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Posts posted by jhnnybgood

  1. Ironically, my home server is the Deadweight, and it has lived up to it's name. It's a lonely place there. I just started a new toon on the Fatman which, just as ironic, is very heavily populated. There were 120 people on Korriban last night. That's more than the Deadweight usually ever sees on Fleet.


    So, my idea to combat this may be a great alternative to server merges. I really think new players should be 'suggested' which server to join. Suggestions can take into account player hardware, server population, region, 'preferred' server population and maybe even consider server Empire/Republic imbalances. The option to purely choose by yourself should always be there, but if you try and guide the new population to more under-populated servers I really think it can help with balance issues.

  2. Using Quinn or not depends a bit if you're a jugg or marauder. As a marauder I leveled faster and easier using Quinn. As a tank jugg it was better using Vette.


    Now I'm just running dailies/missions on my marauder and I really like Broonmark who's a better tank than Pierce.


    Well, yeah. You need DPS, whether it comes from you or from your companion doesn't matter.

  3. Well go code you own MMO and play that, the game comes out with what it comes out with, if you don't like it go somewhere else, 90% of the people who post on here when something new comes out are a bunch of babies crying because they don't get what they want. You think you can do a better job with the demand of the public, go do it or Shut the hell up, because seriously all your ************ gets you nowhere. Also if you want to continuously compare a game to another game, then go back to that game. But no, you left that game cause it was **** so you came here and then cry because it is not the same, wake up too yourself.




    Post will prolly get flagged and deleted though, haha.

  4. -Craftable Augments

    -New Lightsaber colors/more craftable

    -Ship droids gain affection

    -Crafted vehicles no longer BoP

    -New emotes

    -Ranked PvP

    -Customizable UI

    -Customizable appearance

    -Reverse engineer random drops

    -Stackable companion gifts

    -Combat Log

    -New vehicles

    -New armor sets

    -Moddable Tier 2 armor

    -New crafting schems

    -legacy item drops

    -craftable augments


    EDIT: I did forget:


    -New Flashpoint and Operation

    -New Warzone


    Did I miss anything else? There's something at the end where all the text appears that I cannot read. Something like "... vendor on Corellia Spaceport". There's a few other things there as well that I cannot make out.


    This is practically a full-fledged expansion. I'm pumped :)

  5. I just want armor that looks like medium armor (hello, leather?), and a chance to have armor with my hood up before I get to level 50 for my Mara. Is that to much to ask? *sigh*


    Leather? Really? I mean, I agree that medium armor should have a definite difference to heavy armor, but leather? You realize the setting this game takes place in?


    Does anyone know if the new armor that we see in the video is PvE or PvP armor? I really hope it's not both just with different colors...

  6. Are you complaining about the new gear, or the current gear? You start off by saying that you were really excited about the new 1.2 gear, but then state that the current gear has made you change your mind? What?


    Anyway, the new gear looks kinda silly to me. The Juggernaut helm looks like a Gremlin. I'm hoping that's the PvE gear and not the PvP gear in the new trailer (anyone have any confirmation for or against?).

  7. Where are you using Quinn, or any companion, in PvP?


    I used Quinn when I initially got him, but the speed at which you can down mobs with your DPS companions vastly outweighs the healing. I leveled an Immortal spec Juggernaut, so I can take a healthy amount of damage (as any tank should), and my DPS companion does clean-up duty.


    With Quinn I found his mana (tech power?) ran out way too fast when he was healing, and then he was left with just doing DPS, which is terrible at best. So now I run around with Jaesa (who's now in full Cent gear, w00t) and destroy things.

  8. I may be mistaken, but it appears to me that Ravage continues to do damage even after your target has moved, as long as the initial strike does damage. I could be wrong, but I feel I've still witnessed damage numbers coming up even after the target is clearly too far away from me. If anything, the Ravage animation should be fixed and the skill be 'nerfed' if that is truly the case.
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