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Posts posted by Empire_Ruler

  1. Hey there!


    We are currently 7 out of 10 in HM (Rav/ToS) and are looking for permanent members for our raiding days :


    WED 9 PM EST to 11 PM EST

    SUN 9 PM EST to 11 PM EST


    We really want to down the content before the level cap so experienced and geared players are welcomed to apply. However, we are able to train and facilitate acquisition of 224's depending of the player's knowledge and desire to learn.


    Position to fill : 1 TANK / 1 HEALER / 2 DPS

    We use MUMBLE.

    We have access/use STAR PARSE.


    If the raiding schedule fits another team that is currently short a few members, send me a message also, since we can maybe work something out for both groups.


    May the Drouk be with you.


    Empic, Raid Lead.

    The One and Only Slinger Tank

  2. House Stark


    Dread Fortress with Nightmare Buff


    Nefra : 04/11/2014 @ 11:55:10 PM EST (From Guildmate Dakterion, since mine was done before the guild official kill)


    Draxus : 04/18/2014 @ 1:27:23 AM EST


    Grob'thok : 04/28/2014 @ 1:28:59 AM EST

    Kill Pic ///Achievement + OpsFrame ///Double Achievements + OpsFrame

    (Also had the luck of having Abe from Chosen Order with us that day. Thank you!)


    Corruptor Zero : 04/29/2014 @ 12:26:11 AM EST

    Kill Pic /// Achievements + OpsFrame /// Double Achievements + OpsFrames


    Brontes -> Read below from my guildmate Eo :

    06.10.2014 , 03:33 AM

    House Stark's best pull was today (1st time we made it cleanly past both shields was this past week). Got it to 20% in 2nd shield with everyone alive, no rez used, but didn't quite execute on the orbs and ended at 6%. Would have liked another week or two (or even just the same difficulty sticking around without the title), but that's on us of course.


    PS : No one should be ashamed of taking proper screenshots (even multiple) so that we don't have to guess if you pugged it or not. Be proud of what you do, but be legit when you do it. All I ask from this thread is healthy competition. That's what we play for. If you also happen to pug, please add a special mention for these people since they were part of it and their participation has made the kill possible! #Justmy2cents


    BONUS : That Amazing Roll on Draxus (35 is our winning roll, aka auto-win)


    Sorry for being late for posting. Good luck everyone for whatever Guild Ships bring us (hopefully more control over PUGS :D )

  3. World 8th*

    A lot of us moved on to better things because if I'm going to be spending time playing a game I'm going to make sure its worth it. If an opportunity comes up to move on to bigger better things I'm going to take it. If my pug group is doing better than my guild which has spent nearly 10x as much time on the fight then there is a problem. Especially when some of the people in said guild are not willing to do things such as spec into things that make the fight easier, swap specs or take constructive criticism its just not worth my or anyone elses time.


    Maybe you missed my post but you are proving my concerns with that statement, sadly.. I really don't like where this thread is going. I would still like people to think about bigger concerns or at least the aftershocks of such acts. The Group Concept, even the Progression Concept, is really, what is in crisis in the game. That's the only RIP I see in the short term. I would like people to be respectful of others, I think there is a lot at stakes and that Guild Membership, requirements and even the achievements themselves should be reviewed.


    Link to to my previous post, in case you missed it : read it carefully, I don't take sides, i'm just trying to identify something that the Devs could actually understand without being within, something way more important going on, as you read this post and that they could work on to improve the game we play.


    You may not care about others or what is left behind (the presence of this thread is proving that you do ask for a change of the system, IMO) but claiming that all is left is RP, is pretty offtopic, as many pointed out already. I'm also open to have real discussions about it, so please at least sign your forums posts if you wanna troll/play so we can argue.


