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Posts posted by Jtheargonaut

  1. Republic guild : Equilibrium looking for members. A relaxed casual guild, recently formed with veteren players.

    We enjoy everything from leveling, pvp, pve, and are roleplay friendly. We have very few rules other than be kind to your fellow guildmates. We had a prosperous guild on the former Kath Hound server. We were small there too, but built good ingame friendships with our members. Looking to recreate that type of guild.


    Imperial guild : House of ill Repute

    Also ready for endgame, pvp, and roleplay friendly.


    On the imperial side feel free to message Raida, Kelall, Pix'oriss, Ylossk, Slali'cri'if, Six'oriss, or Sollaris,

    On the republic side feel free to message Cullunun, Newhane, Sollarann, Tryzek, Kaylynn.


    Sollarann, and Raida are guild leaders. I am merely an officer. And if your not looking for a guild so much as looking for people who regularly play, and enjoy the things mentioned above.( Pve, Endgame, Pvp, socializing, and roleplay)Feel free to join the website. It's also created recently and im working on it, so far it's simple and functional.

    http://www.equilibrium-ill-repute.enjin.com i think it would be a great way to organize events, and keep in touch.


    As far as what type of players we are looking for, it's a very broad spectrum, as long as your laid back, and like to have fun. New players are more than welcome.


    Our leadership style is very relaxed, in our former guild we never abused authority everyone had a voice, and we will continue that policy. My personal opinion has always been, a healthy guild setting is one where there is no dictatorial rule.

    We like to plan events, be they nights of hardmodes, story mode flashpoints, pvp, heroics, roleplay stories, scavenger hunts. If we got enough people we ran operations, if we didnt get enough guildmembers we reached out to our contacts to fill spots.


    So in closing please feel free to stop by the site, mail us in game, or send us whispers, if you would like to know more about us.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this

    Hope to see you in-game,

    Pix :D

  2. Like most people seem to be saying, there were rough spots along the way. Luckily for myself and my wife we have fallen into a great Guild, with very active players. Lets take a look back though. Earlier in the year if not running with our guild the group finder was hit or miss, and warzones were premades vs. pugs, got my arse handed to me alot then.


    Now though , group finder has been working spectacularly for us, when not doing guild activities we go a harvesting until group finder pops, which to our suprise hasnt been long waits. Doing 2-3 HM's a night when so choosing. We are excited about the new WZ, but have yet to give it a shot. Our guild is so active theres always something going on.


    My wife likes crafting, and makes better coin than i do on the gtn, shes got a knack for it i guess, so she enjoys that.

    I like armstech, and very recently my armormech is making good sales of the battlemaster shells, so thats a bonus.

    With the addition of flashpoints like Kaon , and lost island, we feel like we arent burnt out on those yet, and heck i even enjoy some of the less played flashpoints. I personaly also enjoy the new influx of players, i rolled a new toon for the sole purpose of helping people out with answers to questions, or assists with heroics etc..


    As far as dislikes, well sometimes general chat degenerates to levels of debauchery unheard of, so off it goes :). I kind of expected that would happen though, so i can workaround it. My biggest complaint is on my healer if someone dies i actualy feel terrible that happened on my watch, so i give it my all to prevent it. Never has anyone been untoward to me for letting them die, even though i always apologize. All in all, i love the playerbase, i can count on both hands the number of people ive grouped with that i would not group with ever again. Thats saying something!

    Happy holidays everyone, thanks OP for a good topic.


    and feel free anyone to look me up ingame, EbonHawk, Imps: Pix'oriss, Ylossk Pubs: Merd, Hakkath

  3. It's not about names for me , i would gladly change my name if i could move to any server other than Ebon Hawk.


    i simply didn't like the community there .. and just because new people have moved in doesn't mean the original community that left a bad taste in my mouth is'nt still there. plus i have 12 characters . i dont want to be forced to move the "important ones". They are all important , i play them all.

