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Posts posted by Chembox

  1. I never said I felt like I was being misled. Maybe I am just a bit more patient than your average gamer, but I can wait till they are *done* making the expansion before I jump down their throats. If you think communication about what may or may not come with the expansion will change anything for you when it happens, you're mistaken. Knowing the companion system is changing is just causing you to stress out, but it isn't changing what they're doing. It's like asking god to let you know which of your real life relatives is going to die next so you can spend more time with them (or at least stop giving them gifts to raise their affection?) etc. - but in a game where you already have done all the conversations and such... there really is no benefit to knowing the future. Really are you going to run more flashpoints, heroics or whatever with your favorite companion if they are definitely going away in October?


    It's a MMORPG - they change over time. It is the nature of the genre. Sometimes they screw things up royally (I'm sure we all can think of examples) and sometimes you think to yourself "Why didn't they do this for release?" The rest of the time they are just adding content to keep us as customers.


    That's what they are doing this cycle. They know how the average *paying* customer spends their time, so they are catering to the majority since that is how they make their money. Since they are a business, making money is the goal. They are not here to do anything but turn a profit. It just so happens that you may (or may not) like the product that they produce.


    Now to come back to your world peace comment; most people on the internet only talk about negative stuff. I know that is normal human nature but that *has* to be a real drag on Mr Musco's desire to communicate "more" with the forum users. Let's face it, he could post exactly what you (the individual) wants, but there would still be a bunch of complainers. Forum users are loud complainers as a group, I mean you're not here to make real life friends you're here to try and modify this game the way you'd like to see it turn out. Mr Musco is definitely in a situation of damned if you do and damned if you don't and I would be completely shocked to hear (from a reliable source) that he doesn't have a *bunch* of restrictions (from BW or Disney) in what he specifically can and cannot say.


    I don't know how else to say it other than to quote Yoda, "I cannot teach him, he has no patience..."


    That also works for a TL;DR.


    Are you done stroking yourself? :rolleyes:

    Seriously never seen such a pretentious poster compliment themselves so much about how patient, respectable, and mature they are compared to the general user base... If I was a dev, the last person I'd want to have to deal with is people like you.

    I like how you hold yourself in such a high regard, it's almost as if you feel you should be rewarded for being so "superior" compared to everyone else.

    I think you need to take a break from the game and come back when you are more grounded and accepting of the people you play with. Maybe try participating in these forums (and the game itself) again when you realize how you talk to people in real life is nothing like this alter-super-ego you've created for yourself on here.

    But you did make a great entry for the SWTOR cringe thread so thank you and if you can't change (which you won't. I know people like you who play MMOs and they will shrug me off as a toxic player while continuing to build up their delusion that they are the 1%) then keep posting more gold ;)

  2. Well marauder will give you some trouble endgame but if you wanna level one and have fun go for it


    I just want to intervene and maybe shed some knowledge on the Marauder. Mara was my first class, bad-*** enforcer with two light sabers so he could cut through scores of Jedi and Republic Soldiers. Being my first class I wasn't happy with the companion system so I always stuck with Vett, a ranged DPS class, and I'm glad I did. Upgrading her constantly allowed me to play the class to the point where I could kill two silvers and two normals in one battle. Of course there is a ton of down-time healing especially around Hoth and the learning curb associated with all the micro managing you need to do to constantly cause tremendous amounts of dps and be able to pop shields and buffs for yourself. I always used stims and medpacs and could always get through my storyline without any help.

    It taught me a lot about the game and yea there are low times when you feel like paper and you are heavily gear reliant but the payoff of being able to micromanage a Mara will be wisdom you'll hold onto forever, it really made me a better player playing a melee glass cannon.

    I just thought Maras were the most ****** of classes when played Dark Side and I hope to remake one again. It was really a adventure I look back on and smile.

    I highly recommend going through the whole game with a Mara, not just abusing the 12x exp, you'll learn a lot and really feel like you've done something awesome.