    If I may ask, what is the survability of such ''guilds''? Clearly, the only thing that holds people together is clearing ASAP instances and then? It dies. Yep. That's the sad part and as the official progression threads are proving as well, is that by everyone stacked pugging everyone, no new/different players get things done. Isn't competition about competing WITH/AGAINST other people? What's the point of progression if all is already set? What incentives are there for new people to work or step up their game to an higher level? What is also quite shocking, is that both (new and the actual great players, all servers combined) will eventually burn out/lose interest and who will be there to compete?


    Please think again, it's already to late anyway, but be more conscious of your actions, in the future, if you want not only this game but also its people, to leave for good.


    Thank you.

  4. I have been on Jedi Covenant for 2 years now and have watched its PVE progression decline drastically especially since 2.7. The population is slowly dying due to the relatively small PVE going on (and no 16 man sm Toborro's Courtyard is not PVE) There is only one group that has downed Brontes NiM on the server and the majority of the group has left for other servers. I'd hate to see Jedi covenant die since I've been there since launch, therefor i propose to change JC to an RP server. As it can no longer be called a PVE server and has never really had a good PVP player base, Bioware should change it to an RP server since that is the majority of people left.


    Coming back on the subject, because it's important.


    I'd like to step in before everyone, especially Devs, believe this.This is part trolling, part true. But isn't the core of the problem happening on our server (and possibly other servers).


    The fundamental issue here is not the guilds involved but the individuals. Many know about the LD50 incident (From Canderous Ordo to JC ): A PvE/PvP guild that absorbed every or so, best players on the server then for bigger ambitions, imploded, in some way, when server transfering to PoT5 for PVP purposes, but same thing happened recently with all the ''puggin' ''going on, in PvE.


    Overall, the main issue is that guilds are not worth anything, for PvE endgame purposes. Capable individuals are able to group up fast and effectively, progressing throught the NiM content at the same rate of their own guild or in addition to it. The big problem on our server, why it is '' supposedly dying'', is that these individuals regroup on alts or mains, leaving their guild members to create a ''stacked'' group. The said ''Guild'' that downed Brontes was a group formed of 8 great players from many guilds together but they grouped up only for the purpose of ''getting it down'' faster than their own guild.


    The collateral damage is this tho : Creating a new group, therefore leaving their old guild or at least, reducing their presence with them, pushed back many guilds in their very own progression.


    There are still guilds that are out there, and pretty alive, progression wise. You may add on top of that, server transfers and also, the possibility of reforming/reshaping stacked groups : it can get dangerous quick. Everything you do as an individual has an impact and its aftershocks. The result is huge modification of the overall health of guilds.


    What must be adressed and fast, is the role Guild membership plays in your access to the Endgame ''Hardcore'' Progression. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad people are able to group up to effectively achieve tough content, what I don't like, is that individuals & their ambitions take over the very core point of what a guild is. The only thing that they have in common is the name and the shared desire to comply.


    Progression guilds usually attract a lot of endgame PvErs. But when the content is done? Everything fells apart until the next update. But what about those left behind? Well they are rebuilding, constantly, trying to catch up.


    So the main issue is that guilds struggling, while Stacked Pug groups, are able to progress faster, because they are optimised, effective and organized. Most of the time, they are the best players of their very own guild, and everything in a guild is about balance. If you remove key elements from something, solving the puzzle may take more time than the blink of an eye, because we are talking people, capabilites and time : it's not as easy as the other way around, which is getting a bit too common.


    I don't ask people to reconsider, because what is done, is done. I would like people to realize that before making such claims as ''JC is a RP Server now'', they should be looking behind and maybe think again what the main reason behind it is.


    I'd be more than happy to see a very open minded discussion about what led people to that type of behavior. Is it the guild system, the way OPS work or anything else? This is a serious concern that needs to be discussed, in my opinion.


    So feel free to do so.

  5. First of all, congratz everyone for all the progress made! Hoping for more competitive content for 2014 :D

    (Farming DF/DP HM is getting boring..!)


    Here's a little S&V NiM Update!



