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Posts posted by HunterJoseph

  1. So, the buttons... they need to be moved, always present, but grayed out when no changes need to be applied, and highlighted when they do. Also the spacing on the left and the spacing on the right sides of the UI are not the same, the whole right side (items, text, buttons) needs to be moved to the right to match the spacing on the left side and provide more room for the character display/weapon slot display. This is a rough mockup, but you get the idea, it needs to be better spaced vertically and just cleaned up, but it's too complicated to do in PS from a screenshot.


    Things need to be spaced a lot better. This moves the buttons under the items being modified, so they are closer to where the changes are taking place, and having them grayed out by default and then highlight with changes will cause the users eyes to notice it more readily, along with the cost appearing as well.


    I am just going to reiterate what almost everyone else has said so far:

    1. the inconsistentcy in the functionality with modification of color crystals and tunings when compared to dyes needs to be fixed. CTRL + Right click is the standard across the UI for item modification, it needs to work for color crystals and tunings as well. Sounds would also be nice, a simple checkbox to use the equipped item sound, instead of the stamped item sound would be sufficient. Stamped sound is the default, check the box to use the equipped item instead. Making it so any sound could be chosen is a bit much, would it be nice, sure, would it make sense, not really.


    1a. When adding a dye to a chest piece, there is no preview of how the dye looks before having to apply it in the outfitter.


    1b. On an unrelated note, why do we even pay for item modifications to begin with? It makes no sense. it's MY armor, they are MY item modifications. If I want to change them... I HAVE TO DO THE CHANGING... I have to remove them, I have to put the new ones in... WHO AM I PAYING THE MONEY TOO????? WHERE DOES IT GO???? Another "it's a video game... so credit sink mechanic for economy purposes" old outdated mentality.... while the economy is out of control with items costing BILLIONS of credits... sorry, rant.


    2. Swapping combat styles should not require "duplicating" an outift. Once the additional combat style has been chosen the outfitter should update with additional weapon slots to accomodate the combat style, and activate the appropriate slots for the appropriate combat style when switching. This is the simplest solution and makes the most sense for the UI. Having all weapon types alway available is not feasible, and adding another tab for weapons seems like a waste of space and will cause additional UI confusion and clutter.


    3. Loadouts need to account for item slot differences. When tanking on my shadows, I use a red color crystal for tank stats, and when DPSing on shadows, I use a white color crystal for dps stats (helps to know what spec I am currently in too). When switching loadouts, the appropriate color crystal needs to be swapped as well, I am certainly not paying (nobody... see 1b above) everytime I swap from tank to dps to make sure I am using the right color crystal. This could be a valid reason to create a "duplicate" outfit for tank/dps, but the underlying issue is that the loadout needs to take into account which outift is being used and what are the differences in a single outift if they are not being completely changed, including weapon choices and color crystals and tunings.


    It's a good start, but let's not leave it here. There is lots of room for improvement and plenty of users have made good suggestions on how to make those happen.

  2. To reflect the Combat Styles rule change, the Activity window now has only 1 role selection that players can pick at a time.

    Seriously, this is your solution to the problem i pointed out?


    I mean sure let's not fix things that don't work right, let's just remove features to accomodate our broken mentality.


    Their is a serious problem in the gaming development industry overall. Somehow game producers/developers/companies that make the games (not the actual people writing the code and doing the work as we all know the actual coders don't actually have a say in what gets implemented and how) think that they are special in terms of how thier software is developed. First of all, you are not "Game Development Companies" you are "Saoftware Development Companies", you make software that end users use, and in any software development process if you put out a product that does not meet the end users expectations, guess what the end users does... they come to you and they tell you what they excpect the software to do, how they expect it to function, so you can go back and make it meet their expectations. but somehow, in the gaming industry, games are just developed how ever the compnaies want it to be, and the end users are told to piss off. When did this become the standard for gaming and why is it acceptable practice?


    Removing the ability to que for dual roles, when the character literally has the ability to dual spec, is the most idiodic idea I have ever seen. That feature has been in the game since launch, and now you are just going to take it out becasue you don't want players swapping roles in an instance for NO GOOD REASON???


    I just can't even with these people anymore.

  3. So I did some initial testing of 7.0, but was not able to get back on to test loadouts on the PTS before they went live.


    Now that everything is live and I have all of my toons and all of the gear for all of the specs to test with... I have some feedback. I did not see anything specific for feedback outside of the old posts on the PTS forum, so I am posting here and mods can move it if they need too.


