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Posts posted by Airmo

  1. It's called researching before you write.


    People who write PHD's spend years researching, Drew was going to make a fortune off this book, he should have at least tried.


    Also, you can finish Kotor 2, all the main storylines and stuff in about 8 hours.


    And yes, actually, most Star Wars writers who are going to include a character they didn't create do research on them, a lot of research.


    There's no excuse for his butchering of a character who's simply more powerful than his own.


    Also, quoting disney movies written about and for children doesn't exactly help convey a sense of Maturity. Which I guess actually makes sense, because only a child would be so blind as to take a look at one era and feel they have the ability to compare it to everyone else.


    It's called not everyone does it, he isn't the only writer that hasn't your only so focused on him because your a fan of this particular character.


    PHD's are a bit different then a Star Wars prequel novel to an MMO and fortune? Really? a fortune..?? Okay.


    Care to back that up? And define "a lot". That still means there are some that don't.


    She never was, even before the book, in my opinion. /awaits insults


    Plenty of people like stuff meant "for kids" all age groups and anyone that looks down on someone that does like a movie like that is showing real maturity huh? :rolleyes:

  2. Care to explain in his latest hour long interview he calls Surik a minor character then? Or how he said, when berated about his butchering of Surik, that he played Kotor 2 through, (having never played it before due to feeling like someone was writing fan fiction about his own work) once, and just went off that? No comics, no sourcebooks, no MULTIPLE playthroughs to see every outcome (because there are a lot).... one playthrough.


    The guy's pathetic when it comes to any characters that are not his, this isn't the first time we've seen it too.


    Haven't listened to the interview so I can't comment on the minor character thing. Are there comics featuring Surik? Plenty of Star Wars writers don't go through every piece of information, they are given little bit of info and go off that he isn't the only one. And really? Your gonna bash the guy for not playing it more than once? Please the guy is older, working on his new books and has a family he doesn't have the time to play through an hours long game multiple times just to satisfy you, hell he didn't even have to play once but he did it anyway, I'm guessing to see where he went wrong.


    The cold never bothered me anyway~

  3. I'm flattered. :D


    I certainly believe Revan to be one of the most powerful Jedi, but not one of the powerful Force Users (Jedi, Sith and everyone inbetween), as Drew claims. This is the complete index by the way, notice Revan is not on the first list.


    And honestly, if I ever made the remark that X was one of the most powerful individuals in the Star Wars universe I'm most certainly be referring to someone in the top 5, Revan isn't even in the top 10. So you see my concern.


    Ah okay now I see, my mistake then. And I wouldn't say Revan being one of the most powerful individuals is false, I mean yes he holds no candle to the likes of the others names on the most powerful force users list, but still just because he isn't in the top 10 doesn't mean he's not one of the most powerful in a huge universe like Star Wars. Casting a wide net as you say.




    Anyway people break it up. :p At the very least lets agree Revan is not on level with Sidious & Caedus.


    I agree, though I don't know much about Caedus, all I know is he fought Luke and didn't get destroyed or something like that.

  4. Hmmm, not sure if sarcastic, or serious.


    I'll go for serious. :jawa_wink:


    I've always liked you Beni~


    "...unlike Revan or Bane, he [Theron Shan] isn’t one of the most powerful individuals in the [star Wars] universe."


    "As much as I loved writing about all-powerful Sith [Darth Bane & Vitiate] and Jedi [Revan]..."


    -- Drew Karpyshyn


    The first quote, is Drew's opinion, which is no more valid that anyone else's given it its based on canonical feats that we all have access to. And its certainly not an opinion I share, but perhaps he is just casting a very wide net.


    If you don't believe Revan to be one of the most powerful why is he sitting on a list in the thread you literally named "The REAL Most Powerful Revisted"? That isn't sarcasm by the way I'm genuinely confused.

  5. If that is true, I see no problems with my Respect Thread. :\


    But there is! You may not know but people on this forum need to make absolutely sure that they know Revans place otherwise the hordes will descend upon us and usher in the end of the forum!! The fanboys will be unstoppable! I mean can you imagine the burden it would be on us -the people that know better- if others went around believing Revan is the best and most powerful Sith, spreading those lies! Even though he SO clearly isn't- I mean we can't just ignore them! They would force us to read the trash that they spew! To go to every thread with his name on it and argue with them! To spend hours upon hours of going around in circles only to do so again in another thread! Someone would have to! Let us not forget the Dark Times..


    But don't worry! There are a select few that will give those fanboys a good beatin- er, educating!...Those poor ignorant fools. They know not what they do.. Thank the force we have such people in our forum to make sure those morons don't ruin this respectful place!





    PS: Drew Karpyshyn is a horrible stupid man.


    Never let go~ :rolleyes:

  6. Incredibly biased and hilariously mis-quoted.


    Especially the stuff from Karpyshyn, who always said Revan was never meant to be on the level of Sidious or Caedus, yet this guy only took the sentences that made them almost seem equal.


    The guys powerful, great. He's not as good as everyone makes him out to be, this is getting seriously annoying.


    Could ignore it, just a suggestion.

  7. is made very clear that the Sith had the Republic surrounded at the Inner Rim and controlled everything else.


    To stop the complete domination of the Sith took the Mandalorians, the Republic(Jedi - controlled) and the Hutts all attacking one after another, the only reason the Brotherhood lost was out maneuvering on the part of Hoth and Farfhalla, the Sith were absolutely the dominant force in the galaxy for centuries.