    And.. I mean.. come on.. everyone knows a Human Male Sith Marauder is the canon version of one of the best class stories ever in the game.


    Please go enjoy one and if you ever need advice let me know!

  3. Welcome back buddy, I'll try and keep it simple for you're English skills:


    Talents have been simplified to the point where you just choose damage or tanking.


    Immortal is both great for solo and PvP


    If you are trying to level faster, use Vett and outfit her nicely.

    I've used Vett all game and she kicks ***!

    If that is still too slow for you then go Rage but I suggest sticking with Immortality because you'll be able to solo anything unless it's a pack of Golds and you'll have less down time.


    Good luck and may the force be with you!

  4. I'll try and be more polite but they are somewhat correct with the answer you're looking for which is:

    If you choose to play alone, as many people do, you indeed have to then realize you will not have access to flashpoints and other instances where "phat/dank loot" is found.


    I suggest grouping with random people and saying you're new if you really want to go into instances that bad. You're way too paranoid about other people raging and you do have a bit of a attitude which I take is from being a loner. It's not a big deal that you are new to grouping and many people would be more then happy to help you along.

    You're only going to get raged at if you sneak into a group, don't say anything, and play it off like you know everything or if you get halfway before you start screaming you're new and not to bother you anymore. If you politely start by saying "I am new to grouping, I've solo'd the whole way here, if you would like me to leave the group I understand but I am just looking to farm credits" I guarantee you'll find a great time.


    Also, there really isn't any "builds" per say, everything has been abridged to the simplest means. All you have to do is pick if you want to do damage or tank. It's really that simple now since they ruined/enhanced the talent trees.


    You also have to understand this game is a few years old (as you clearly know since you've been playing since beta) and need to understand there aren't any lurkers jumping at the chance to respond to anyone that has a question. There is enough information being pumped out that can be found through google, it helps to type in 2015 when searching for fresh information.

  5. I'm actually in the same position as you buddy!

    I've been continuously subscribed to SWTOR since launch but take very extended breaks.

    With the announcement of the leveling boost (which allows you to get to level 50 by just doing the story quests) and the new expansion, I've found that hunger to take up the saber again.

    First thing I've noticed is the talent system has been abridged down to literally nothing unique now. Everything else seems the same but I haven't even tried the player housing, saving it for end game when I have the time and money to sit down and fiddle with what I assume is just another novelty to throw credits and coins at.


    With the experience booster I just decided it would be worth it in the long haul to start fresh and experience everything like I am new. I tried PvP with a few of my toons just to mess around and get the feel back and I simply need to just go through it all again to get onto a level I am comfortable with.

    Also a year is a long time so I will be able to enjoy the Sith Warrior story again.

    I hope to see you out there buddy and hope you take the time to make a great new main like I did. I spent a couple coins on racial unlocks and some other useless things but with all the money my toons have and all the cartel coins I have I am going to lavishly coat my new Dark Lord in whatever I desire and simply can't wait to see all the new armors and weapons!


    Good luck and never stop starting over!

  6. you're full of it. I have never seen someone ignore an inc call because of an RP name. And I solo queue 99% of the time almost every single day since launch on both factions.


    Right your the 99%

    I have

    -Heavy Armor

    -No one in my group that RPs or doesn't wear Heavy Armor



    I am in the 1% who never lose

    I tried to help but all people want to do it seems is show me they're *****

  7. I was trying to explain this in another thread but of course no one can take criticism anymore... RP servers, especially this one, has some of the most toxic players I've ever seen. Not even League of Legends is this bad.

    It breeds a special kind of person who looks down on anyone else. I've tried so many times to co-ordinate and call out doors when players just respond "ignoring you for not having a RP name"... It's embarrassing how much they care...

  8. Bad sentinel's... It's funny, but that class went from crazy low skill cap to one of the highest skill caps almost over night.


    Personally, I think the problem is way over-hyped.


    You sir don't sound like a role player who has no idea what they are doing in battle and therefore you will receive (1) Golf Clap.