    First off, you missed the mark on many of the key functions for loadouts. I cannot express how disappointed I am in this implementation. I literally outlined exactly how it should have worked in this post, so the key featurs that are missing to sum up:


    1. I cannot change my loadout when it is most needed. This is by far the biggest issue with loadouts in their current iteration. Let me explain why. So, as a shadow/assassin, I have the option to que in the Activity Finder as Tank, as DPS, or AS BOTH; as a sage/sorc I have the option to que in the Activity Finder as DPS, as Healer, or AS BOTH. Unfortunately, when queing as both, I do not know which role the Activity Finder will assign me, and yet ... once my que pops, and I am assigned to a role that does not match my current loadout, when I try to switch my loadout, I am told... YOU CANNOT SWITCH YOUR LOADOUT WHILE IN THE ACTIVITY FINDER. I am sorry... WHAT????? You do realize that this negates the whole purpose of loadouts, right? The ability to easily switch specs necessitates the facility to also switch the gear associated with that spec. becasue tanks use totally different gear stats than dps, and healers use totally different gear stats than tanks, and dps and healers use totally different gear values than each other. I do not have the legendary items that are supposed to carry the old set bonus stats yet, but once those are in place, having DPS set bonus stats while stuck in a Tank role for an OP/FP, is not ideal in any way. I qued yesterday for a MM FP as both tank/dps, and had my tank spec selected because I have to have one of them... and I got placed in a MM FP as DPS so we ran it with 2 tanks 1 DPS and 1 Healer becasue I WAS NOT ABLE TO SWTICH MY LOADOUT!!!!!!! and we enraged on every boss due to lack of DPS. Did we finish it yes (Czerka Core Meltdown), but it was by far less than ideal. I guess, for some unknown reason, you don't want players swapping roles in the middle of an OP/FP... except that logic is completely flawed. For example, I am a jedi... I know how to tank enemies as a shadow, but I also know, you know becasue of TRAINING, how to use the art of healing that sages use... but... ummmm.... well.... uhhhhh.... i can't do it right now... when the team needs me to do it... because... ummm... becaaaaaaause... uhhhhhh.... yeah I got nothing... no logical reason as to why I am suddenly unable to use an entire skill set that I have been trained in to use. Aslo, even better, as a republic commando, not only am I a well trained soldier ready to do some damage to the imperial forces, but I am also a combat medic, ready to administer aid to my fellow soldiers and jedi counterparts when they need it. I have the tools and skills to ... oh wait... actually, I ... seem to have... misplaced all of my ... healing... ski... gea... everything ... sorry guys, looks like you're on your own.


    3. Gear still remeains in my inventory. A new armory cargo bay would have been a much cleaner and simpler solution. Having to keep so many different gear sets in my invetory for a shadow is insane and completely pointless. If classes are allowed to swap between tank/dps/heals (now that dual specs are a thing) then I will now need 6 sets of gear to do PVE and PVP... (2 for tank, 2 for DPS, 2 for Heals as a Shadow/Sage). Having to keep them all in my inventory is pointless and rediculous to say the least.


    3. Loadouts are not legacy, Why? just why do I have to setup the same loadouts on all 12 of my shadows and my 3 assassins? Why? Sure during "progression", i will need to change the gear out, but once I get to endgame gear (which I am no where even near due to how gearing works now - a topic for another post), it better be legacy gear that all of my toons of a class will share, so why not share loadouts? Again, not the correct way to implement loadouts; repetitive, tedious, and uncalled for.


    Now, that is not to say that some of it is not done well, but it's mostly the standard basic stuff.


    1. The UI Tab is fine, I like it, apart from the non-legacy issue.

    2. Copying a loadout is nice and simple, well done.

    3. Editing a loadout is ok, the fact that it autosaves on every chnage I think is a little weird at first, I feel like a dedicated save function would have been easier for users to understand.

    4. The fact that gear and skills do automatically replace, is very nice, and the skills appear in their correct slots, also very nice. Very well done there.

    5. Naming loadouts also nice.


    so please... please... let's fix loadouts to makes actual sense from a players persepctive. I also worked as a developer in UI/UX for 20+ years, and while on several occasions I thought I knew what was best for the user, I was eventually wrong and would have to go back and change things too. It's ok.