  4. NO no, i didnt mean :p as anything bad, im not a huge forum poster i just meant it as he was a star trek, not wars :p


    He was a great man i agree. oh they did finaly post a video.


    now if these guys would just post a video of this test i would enjoy that too http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18172726.


    edited to clarify, i just like rockets, and space, and star wars, and star trek. And Rockets named after star wars icons:D

  5. I realy don't think half the posters actualy listened to the call, or understood it.


    the player sub numbers is currently what was projected by their analysts.


    the ceo even says theres more active credit card subscribers, says many times game is profitable, and that it's going to be profitable in fiscal 13.

  6. While we're on the subject of complaining about un-needed things...


    The fact that there are no lavatories in this game is really hampering my immersion.


    Theres a bathroom in


    1:24 timestamp found it, future bathrooms.. with no stall doors, what! privacy is not an issue i guess.

  7. Was that last nights episode of Big Bang Theory, my boss is watching it on her PC. Laughing , so i walk in and see sheldon and the crew playing SWTOR. I watched about ten minutes before i figured i better get back to work. Had to come post first.. can't wait to catch this epsiode. Funny *pew pew*
  8. It's hardly a secret to anyone, that today social points are gained much via Esseles sp runs, then via common grouping questing (which, I suppose, was the original idea of those points - to encourage players teamwork, to make them work together since the very beginning, and not just in some endgame).


    Game is JUST 1 month old and I already often see in Fleet something like "Esseles sp run, need to know how to skip movies". Imo, it just screws the whole idea of SP. I agree that system may and even must be somewhat improved, more usefull items etc....yet, I'm absolutely sure, that what we have now just kills the basic idea of it.


    Why not limit SP gain with just 1 run? Why not to put a level restriction(the MOST OBVIOUS solution)? Do BW so afraid of an angry ex-wow grinders army?


    I don't join groups lookins for "social" runs. But for those who say the system is flawed.. i don't see it.


    I group with my wife, and a few guild members every night we play. We do world quests. Then maybe a Flashpoint before we log for the night. It's fun to roll against your group members to see how the conversation goes.

  9. Unfortunately, I see the faction imbalance as BioWare's fault because they created the following environment:


    1. One faction is perceived as being "good and honorable" while the other is perceived as being "powerful and vindictive." Most people IRL are good people, so when they play a game, they like to experience something different. This psychological slant *could be* blamed on the players, but BioWare could have given the Dark Side options on Republic to cater to that mentality, but they are merely just "I will kill you" or "I want more credits" type of decisions. On top of that, the Imperial stories seem to possess more depth than the Republic ones.


    I disagree, there is plenty of depth to both sides stories. I would suggest people get over the "perceived" as being good and honorable. It is a different republic. It's realy not arguable , this republic is not the republic of the "good and honorable" there is intrigue, and plenty of corruption in it's ranks.

  10. I am suspecting that down the road we will see new weapon skins along with new recipes.


    i would think, for armor/synth/arms. Just a guess, i play a few other games, this one has me neglecting them all atm. The trend seems to be release new skins for clothing and weapon types, with new stats down the road. (in some of the other games i play anyway, so it only makes sense to me that more will come.)

  11. It all boils down to personal opinion, my wife likes to play Sith, which explains alot realy...now that i think about it... hmm..


    Anyway, i realy enjoy republic,but she loves her sorc. so i rolled an agent, we play our imperials together.


    She now has decided she likes smuggler. So we roll republic, and bounce back and forth throughout the week.


    I think both sides have very engaging stories, and this is my personal opinion here. I dont see how people can say republic is generic cookie cutter goodguys.. i have found this old...republic, to be corrupt.. and the troopers/security forces on these planets are in no way the "good guys" of star wars.


    I think portraying the republic as having corruption amongst its ranks gives for some great moral dilemas. (of course in game for character progression)


    Maybe it makes a difference as well that we tend to play in groups of two to four, with different classes.. it makes for interesting story twists with the conversation rolls.

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