You decided the ability for a Trooper to Force Lightning was okay because his dad was a Pureblood Sith Inquisitor? Seems pretty far fetched.


    I really think your design team needs to do a better job of customer profiling and reviewing analytic data on your community of players.


    /disappointed :(

    my thoughts are ^ to P1-->P4 of the above

  3. your opinion based off the experiences of a level 35, 22, and 19 are of little importance to most of the discussion on this board. Come back when you are 50.


    I'm a 30 sniper full marks and I rank between 1=3rd place in just about ever pvp bg I play.. people think they are bad because they dont play them right i use just about every skill i learn in some way shape or form in every battle i average 30+ kills with 2-6 deaths tons of rewards 130000 damage done or more so for those people who say they are no good I say to you your just not good enough to be a sniper so you roll an easier class end of story

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