  4. So, I am almost positive that this has been posted before, but since there is no search functionality in the forums, I am just going to post it again, and with the next expansion just around the corner, I feel like this is a good time to bring it up again.


    I am just so confused as to how and/or why the performance related to 16 person groups has never been addressed.


    There are literal achievements based on 16m groups for all of the end game content and no matter what settings I try to adjust, I get the results shown here.


    Now this screenshot was taken with me dead. During the fight, my FPS was no greater than 3, on a 2080... this makes no sense what so ever. My GPU is barely even being used. Why is this acceptable performance? Why has this never been addressed? This is just not acceptable behavior for a finished product that is 10 years old, and as a front end web developer, I am very familiar with creating animations that need to work smoothly and efficiently on the most low end devices.

  5. The reason nobody knows exactly what it will be like, how the balance will work, etc., is because its release is about five months away, and the final design *isn't* finalised. It *shouldn't* be finalised yet because they don't know yet if it's quite right, what the balance will be, and so on.


    I am not sure, but it sounds like you think this is how it should be or that this is a good thing in some way. Being a software developer allow me to enlighten you on a process called the software development lifecycle. What we are seeing on the PTS is the end of the lifecycle. All of the major updates and changes that will go into the next major update, have been implemented and tested internally, and the point at which scrapping the idea has long past. What was talked about in the livestream, is based on the internal process of the software development lifecycle that have already been finalized and will ship with the major patch update.


    What we are getting is the final phase in the lifecycle where small tweaks and adjustments can still be made to the way the new features work, but the underlying functionality of those features, the major game breaking bugs, and the overall look and feel of the associated ui updates are already done and cannot be reversed, on this branch of development.


    The only possible way that this feature does not make it into the update all depends on the build pipeline they have in place for the codebase. Assuming that major features like this exist on a separate branch of the codebase independent from any other feature, then there lies a chance that this feature does not get merged into the upstream codebase, and judging by the fact that we have a "simplified" version of it existing on the PTS without all of it being here, this tells me that is how the codebase is structured. They have pushed just this feature to the PTS branch and merged it into the PTS codebase, which explains why it does not function quite the way it should, as there are core elements that are modified to accommodate the PTS testing process that will not exist on the live.


    Now with all that being said, what you should know is that this feature is finalized, and it was finalized a long time ago, long before we as the user base ever even knew it was coming. However, the feature is not complete, which is why they are asking for player feedback, to see what small tweaks they can make based on it so as to try to salvage some of the user base that will undoubtedly leave because of this. it happens with every expansion, and it is something they are prepared for and there will be something in these new features that will require more credits to use, which leads users to buy more items from the cartel market to sell in game for those credit so they can take advantage of the new features. That is how the economy works.

  6. One of the issues that have plagued operations since inception is being able to find enough people to fill a group with the proper make up and gear. We have a full 8 person raid team, but we still have a small amount of guild personnel that want to raid, but do not know the mechanics or the understand the fights. So in order to teach them we have to get a 7 other people that do know the fights together outside of normal raid times in order to teach this one person, and that is inconvenient to say the least.


    So now that operations have been nerfed to oblivion in order to accommodate the pugs that cannot fit into a guild raid team but still want to do the operations, and operations no longer serve a purpose other than achievements because they do not drop anything related to gear anymore, I was thinking about how operation training could be implemented.


    Adding a training deck/room on the guild ship/stronghold (unlockable for a ton of credits of course) that allows you to pick an operation, and then a boss from that operation, the operation size (8 or 16) and difficulty (SM, VM, MM), and what roles you are filling with actual players, and then spawn in an instance of the selected boss from that operation at that size and difficulty (complete with proper environment and mechanics), but you would not need a full 8 or 16 person group, you can go in by yourself or with just a few other players, and have the training droids (like you get in SM FPs) fill the roles you are missing (tank, dps, and heals) and the training droids would all be min-max gear rating, and maybe you can choose what class they mimic (Shadow Tank, smuggler heals, etc).


    This way players can try new role positions (tank instead of running dps all the time), and only take the players that need to learn or also take some with a trainer, or just go explore the mechanics anytime they want so they can get a feel for what the operation is like without having to group up for it. No rewards (just like in real operations) or anything like that.