    Legacy Achievements Proof

    S&V NiM


    Trasher : 12/13/2013 @ 12:24:00 AM EST

    Operations Chief : 09/13/2013 @ 11:44:33 PM EST

    Olok the Shadow (AKA Emp, Olok the Frenchy) : 12/16/2013 @ 12:59:32 AM EST

    Cartel Warlords (AKA most painful 1st min RNGs of 2013)* : 12/31/2013 2:13:23 AM EST

    *Would like to thank MK, Shifthappens and Undergroundking for this Holidays pull/clear), especially MK for his EPIC ''sacrifice'' ;)


    Styrak in the next few weeks :D Haven't pulled it yet, seems fun !



    (Btw, we are still looking for a Permanent Late Night (MDPS/RDPS) for our stable (and only) 8 man group, running Tues/Thurs 10PM-1AM + extra random days! Please contact Emp for more informations)

  6. House Stark



    Fortress HM 5/5

    Palace HM 4/5



    Dreadmaster Brontes 10/22/2013 @ 1:00AM EST

    Pet dropped! :D



    Dread Master Bestia 10/11/2013 @ 11:55 PM EST

    Dread Master Tyrans 10/11/2013 @ 1:41 AM EST

    Dread Master Calphayus 10/18/2013 @ 11:41 PM EST

    Dread Master Raptus 10/20/2013 @ 1:27 AM EST


    Hopefully, downing Palace this week! :rak_03:

  7. Hello all. Good job on the kills/ Progression!


    Now some news about House Stark!


    Here are the infos so that we can be added to the Progression Teams!


    Guild name: House Stark

    Guild Faction: Republic

    Whether you are participating in 8 man or 16 man progression (or both): 8

    *Guild website: http://lordsofthenorth.enjin.com/

    *Guild logo (image or link to an image): http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/172312/module_gallery/original/1491921.jpg


    *We will provide more screenshots/kill screens if necessary. You have time and dates of kills from Achievements tabs. Time is EST.


    Some old stuff :

    Cleared EC NiM : Server 8th.

    Cleared S&V HM : 19th World (21th Styrak)


    Our Progression (2.4 included)


    TFB NiM : 4/5

    The Writing Horror : 06/21/2013 @ 12:16:19 AM EST.

    The Dread Guards : Ciphas, Heirad, Kel'sara : 07/28/2013 @ 12:11:44 AM EST.

    Operator IX : 08/13/2013 @1:25:08 EST.

    Kephess The Undying : 08/17/2013 @11:27:02 PM EST.


    S&V NiM : 2/7

    Dash'roode : 09/12/2013 @ 11:29:27 PM EST.

    Titan 6 : 09/22/2013 @ 1:26:36 AM EST.

    Currently working on Thrasher (3th) but Ops Chief (4th) has been cleared already with a friendly Pug who was locked on this specific boss (NiM).


    Dread Fortress HM : 4/5 (SM Cleared)

    Nefra : 10/02/2013 @ 12:15:11 AM EST.

    Gate Commander Draxus: 10/02/2013 @ 2:40:30 AM EST.

    Grob'Thok : 10/03/2013 @ 10:47:18 PM EST.

    Corruptor Zero : 10/04/2013 @ 12:28:24 AM EST.


    Dread Palace (HM) : 0/5

    Expect more this weekend!


    2.4 Team : Verla (DPS) Dakterion (Heal), Fanteen (Heal), Hellseek (DPS), Emp (Tank), Metroplexx (DPS), Zoya (Tank), Uoiae (DPS)


    Winter is coming! :D

  8. EN : Rise of the Hutt Cartel is live! Rogue Alliance is your new home! Get your 5% increase to XP with experienced Bilingual players. Be part of a Founder Guild!


    Join us for : Ops/ Questing/ PvP/ Crafting & Trades.


    2 Ops groups, Weekly runs.


    Apply now or send us a message for more infos! (See OP for quick answers!)