    If more people like you played we wouldn't be over-hyping it

  9. I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

    It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

    I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

    Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


    Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

    A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


    There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

    When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

    The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


    More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.

  10. Lol wow...


    Not only are you so self-centered you had to spam the Assassin forums with a "Wah, I'm leaving" thread, your delusional for thinking anyone gives a ****.


    Hopefully more toxic players leave for Wildstar, thank you.

  11. So, as I see it, marauder's skill tree defines just which form you specialize in. Annihilation is Juyo, Carnage is Ataru, and rage is Shii-Cho. My main is a Sith Marauder specializing in Carnage/Ataru and I can personally say it is a pain unless you have a good healer or tank as a companion. It specializes in hitting your opponent fast and hard making long battles almost unsurvivable unless you are prepared. While it is possible with another DPS (Vette, Jaesa) it requires to have many medpacks on hand and constant use of the Cloak of Pain and Beserk, as well as the Heroic Moment. I personaly use Malavai in his healing form now that I have Jaesa at almost max affection. I think Pierce would also be a good choice since he can tank well.

    Does anyone have opinions on the skill trees and how you use them?


    I'm sorry your having a tough time playing a Carnage Marauder. I currently just got mine to 45 and have been using Carnage since my first skill point. I haven't had a better time playing to be honest, I like the feeling of being a F-22 Raptor in combat.


    I think the problem is your play-style more then anything. As a Marauder, our only role is DPS, all we hope to achieve is more and more damage. I took the attitude that although I am made of paper, If I out DPS my fights, I'll be successful. I took Vette and took care of her. I got new gear around every 5-10 levels for us (flashpoints, heroics, bonus quests for good gear for us), did as much questing as I could so most of my quests were green, only around level 40 did I start doing things my level and over and it has paid off.


    As a Marauder your going to have a tough time soloing no matter what and you can over-come it many different ways, leveling Carnage is the toughest but with it I have my companions fully spec'd with me, my biochem is fully up because I need the stims and medpacks, I know my rotation perfectly, I learned to watch cooldowns (yes you'll be using a lot of rage and cloak of pain and the game teaches you to do this out of survival), and feel I have really gotten 100% comfortable with the class.


    I know your frustrated but it can be done and it is rewarding once you really get past 39. Whenever I had doubts about my class, I did flashpoints and bathed in the blood I was letting flow out of my enemies. There is no swifter bringer of pain then a Marauder, don't give up buddy :cool:

  12. I might be the exception but I was most interested in the Carnage tree and leveled it from 1 and I'm currently 43 now. It seemed like I was punishing myself ~ the 30s but it really paid off (I even checked the forums to see if I should respec but every marauder seems to have leveling problems and end up respecing Carnage for end game anyways).

    I know all my cooldowns and out of survival worked out rotations.

    I am also a fairly new player but marauder really taught me a lot about the game mechanics. Never bored either when playing, combat is fast. Loved powering up force scream too, with the crits and Carnage tree, it's created a pretty nice nuke most of the time and only costs 2 rage. Never used quinn either. It was all vette until I got the new hottie and by really keeping vette up to date I was able to out dps silvers and golds without dieing.

    Leveling is a pain but the experience of seeing myself in heroics and flashpoints really boosted my confidence. Very consistent high damage output. I took pride in knowing I was dominating the pure dps role throughout my whole story.

    I can't wait to see how far I can get him although I'm kinda bummed my story is coming to a end.


    I'd be so bold to say you are a member of the best dps class in the game and I'm including story. Awesome companions, awesome story, easily the most powerful empire character in terms of character development throughout his class quest.

    I think since the "hero of tython" is getting the most canon story attention I think a darkside, sith marauder is the most plausible as his opposite.


    Good luck, I'm glad your enjoying it.

  13. I concur that new classes are unlikely. I also concur that giving each advanced class a 4th skill tree would be WICKED COOL. Not only would it bring new gameplay content, it would be a way to give some actual use to certain abilities that don't have any synergies at present.


