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Posts posted by dragospastiu

  1. I took a break for like 6 months I think, and the last thing I heard before quitting in frustration over the state of the pvp at the time, was 'better than cross-server pvp'.

    Now, I see nothing changed for the better and was wondering what happened to that promise.

    Damn, so many broken promises and dreams with this game, but hey, it's StarWars and the devs know it...

  2. The lag/ability delay has become better, just like when you wear a pair of shoes that are too small for you and they hurt you like hell, but after two weeks you don't notice the pain so much and think they actually fit you.

    Same thing here; and no, its still bad.

  3. Koozie, how do you deal with the 5 seconds deflect of guardian?

    I've met many stupid VG/PT's on my guardian that unleash the whole volley of shoulder cannon, only to eat it back in their faces.

  4. In ranked?

    Or at 1-59 8v8?

    Send a screenshot of your lvl 60 sage or sorce please.

    Everybody pouts about ranked, but I sincerely hope you realize ranked PvP is a minority within the PvP subgroup.

    Most people play regs and they are sick to tears of sorcs.

    Otherwise, rename this subforum 'elitist ranked PvP- normal people need not apply'.

  5. The people defending sorcs are simply laughable and plain ridiculous.

    Everybody and their mothers plays a sorc now and they dominate the charts in both DPS and healing.

    Gimme a break and get real. Easy kills? They are harder to kill than most classes.

    Commandos, gunslingers and sentinels would like to have a word with you.

    Keep dreaming, they are gonna get nerfed soon, it's an obtuse class and pisses everyone off, except said sorcs (which is mostly everyone).

  6. What most of you defending the bubble sorc do not realize, is the amount of sorcs playing the warzones.

    Sure, it's on a no-matter-how-long cooldown and it's easy counterable on one-two sorcs, but when the enemy team has six sorcs.

    You go for one sorcs, burn him down and force him to bubble, you switch to another target and surprise, he bubbles too.... and so on. It's most prevalent in arenas, I've had plenty of matches with 4 sorcs in team. Considering they reset all abilities on round 2.... It's frustrating as hell.

    Bubble is OP and so is the sorc class. The amount of people playing this rat class speaks volumes.

  7. lmao you people are inflating the numbers ap can pull off. You assume the person is stupid, has no defenses up and everything hits with max rng. No, eb doesn't hit on avg for 14k (lmao) and most of your dps in opening rotation will come from armor debuffed railshot. You'll spend most of your time trying to stay out of the kill range of sins, ops and juggs so the only time you should be using sc is when you're stunned and being bursted down as you should be saving it for health regen.


    This is cliche but you all have the mindset of bad players. I hope bioware is watching actual competitive 4s streams and not reading the forums of people who solo regs thinking they should I win button everything .


    ap with geared players in 4s is performing middling atm. solo you'll get focused down so quickly it won't even matter as at least half of your burst can be AVOIDED entirely by any competent player.

    Yup. Considering juggs can turn those missiles back ino your face :D

    VG/PT is so focused in ranked its not even funny.

  8. It is not done out of ego. It is done in the small chance that someone at EA / Bioware might see this and actually DO something to fix the problems that make this game unplayable.


    I actually love this game. I have been here from the start. I just can't play it anymore as I can't even ride my mount without falling off cliffs or such because of the lag. I want them to fix it. That is all.

    Bravo sir!

    Everyone who quits and announces it on the forums does so in the hopes BioWaste /EA takes notice.

    There are of course the usual trolls 'can i haz ur stuff' and whatnot, but they are eating crap and they pay for it. Good customers, the world consumers of today.

    I too did quit, but I wrote an extensive feedback as to why I was leaving and will reactivate my account the instant lag/ability delay/FPS are fixed.

    Power to you, I hope everyone that leaves makes a post! Keep up the good work and ignore the bridge trolls!

  9. Game is unplayable right now do to lag/ability delay in both PvP and PvE, hence why I'm derping on the forums.


    15$ is two beers for me but I have unsubscribed until BioWare pulls their heads out of their asses and start fixing the damn game. It's just a matter of principle, I can afford to pay for a turd, but I'd rather give the money to a poor man than support a company that gives exactly 0 fu.cks about us.

    I hope more people take this statement, one like me will not hurt EA/BioWare's pocket, but a mass cancellation and loss in revenue will finally wake the monkeys.

  10. 1)


    4) Where's all the AP PT QQ threads? lol. They're probably in the best position to dominate pvp right now.


    You won't see many QQs about PT/VG because of how easy it is to melt them in return, they last about 3 seconds if focused fired. Can you say the same about sorcs?

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