    This stems from me enjoying teaching people operation mechanics, but it never fails, every guild I have been in the same problem comes up. We have a raid team, they raid all the time, we run random raids to fill in the people that are not on the raid team, yet, there are always those outliers that end up missing out, because they work weird ours, or just can't make it a majority of the time. This would provide a helpful way for them to learn and experience the bosses in the raids without all the hassle of grouping up for it, that way, when they do have the time on their own, or I have the time to train them, we can just run in and do it without bothering anyone else, or trying to setup some schedule to accommodate them.

  7. I don't know why or how this is not in-game yet. It's been over 10 years now....


    I am so so so so so so so sick of swapping out gear, skills, and ability points on my 15 shadows from tank to dps.


    Here is how it should work:

    I define a build in my armory called TANK PVE.

    I assign each piece of gear I want to use in that build inside my armory (similar to the outfit designer) AND ... AND ... AAAAAANNNND I DEFINE ALL THE SKILLS IN MY SKILL BAR AND ALL THE ABILITY POINTS IN MY ARMORY.

    I then save that build in my armory, and the gear items for that build go into my armory, and do not live in my inventory or any cargo bay.


    I clone/duplicate the TANK PVE build, and change the name to TANK PVP.

    I then change the ability points, skills and gear as needed, and save it.


    Clone/duplicate adjust and repeat as necessary for DPS PVE, and DPS PVP.


    I can swap armory builds for my character inside of my character sheet from a dropdown of armory builds, or maybe the whole armory is just in a new tab called Armory inside the character UI window.


    The key here is that buy saving a build in my armory, I can now easily swap between the various builds I have created for a toon, or for trying out different gear builds to see which ones yield the best results, and the gear items no longer take up space in my inventory or cargo bays. It would also be nice to be able to assign an armory build to multiple characters, so all of my shadows can use the builds I have created and all of my assassins as well, you know like a legacy armory. I mean we already have this in-game as it is. I make one set of gear and manually hand it off to all my other toons through my legacy cargo bay. WHAT A PITA!!!!!


    All I am asking for is a more efficient method for doing what already exists and happens in the game. Please, I am begging you... please add this to the game.

  8. I am so glad they are nerfing the shadow dps. I get so tired of pulling aggro off of every fail tank that opens a fight with their taunt. It is so annoying doing SOOOOOOOOOO much DPS in a tactical FP with lvl 20 players. Hopefully now I can just go into a raid and not have to worry about getting yelled at for pulling aggro off of the tank when their area taunt is on CD cause they used it in a trash pull...


    Also same goes for my balance sage. I cannot express my gratitude for first of all taking the most "turret-like" class in the game and making me add force speed to my rotation... cause the one thing I hated more than anything was not moving fast enough while standing still, but now you have also taken that single skill and made it more useless. Thank you so much for this, I am hoping that over a gradual progression of about 4 or 5 years you will make it so I have to use force speed before I can use any other skill in my rotation and also make it so useless that instead of adding movement speed, it will actually slow me down and help me to stand in all the aoe damage that raid bosses put out since it will be perpetually on CD and not be useful to actually avoid anything that I might need to.


    Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see what else comes next.

  9. This thread needs way more attention.


    I played SWTOR from day 1 up until about 2015 and I ran every op with an amazing raid team up until Shadow of Revan. At that point we just got burned out and everyone quit, then the disaster that was KoTFE and KoTET made me want to stay even further away from this game. So I hear that 6.0 made a lot of changes and here I am checking it all out.


    So let me start out with this: I an a consular main. I have 4 sages (dps only cause I suck at healing) and 7 shadows (both tank and dps). this toons are for the specific purpose of having enough alts to run entire groups through full ops to get the gear they needed. It used to be that you could run DF and DP and get a full set of gear for a single toon, so I leveled enough shadows to fill a single tank spot and run people who didn't do prog raids through SM DF DP so that could at least get a set or gear. Ir was rewarding to help other people, and it was fun building comraderie among players.


    So I come back in to 6.0... and I thought to myself... how am I going to gear all these shadows... turns out with this new gearing system, I was able to lvl one sage to 75 and get him to 306 in less than a week, send that gear to a shadow once they hit 75, and just have them geared in a day, next day another shadow, and so on. In about two weeks I have 11 toons in full 306 gear, and that includes tank and dps gear for all my shadows, an dI work a full time 40 hour job and only get 2-4 hours in the evenings and maybe 5 on the weekends, so it's not like this is me sitting in front of SWTOR for 16 hours a day grinding out toons and gear.


