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Posts posted by Rickadin

  1. Bioware, I have high hopes on this:D:D:D


    Once the Starfighter expansion is well polished I'll have only two words for the Dev:



    :rak_03: Podracing - Pazaak :eek:



    Once the cool stuff brings all the players from the corners of the Galaxy, a real physical/collectible expansion with continuing class story should be made.

  2. OK! final solution! how about removing expertise completly!


    Afterall expertise (or resilience from WoW TBC) originally came after the Dev teams responded to the whines of the casual and even the hardcore pvpers by literally separating the gears in 2 different branches because the pvpers were being outmached completly by hardcore PVE guilds that had the best gear in game even if their pvp skills were so bad*. Since then, WoW clones (let's not deny it) like SWtOR cloned the pvp setup.


    Remove expertise from character's panel and then use the wz/Rwz comms to purchase mods and enhancements that are the equivalent to PVE. THAT WAY you can gear up by playing pvp with and against pure pvper or pure pvers. At that point it doesn't matter anymore, only a player's true Skillz will make the differance not the gear, not anymore. And of course pure pvpers won't have to run fps and ops to get geared.**


    The only difference would be the armoring bonuses where:


    PvP armorings benefit greatly pvp skills (maybe add a 2min CC breaker??? for full set so the Stunt Wars whiners **** for good or is this idea is way to smart for BW to consider it?); and where

    PvE armorings bonuses benefits pve purposes which will pretty much remain the same.


    In the end all I foresee is


    PvPers saying farewell to a broken bolster system,

    Mixed PvPers/PvErs having 2 ways to gear up,

    PvErs... well nothing changes for them and that's fine.



    Lets just do the thing I have been saying since the beginning and pull expertise completely..


    This is purely written wisdom^^^^^ ...to bad too few could read it :(



    * At that time - 2004-2006 (and even in the 90's with EQ) - farming end game gear was tiresome and you need excellent coordination within the raid to get the loot from the bosses. Today the game GIVEz you the loot by simply accepting and turning a quest... how complicated:rolleyes: Okay.. maybe you have to kill a mob fine go kill it. Can't solo it? well then YOU SIR are bad. If it's a group quest well... group up. C'mon don't be anti-social its an MMO after all!

    If you still don't agree with me that faming gear in SWtOR is easy as crap then you probably fall in one of these categories:

    A) a pre-teenager that knew nothing of when mmorpgs were Great, hard but great. If its the case that's fine.. just too bad you missed it :confused:

    B) a Lazy lousy and whiny gamer that has made the gaming community what is it theses days which is very sad (u dnt believe me? Go look at an exclusive upcoming game video/game review/ game patch/ game wtv and look at the comments down below. Yes most people that likes the new stuff rarely drops a positive comment but the industry and outside world look upon feedback which is probably 10%positive players, 90% negative and greedy players :mad:)

    C ) A pay2win player and you ARE exactly the customer EA and other publishers are looking for... it's not bad for the Gamer Community because you just have to go ahead and pay tons of stuff or even pre-order for no valuable reson with real $. Got hacked? No worries you can pay a new lvl55 toon with arkanian even if everyone tells you not to do it because it would result into another hacking. You can sell your wedding ring if you run short on $, your house as long as you get that exclusive CM item you dreamed of. HELL if it wasn't for people like YOU we would have Pazaak in this game for a LONNNNNNNG time already! (apparently BW did not implement Pazaak because of the in-game currency -and now the real world currency market- that could go against many States laws cited in the gambling and/or video games. I say if someone ruins him/her/itself on game that's his/her/its own darn problem... and BW did not consider a full fun2play pazaak mini-game... apparently (anyways some big TOR fans made a multiplayer pazaak online game so it doesn't matter anymore!))


    ** Originally I would've wanted to post: "Let's remove expertise and pvp vendors because farming gear rating162 is so easy and the difference in between 162 and 168 isn't that big. Unlike wow vanilla, late game gear is easy to grab so you don't need a pvp/pve difference anymore. Just grab your end gear then go que up for a wz or go and form an ops and take on a boss. Eventually the uselessness of Supplies Quarter and Combat Quarter (which is half the fleet station) should result in the destruction of the Republic fleet station and, in retaliation, the destruction of the Imperial station on their fleet at the hands of the Pubs in Game 3.0. That way no more ******** with lag fleet and every guild will purchase a capital ship with all the former fleet extras. The guildless players shall return to their capital planet and try to make a living in there by buying a house or losing themselves in the streets but ultimately they have to join a Guild and hook up with the guild capital Ship" Okay I'm way off topic...


    *** Because I do not represent any "AAA companies" I can throw away the hypocrisy and politness, I do not keep myself from expressing what has to be said and anyways from a lot of the readings I have seen on these posts, flames are everywhere let's deal with it. My raw manner might hurt someone's feeling but I'm not the kind of person to hide things in the closet.


    PvPers if you want a Fixed PvP in 2.0 then thumbs up the postings on this thread that needs to be seen by BW, otherwise it'll be fixed when BW feels like fixing it.


    If you disagree with my PoV that's your right but I won't even consider replying to someone's who's only bringing a negative attitude with zer0 constuctives that could make this MMO work.



    English is my 3rd spoken and written language I apologize for the syntaxes errors.

  3. Also, three warzones per week is a terrible idea. Three warzones per day would work, but three per week?

    I'm not going to sit here and call anybody stupid, but exerting a bit more brainpower would be a definite plus...

    I mean there isn't even any matchmaking in PvP, so you're going to let f2p players looking to see if they like the game or not play a mere 3 matches (which due to the lack of matchmaking will most likely be terrible ones) and have them walk away with a bad taste in their mouths?


    Come now guys, you've shown in the past that you are incredibly bright individuals, I've come to expect a little bit better than this from Bioware.


    I totally agree with the above.


    I think it would be better if BW decide to let the f2p have unlimited wz but limit or restrict the RWZ (ranked wz) exclusively to subscribers. After all, being on a rwz premade guild and casually doing wz for weekly is amazing (when grouped with the right people) and having only 3wz a week is just something that will leave the players with a bad experience.

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