    They still should have won the Seventh Battle of Ruusan but Kaan was insane and gave up a Force-based clear victory for Hand-to-Hand combat, Kaan isn't crazy here and is a highly skilled tactician.


    The Brotherhood also has Qordis, Kopecz and Kas'im as well as Bane, Githany, etc.. as well as numerous Admirals such as Adrianna Nyras.


    What turned Kaan crazy in the first place? Been a while since I read the books but wasn't it that he was losing? So if Revan gains an upper hand isn't he gonna slip? And on Bane what's to stop him from screwing over Kaan again, I mean he did so because he saw an all equal Sith Empire weak and partly because of Revan's teachings and now he could possibly meet the man himself and then turn on Kaan this time as well. Revan can have a man on the inside.

  8. lol seriously? Luther put's Supes in a proverbial kryptonite/super suit "head lock" like constantly.. there's no realm of possiblity batman could? in fact i could have sworn its already happened...


    Nope. Batman has never beaten Superman, people are gonna be bringing up The Dark Knight but that's not canon. AND THAT IS ALL I WILL SAY.

  9. Well in the end, every person is different so you can't please everybody. /Shrug. It would be rather boring if people were all the same lol.

    Agreed friend.


    I haven't really talked about the topic of this post at all I guess...yeah.. not gonna touch that. Not worth it.

  10. Not every character can have a good death, some can have crazy or messed up ones! I too did like that Kotor reference.

    True but some people don't like that and in the case A LOT of people didn't like it for Revan and I don't really blame them. If that's the end for him fine I can accept it and move on; remember the character for what he used to be, but if they left it open so he can have a better go at it then I would be more than happy.

  11. It does kinda yeah. Though of course Revan and Cin are completely different, not arguing that my point being he was my fav character, I accepted that he died and so he did(even though his death was lackluster for me). Just like from beta, people should have been more accepting on Revan.


    Though at this point no I wouldn't complain lol, I would do anything for more exposure on Cin Drallig. Cause all we got now on him aside from the hologram in EP 3, is a small appearance in TCW.


    But yeah some characters do stick around, would I mind if Revan does? Not at all, just don't be him having cheat death all the time. :p


    And my point was that a lot of peoples favorite character was turned into a monster just so he could be killed by his captors, if he died doing something like saving people or doing something more heroic I think more people would have accepted it. I'm not saying he should have died a super important death or saved the galaxy again or not have a sad death or anything but jeez "let's kill an entire race and anyone connected with them with my droid army" is a bit much.


    Edit: Though I did like the Kotor reference; "Now I know how you felt.. old friend."

  12. Vader has yes and you're right he did have to live to ROTJ, but he still died is my point. Sure did he will himself back to life? Yes, was that awesome? Yes, but he was still dead.


    Though I don't blame Revan for the Foundry no, he should have died imo. I mean...I'm PO'd that my fav character Cin Drallig died but you don't see me up in arms and throwing a tantrum and spewing hateful things just to get him back do you? No.


    Characters don't last forever, at some point...they do need to die. Yoda died, Mace died, Sidious died, Anakin/Vader died, Chewie died, hell even LUKE SKYWALKER died. So.....Revan's time will come and whoever is incharge of it, better not cave to a bunch of whiners wanting him brought back(this of course doesn't speak for all fans of Revan.)

    If he just wills himself back to life or survives some explosion or something because he has to die someplace else doesn't that make his "death" meaningless??


    The circumstances leading to Revan's death and Cin's death are pretty different no? As far as I'm aware he dies in a duel with Vader, he isn't turned into a genocidal madman is he? His character is pretty much the same right? I'm asking because I'm not sure btw. I bet if he was turned into a different character entirely you would complain more.


    At some point yeah, but some characters stick around for a LONG time. Not saying I want Revan to be around for decades but yeah.

  13. I will say, IT IS rather jarring that Revan somehow keeps escaping death. 1st time it was against the Emperor yet Surik saved him...when she didn't really need to save him in the manner she did but you know...writing. Then against the SE guys, he explodes in a flash of light disappearing when before in beta he just dies.


    Hell, even Vader died at one point literally though he at least willed himself back to life because he's one stubborn MOFO. But he still died and then died again for real this time after tanking Sidious' Force Lighting.


    But Revan, the guy just keeps getting out of it. So am hoping next time if he comes back, he actually dies. Unless of course somewhere down the line, he just exploded into millions of pieces whichever comes first.

    Hasn't Vader been through a lot of crap that would normally kill anyone else though? I mean to die and will yourself back to life sounds pretty awesome but still, he just get's away with it because he has to be in the movie to die in a specific way, his get out of death free card.


    And as you said Revan was meant to die there on the Foundry but fan's didn't like it so they left it open, can't blame him for that.

  14. I'm not sure you know what that means. How would be anything close to Gary Sue?

    He had his own story in KotOR where he was the hero obviously, then he had his novel, where he was bad*ss but also got defeated. Then there's TOR where he gets rescued from the emperor to win the war, but in the end he gets defeated...again.

    Not to mention the fact that leading up to his defeat in TOR he tried to commit genocide because he was turned into a lunatic thanks to the Sith Emperor. Which you call him out on.

  15. And well, you already got into the Inquisitor, who by the end of their story has harnessed power from dozens of ancient artifacts, gained themselves the title of Darth, and could probably beat up any Dark Council member if they wanted to.


    All four of the Force using classes are overpowered story wise.


    I think it was said somewhere that the Inquisitor is the weakest of the council, not sure if they meant politically or force wise though. Just chiming in.

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