    FR : Joueurs Québécois / Francophones, vous êtes également sollicités! Rogue Alliance est là pour vous pour la nouvelle extension du jeu!


    Bienvenue aux Huttspaceballs, une groupe complet qui nous a rejoint dans les dernières semaines!


    Envoyez nous un message!

  9. Rogue Alliance, a Bilingual Guild (French/ English) is looking for 2 permanent healers (Sage/Commando/ Scoundrel) for our main Ops group.


    Ops Time & Days : Tuesday & Wednesday from 7:30 PM EST to 10:30 PM EST. (Schedule may be revised)


    Progression : EC HM 3/4 and TFB HM 2/5.


    Must have Mumble in order to sync with the Ops Team and a working mic is preferred.


    Must be Blackhole Augmented, at least. The Guild has some crafters that can help you optimize it, if needed.


    Must be tolerent, interested in the game and cooperation.


    For more infos, see our official recruitment thread here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=535905


    Thanks for your time,



  10. Hi,


    Before you update my thread into the main page, here's some updates!


    http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=5455017&postcount=138 (this is my original thread)


    Abagar (Rep) can now craft :

    - Advanced Resolve Armoring 27

    - Advanced Might Armoring 27

    - Advanced Skill Armoring 27

    - Advanced Reflex Armoring 27 (Update 12/20/2012 @ 10:45 PM )

    (Guardian Armoring 27 already in previous thread)

    - Advanced Deflecting Mod 26

    - Advanced Nimble Mod 26


    Gar'adot (Rep) can now craft :

    - Advanced Intuition Enhancement 26

    - Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 26


    Now have access to Armstech's Augments 22 ( Purple grade).


    Thanks a lot !

  11. Hi,


    Just wanted to share what I can craft.


    Here you go :


    Emp (Rep) - Synthweaving 400. Majority (if not all) the Orange Grade Schems, including moddable bracers and belts. Exo & Energized Bracers and Belts for Force Users. Augments 22 (Purple). Can also craft : Campaign War Leader's Greaves (shell).


    Gar'adot (Rep) : Artifice 400. Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal

    Enhancement 26 : Advanced Battle Enhancement 26 / Advanced Initiative Enhancement 26/ Advanced Bastion Enhancement 26 / Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 / Campaign Force-Master's Lightsaber (Shell).


    Abagar (Rep) : Cybertech 400. Mod 26 : Advanced Agile Mod 26B / Advanced Elusive Mod 26 / Advanced Artful Mod 26 / Advanced Potent Mod 26 / Advanced Aptitude Mod 26B.

    Armoring 27 : Advanced Guardian Armoring 27.


    Kelaran (Imp) : Biochem 400. Exotech Fortitude Stim / Ice Scrabbler Jerky.


    Adarina (Imp) : Armormech 400. Augments 22 (Purples).



    1- Crafting for mats . Tip is welcome.

    2- On hand - When advertised this way, direct trade for mats or quick buy.

    3- Trade : 1 for 1 for same level item (ex : Mod 26 for Mod 26)

    4- Custom Trade : Terms and items have to be discussed by mail or whispers.


    Thanks for your time!

  12. bon good un montrealais en connais tu dautre de mtl sur les servers ou non?


    tes sur quel server ?


    Salut Bjj,


    La majorité des Guildes Québécoises sont maintenant réunis sur Jedi Covenant. (depuis le ''merge'' des servers)


    Je t'invite à nous contacter en jeu ou voir notre site web si tu cherches une communauté québécoise!


    <Rogue Alliance> Guilde Québécoise et Bilingue recrute! Nous avons terminé EV-KP(HM/NiM), EC et TFB (SM). Ouvert aux joueurs PVP, faisons également journalières et Flashpoints. Nous avons un Mumble. Pour infos, voir Emp ou @ http://theroguealliance.enjin.com!


    Il n'y a qu'une dizaine de guildes officiellement francophones, sur le serveur Jedi Covenant.


    En espérant que cela te soit utile!

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