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Posts posted by iCanUseTheForce

  1. Between Burst Volley procs (constant) and Foxhole, energy management is a non-issue for SS Slingers. Using a smart, efficient rotation will keep you pretty well topped off, unless you have to move out of cover. If that's the case, pop Cool Head and you're golden again. Most of the energy cost of aimed shot & charged burst will regen by the time they fire too.
  2. Cybertech with underworld trading and scavenging or biochem with diplomacy and analysis are probably the most self sufficent professions to take atm.


    Not to mention UWT nets you armormech, synth, armstech schematics which you can sell or give to guildies.

  3. Had the same problem with this quest. Made it to the 2 strong medics at the end and just couldn't out dps them, even posted up next to the turret. And I was over-leveled for the quest too. I remember having trouble with my Sentinel with this quest back in the day too so maybe it's just a weirdly hard quest if you don't have you later-level interupts trained.
  4. At 10 I picked Armstech and hated it. You get orange blasters right from the start and so do your companions. Other than barrels, it felt like a waste. Switched to Cybertech and I'm loving it. Yes, you can get armoring and mods from comm vendors. But I can't constantly keep my orange gear current every 2 levels instead of every planet. This way you can spend your comms on orange gear for yourself & your companions and not on the mods.

    I think Armormech would be a great crew skill too, since all your companions except Bowdarr can be geared with it. And Bowdarr kinda sucks anyway. Orange armor can be profitable and the schems are much easier to get post 1.2.

  5. The only companion I've unlocked thru Legacy is Doc (thru my JK). His affection is 9816 and I haven't finished the story yet, but his conversations and love story is complete. I think each companion has its own set of parameters. Kira apparently is tied in to the JK story enough that you have to complete it before you unlock her. What I do know is that companion Legacy unlock is dependent on the companion story and not affection.
  6. I just met Akaavi. Haven't gotten her as a companion yet, but from the first cut-scene I gotta say...she freakin scares me. Flirt with her? I'm afraid getting shot down means just getting shot. At least Risha's sexy. Akaavi's gotta soften up a lot to have any chance with my stud of a smuggler.
  7. Or they could, instead of giving us a completly lackluster Act 2, with being forced into privateering for no apparent reason, continued the Prologue and Act 1 scheme and made Rogun the Butcher's goons or part of the Voidwolf's posse swoop in alongside Skavak and make off with everything but the reliquary.

    At least then I would care about fighting either of them.


    For me it would have been so much more enjoyable if Skavak and I were pointing blasters at each other and C2-N2 came running in shouting "Master! I apologize for the intrusion but ships are incomming!"

    And you'd have this "What the...? How could they get here?". Before you know it the deck is swarming with Rogun's thugs.

    You get a choice of working together with Skavak in the initial fight or shooting him where he stands. Either way, Rogun and more guns show up. They haul out the treasure and leave you there, sabotaging your hyperdrive and in an ironic gesture tossing the reliquary in your hands as a parting gift.

    You have a frantic scramble to fix the hyperdrive which you only manage to do reprogramming the maintenace droids left in Nok Drayen's ship.

    With the ship fixed you get out last minute and, if he is alive, as Skavak tries to scramble on board you push him out explaining to him that you never disagreed with Rogun marooning him...



    Anyway that's how I would have done it :)


    Damn you! Why couldn't you have written Ch1? That's a way better end to Ch1 and funny with Skavak and (you're right) a way for Ch 2 to be cool.

  8. To OP: you're right. I'm only on Balmorra, but I haven't smuggled anything yet (not counting Rogun's bungled shipment). I've traded a lot of stuff. Didn't have to lay low on any planet. In fact I was always quite high profile. Even on Taris with an over-zealous customs agent around, I flaunted it.

    And now, I suppose I'm in the working-with-Leia-and-the-Republic-for-credits-and-the-lovin' stage by being a Republic Privateer.


    I'm hoping I get back into my scoundrel days rather than going full legit. That would make me upset. And Risha would kill me.

  9. The smuggler ship is a great nod to the Falcon. I appreciate that. But the interior is poorly designed. I hate running in circles trying to get anywhere...makes for long trips around. My JK ship is so simply designed, it's perfect. Quick travel from companions to bridge to holo. The prettiest interior of all the ships is the Sith tho, without a doubt. BH is fugly.
  10. I love SWTOR. But, it's naive to think that D3 & GW2 launching won't affect a player's time. While I don't expect to see subscription numbers to drop drastically, many players will spend more time exploring these newer games. That's fine...IF Bio can merge/combine/transfer servers before then. If not, the individual server population will decrease and getting a FP group together won't be the tough thing, it'll be getting a 2nd for H2's.
  11. One nice part of Watchman is that when you Force Stasis a guy, you should have 4 DOTs rolling on him. Which eqautes to simultaneous damage & CC. Also, you can have DOTs constantly rolling on multiple targets to keep them aggroed on you. Leap + Opportune and you've got someone on you, swap target, throw a few burns on, switch target, sweep, merciless....once you have their focus on you choose one & bash away. Watchman also lets you Leap from 0 feet, so it's easier to hop to a guy that's targeting Doc if necessary. With Combat you can't keep DOTs rolling but you can turn all of Doc's attacks off, and leap n' sweep a group onto you.
  12. For leveling past 44, definitely Doc. We are Sentinels. We kill fast enough when it comes to random trash mob. Doc will keep you rolling from fight to fight very quickly. .


    Couldn't have said it better. I do massive dps and fights are quick even with Doc. And there's zero downtime. At 50 when I'm Op geared, maybe it'll be different. But not for now (I'm 47).

  13. I just got Risha and want to give her a whirl instead of Corso. I've been leveling Sab but which is better for use with Risha, Sab or SS? I understand Sab = aoe, SS = single target, Risha = single target.


    Also, how do I manage threat with Risha? I have Surrender to dump aggro, but how do I pull from Risha onto me? Do I need to be SS to concentrate single target dmg enough to pull?

  14. Do I wish I could make my Sage a Shadow mid leveling cuz Sage is boring to play? Yes. Am I glad I can't? Yes. Being able to switch ACs would be exactly like changing from Gunslinger to Commando. Since those are just as different in play styles as Gunslinger and Scoundrel.
  15. I used Corso and beat it on the 2nd try at lvl 27. Died the first time cuz I wasn't aware of the mechanics of the fight. But the key is to not jump into battle right away. Let the Jedi tank the Sith, then you & your companion melt the healer gangster. Interrupt interrupt interrupt every time you can. I'm Sabo so I had the bonus of DOTs to help (armor ignoring) and cybertech grenade interrupt. Once the gangster is down, the Sith becomes light work. Without heals and with a Jedi helping, you can burn her down fast. GL.
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