    Now with that said, yes, gearing is super easy now. Was it fun and enjoyable to lvl and gear all those toons so fast? Absolutely not. it was the worst experience I have ever had in this game. It consisted of running more Hammer Station vet mode than I have ever run in my life. I did run an SnV, and I thought perfect, I will get the gear I need... nope... only the last boss dropped gear... I thought it was a bug at first, surely this cannot be right... why would anyone run any op if none of the bosses drop any gear, and the last boss only a chance to drop a gear piece??? So more vet hammer station... to infinity and beyond.


    I mean honestly, did the devs really think that the player base would just run every random FP over and over, and not find the easiest quickest path? Do you not understand the player base that much? when you create content that forces the player to platform there way around a planet just to find a +2 endurance datacron that is hidden in some obscure location, do you really think those same players that accept that challenge to do things in odd and obscure ways are not going to do the same thing when it comes to gearing with this ridiculous system?


    So yes, I agree with everyone else in this thread. This system is not it. I commend Bioware for trying something different, but this is not it. What I would have liked to have seen and what would have made more sense, is something along lines: Since every playable character had to spend 5 years in cryosleep due to the KoTET storyline, it would have made more sense to use that as more than just the lame story line that it was, but rather have your character actually be effected by that and introduce a whole new system with new skills, new sets, new individual story lines, new things to learn all over again; essentially rebooting the whole game, but that opportunity was missed, and now we have this **** storm to deal with.


    Gear sets that are just meh... the old gear sets played into the actual skills and rotations of the class, these gear sets are more like ehhhh, you can use this one, but it's not that great, or you could use this other one but it's also not hat great... really you could use any of them because they are not that class specific... as a balance sage... why would I use force speed in order to buff my force skills??? 50% of my rotation is me standing still... throwing pebbles... telekenetic throw is THE highest damaging ability in the rotation... and you want me to use force speed ... so I can stand still... and get a dps boost from one channel of telekenetic throw??? Seriously... who came up with this crap? You're killing me Smalls!!!!


    I get that people complained because they couldn't get the BIS gear from raid because they didn't have a raid group to run with that could get it, or someone in the pug group they joined left cause lockout and they couldn't finish it, or someone needed all of it and won it... well guess what? you actually already fixed that issue. The way gear drops now is nice... everyone has their drops... and only mats are rolled on... perfect... all you had to do was implement that, and bam, gear drops fixed. Now no one else can randomly roll on your gear piece that drops on a boss... and yeah sure, maybe you add in the random aspect too, so every time I run KP I don't get a drop that is just for me, maybe its a random chance, like greater than 50% chance, not a 0.00000001% chance on every boss. You make SM raids drop rate fairly high so pgs and casuals don't feel left out, but its lower lvl gear, BIS, but Tier 1 BIS, HM drops Tier 2 BIS, and NiM Teir 3 BIS, but HM and NiM are usual guaranteed drops, one per boss. If you want the better gear, you got to earn it, that is just how the world works. This participation trophy gearing is not it. it's not fun. it's not rewarding. it's not enjoyable. and it will not bring in more subscribers, do not fool yourselves or your stakeholders.

  10. Just wow...


    I read most of the posts in this thread, and from what I can tell people are sadly confused, but before I start, let me just say that I have cleared all of the HM FPs with pug groups.


    First of all the recommended gear for the HM FPs is 148 (check the GF queue), i don't know where you all are getting 178 from, but that is just outright wrong.


    So working from the actual recommended gear rating in the game, these FPs are completely impossible to run. And also if the recommended gear rating is 148, and we are all running in 186 gear, then the FPs should be WAY easier than they currently are.


    It is clearly obvious that the first boss on Assault on Tython is super bugged and needs to be addressed, as well as the damage done by strong level enemies. We ran Manaan, and every elite enemy in there barely did any damage at all, while every strong enemy nearly wiped us. This goes for all the FPs, but Manaan was the one we really noticed it on.


    On top of this, the rewards are clearly meaningless as we are all running in 186 gear, with some 192 obtained from the vendor as Mk-1s, but the drops are 192 MK-2s which have the same stats?!?!?!?, and why would you run in the recommended 148 so the FP can drop 192????


    I have no problem with them being hard or difficult, what I have a problem with is them being broken to the point that no one wants to play them.

  11. Uh, I'm in no way the perfect guy to explain to you how that rotation of yours is...less than optimal. However, I do know that Sages should never use Project rotationally, and that the clipping of TkT at three stacks of Presence of Mind by immediately using either Disturbance or Weaken Mind is necessary to doing any DPS at all. After that, DoTs as they fall off, and FiB and WM on cooldown.