    Thank you! I'm glad you agree!

    It would be so much more simpler and I feel more possible then adding entirely new classes.

    A fourth skill tree, adding more synergy like you said, more roles, weapons, or armor would be just a kick *** way to add more unique possibilities for players and more of a unique experience! I really hope some devs would see this.


    I mean a marksman tree for Troopers and it lets them use Sniper Rifles?

    Or the Bounty Hunter getting a Gunnery tree and allowing the use of Assault Cannons?

    Right there you have basically a entirely new class just by adding a fourth skill tree!

  14. Actually a interview awhile back on Destructoid stated they were very interested in getting rid of the mentality that new races needed to be restricted to so many rules. They were hoping to implement a bunch of new additions to the game (including classes, races, new subscription systems, pvp space fights, player/guild housing) for the 2013 Holiday season, sometime around mid December.

    They later added that they tried accomplishing too much all at once because of pressure from the mother studio since 2014 has seen the biggest dip in overall population.

    As you can see, delays and set-backs galore pushed all of these projects at different times focusing on the ones that could be implemented the fastest which was Galactic Starfighter that was only two months late. Strongholds is finally coming out this summer and I would be betting on new races and class implementations by the 2014 Holiday season.


    I'll try looking for the article, I know they mentioned Wookies specifically when asked about races.

  15. I feel like you might have witnessed a discussion I took part in, but that was on the republic side (on ToFN), so I dunno... :p


    Well anyway, there was this guy insisting that Vanguards are not a melee class, because they only have 1 or 2 melee range attacks. A bunch of people including me gave him lengthy explanations and reasons for why they are, in fact, melee (Stockstrike and Gut are an integral part of each specs rotation, so to achieve a mentionable dps you have to stick to being in melee, not to mention Stockstrike is a Vanguard tanks #1 threat builder), but no, they weren't getting it. I then tried to elaborate it to Shadows and Scoundrels, who also have longer range attacks, but are melee classes because of how their rotations operate. But no.


    And then I started joking, that by using this guy's own reasoning, all Knights and Warriors are ranged too, because they have a few 30m attacks + a bunch of 10m attacks. Who cares if most of their abilities are 4m? You can totally stand around at 30m and do good dps. :rak_03:


    And yes, his counter argument was that Sages are melee too since they have 2 lightsaber attacks. Of course they are.


    I wish I could of been there to see how hard you got trolled. I would have personally congratulated the guy for making you freak out that much for that long lol

  16. To be honest, after reading that mess of a response to three people, I'd really be quite embarrassed if you were my guild leader.

    You start out by responding to a blatant troll and then admitting your too immature to resist the temptation and your negative emotional impulses...

    Then you do a fantastic job of making yourself look like a idiot by contradicting yourself with the second guy. If Marauders get the healing companion at ~20 and the Sentinel gets it ~30 then they don't get them at the same time now do they...

    Then when you get to me you clearly are barely able to read by this point and just start going off on how Republic = Good Guy, Imperials = Bad Guy. Why thank you because everyone who has responded in this thread before you was seriously struggling with that information that only a professional who has had endless amounts of game time here would be able to reveal to us...


    This should really be on the front page of your website so people understand who is trying to manage them.. I mean in one post you responded to three people who were never trying to talk to you and managed to make yourself look immature and impulsive by the first response then unintelligent by the second. I really hope your obnoxious signature is just a joke and your not in charge of managing any form of human or any form of intelligence for that matter because you would be severely crippling them and the gaming experience they have.

  17. I haven't seen forum drama since my days on the Moon Guard forums.


    I'm actually starting to think your a troll now. You clearly are just going to continue to be immature to keep the drama flowing in this thread. The way you replied to me earlier was way too redundant and proved my point, you should have done the mature thing and just ended with "may the force be with you".