    Are you sure about that? My rotation may not be exactly what they have, and I may consider revising it, but your statement is just way off. Thanks.

  12. I don't get the perceived need for this one, but suppose it'll make all the tab dotters happy.


    Are you kidding me? I can spread my DOTs across 8 targets by only casting them one time. That is amazing. While it only effects Sage DOTs specifically, I like the idea of it effecting all dots on a single target. I hope they figure out how to do it, cause it will make FiB even more amazing than it already is.


    What I don't get is why have both Mind Crush and Vanquish. The way they make it sound is that Vanquish is much better than Mind Crush. Why add another DOT that is basically the same as Mind Crush only to have it replace Mind Crush in the rotation? Why not just add a passive skill that buffs Mind Crush to act like Vanquish? Seems to make more sense to me, rather than introduce a new skill that makes an existing skill obsolete.

  13. ... but we never clip anymore? Lovely.


    I am not sure what you mean by "clip", can you explain. I love the balance rotation, but I am pretty sure my rotation is different from everyone else's rotation, because every balance spec sage I talk to has disturbance in their rotation, and I do not.


    I simply go like this:

    Project -> TKT (until 3x Proc) -> FiB-> Sever Force -> Weaken Mind - > Mind Crush (instant). then, since I have to deal with CDs, it work it like so from here on out until the fight is over:

    Project -> TKT x3 -> FiB -> Sever force -> Weaken Mind -> Mind Crush (instant) then repeat repeatedly. The TKT x3 ensures that FiB is off of CD, and the GCD from FiB, Sever Force, and Weaken Mind, ensure that CD of Mind Crush has finished, making it instant. And since the only skill that requires me to stand still is TKT, I can easily stay out of stupid as everything else can be cast on the move, and the Proc from TKT only takes one cast.


    I never use Disturbance because it just slows down the rotation and the damage dealt by it is fairly minimal in the end, of course I am not hybrid spec either, which I guess would result in more dmg done from disturbance, but then I would lose sever force as it is top of the balance tree.

  14. So, the Group Finder has been out for a while now. And while I do like the way it works, I have found a rather annoying issue with it.


    When I am in a group of say 2 players, and we need 2 more to in order to run a Heroic 4+ daily, I will announce it in General Chat so other players know I am looking for more.


    Someone will whisper me and say "I'll go", at which point I will right click on their name and invite them to the group.


    This is where the problem begins.


    I issue the invite, and then I am told that the player I am trying to invite is currently in the group finder queue. That's great, but in reality I am not the one that needs to know this information. Obviously the player is not in a group, but does want to find one to run an Operation or a Flashpoint (otherwise they would not have queued for it). However the player has not found one yet, so now they wish to join my group. But in order for them to do that, they must first leave the Group Finder queue, but they have forgotten that they are even queued to begin with because they have been sitting in the queue for hours.


    So now, I have to right click on the players name and send them a whisper, tell them that they are in The Group Finder Queue. Then they go "Oh! Sorry, forgot I was in there. Please send me a new group invite request." Then I have to right click on their name again and invite them again.


    While this is not completely detrimental to gameplay, it does get to be annoying, especially when I am on the fleet trying to put together a Operation of 8-16 players, and I have to repeatedly tell players they are in the GF Queue.


    What should happen is this: A player whispers me to join my group. I issue the invite and the system tells them something similar to the following:


    "[PLAYERNAME] wants to invite you to their group. You are currently in the Group Finder Queue and are not able to join their group unless you leave the Group Finder first. What would you like to do?" and the player is presented with two buttons in the UI Dialog: "Accept [PLAYERNAME'S] invite, and leave the GF Queue." and "Decline [PLAYERNAME'S] invite and remain in the GF Queue."


    Upon clicking the ACCEPT button, the player is removed from the Queue by the system and placed into my group.

    Upon clicking the DECLINE button, I am notified that the player declined my group invite. At which point I can decide to reissue the invite, or just go about inviting other players and forget about them.


    To lay this out in steps and compare it would look like this:


    Current Method:

    1. issue invite
    2. be told by system player is in GF
    3. right click name and select "Whisper"
    4. type out message to player
    5. right click name and issue invite again


    Proposed Method:

    1. issue invite
    2. wait for player to accept or decline

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