    I told you already I know you don't know any of them, which is why it's called gang-mentality sweetie. See this is the point we've been trying to make. Your very flustered and not understanding anything intelligent we have to say and your not communicating well. Your coming off as a nut who can't deal with the people around her maturely.


    That could of been it with "may the force be with you", I would have believed you were mature enough to say goodbye and move on, instead you keep camping outside this forum just to create more drama.


    I hope you prove me wrong and your not a troll and just say good day and continue on but I'm afraid you'll still be coming back trying to pressure your emotions onto everyone. Also when you replied before, you answered a lot of my questions with questions and didn't even have the respect to answer them. Since I'm betting on you being a troll and responding to this instead of leaving it at "may the force be with you", could you answer those questions for me that you asked? I'm curious because I'm betting on you being a woman, a old one in-fact too. I never met a girl my age as ignorant as you so I'm sure your older then most of your alts.

  18. I think all the classes are fine, there really isn't much more you can do. Role wise and story wise.


    What they should of done is made each of the Advanced Classes have more unique story options. I know one of the biggest complaints are simple things like:

    "Playing a Jedi Consular is biased towards the Sage role and totally doesn't fit the lore of a actual Jedi Shadow during the Cold War"

    It doesn't even have to be main story changing but adding specific "bonus class quests" would be awesome. Say your a Imperial Sniper, you get three unique 'assassination-based-kill-unique-mob' quests on each planet. Then the Operative would have three unique 'infiltration using stealth or something based quests'.


    Also to add some freshness and variety to classes, they should add one more skill-tree that is based on a entirely new weapon for that class. Like I would love to have played a Heavy-Armor class that uses Saberstaves/Double-Bladed Light Sabres. They could just allow each class to use more weapons and armor but be based around different skill tree builds.

    Come on, Heavy-Armor Jedi Shadows would be awesome! Not literally of course but you don't have to add a entirely new class to make more customization, equaling more unique characters which makes everyone happy because everyone feels like they are really playing a new unique experience.

  19. Sentinel gets a healer first.


    No body is a better healer then Quinn ;)


    And if you asked me, Dark-side Male Marauder seems to be the one story in the game that feels like it could be the most official lore. You get the best dialogue, the two best romance options in the game, you push the furthest into the timeline, and you end up becoming the strongest character in the game lore wise (and we've been the best dps class for the last five patches, it's amazing).


    Your gonna have the best ride playing a marauder so let us know how much your enjoying it! :D

  20. I really enjoy the gang mentality here. I understand your precious Lan didn't explain herself very well. But, honestly guys, you are making her position less stable by being complete morons while flocking to her defense like this. You are making her look like someone who can't speak up for herself and instead needs to send her flying monkeys out after everyone. Have a good day.


    I really have to agree with you and anyone following this thread please see through the stupidity.

    This is just like 99% of the open role-playing done on the fleets, it's one girl surrounded by 2-5 guys all trying to get her approval and attention.

    It's so embarrassing and obvious here it's sickening. Don't even say you have no idea what your talking about because Ordo is 100% correct. Lana is not communicating intelligently and has even said (though she claims it was due to improper grammar) that she has violated the rules by trying to police the RP servers.

    There are 2-3 people editing her posts for her trying to make her seem more credible then she really is.


    We're trying to have a discussion about how policing on RP servers is a horrible backward idea and it's ruined by this gang mentality and elitism that seems to plague the RP server community. I wasn't even talking to Lana and she still felt the need, because of support from idiots, that she is lady justice and can bless us with her empowering words when she is the type of elitist mentality that ruins it for everyone.


    If you don't like my name, don't want to RP with me, then keep going. I'm sorry you all have to go through a ritual of putting me on a blacklist like we're all back in high-school creating cliques.


    Just leave me alone and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and this thread would have never been started. I'm really amazed at how many of you are playing a MMO when you all clearly have incredible immature problems dealing with the people around you who also chose to play this game to have fun. The mature thing to do would be to stop this gang-mentality and stop trying to press your ideas onto us and let us have fun.

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