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Posts posted by Eyvaera

  1. 18 hours ago, BryantWood said:

    Reworking Group Content Objectives:

    With Season 5, we’ll be making changes to Flashpoint and Uprising objectives. Previously these objectives used a point system which allowed players to complete any Flashpoint and gain bonus completion for specific flashpoints. Throughout Galactic Seasons we’ve seen that this point system has a large potential to create bugs and makes it harder to understand how to progress the objective. We will be simplifying these objectives to remove the do any portion and the bonus boss portion.

    Here’s an example of an objective from Season 4 and how that objective will appear in Season 5.
    Season 4: Complete Flashpoints (1 point). Earn bonus progress for completing Depths of Manaan, Assault on Tython, Korriban Incursion, or Secrets of the Enclave (requires content) (4 points). Earn additional bonus progress for defeating their Bonus Bosses (3 points).
    Season 5: Complete Flashpoints from the following list: Depths of Manaan, Assault on Tython, Korriban Incursion, or Secrets of the Enclave (requires content).

    What, exactly, does this mean?

    Last season, I could (either solo or with a friend) pick one FP from the list, and I would get (1) point for doing ANY FP, (4) points for doing a specific FP from the list, and (3) points for doing the bonus boss (if there was one). This got me the (8) total points for that weekly and was very convenient. It was doable during the one day my friend and I could play together, and it didn't result in unnecessary hours of FP grinding.

    From what you're implying now (and do correct me if I'm wrong), we have the choice of ONLY the listed FPs (regardless of whether those are ones we're any good at, or can solo (some previously listed did not have a story mode, for example), or even have access to), and there's no bonus points for doing those and/or the bonus bosses?

    So, are you changing the points/FPs needed to complete that objective down from (8) to (1)? Or (2)? Or are you reducing choice and ease of play in order to make us run through a now limited selection of FPs multiple times without changing the structure of the weekly? (Would we even be able to choose to run the same FP again or would we have to do the others?)

    I'm gonna say it: I won't run through the same four FPs eight times. (Especially as there's usually at least one or two of those listed that I either cannot do or really do not want to run, thus reducing the variety further.)

    So are you really asking us to run through the same few FPs repeatedly or does the objective have a changed pass rate? It would be great to know. Because honestly, even if the wording of the objective might've needed rewriting for clarification, the objective itself certainly did not need reworking.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, EricMusco said:

    If we can't make this change in time for launch we will likely do NO charges for SH travel in 7.2.1 and implement the proposed credit cost as noted above in the future.

    Genuine question: why not drop the entirety of the proposed changes for 7.2.1 seeing as it's so obviously divisive and needs, at the least, much more feedback and refinement before forcing it onto the entire playerbase?

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, DWho said:

    This is a very concerning scenario. Back in the "olden" days, this was an issue. You would have to fight mobs to get the credits to repair your gear all the while taking more damage to it. This was the least fun part of the game (right alongside having to complete every mission on the planet and then having to farm mobs to get to be high enough level to advance to the next planet).

    As I said in a previous post, this feels more like a means to slow people down in progressing through content than any serious attempt at "fixing" the economy.

    Oh yes, I remember this well. More than once I (if briefly) abandoned the game and/or character due to getting stuck--underlevelled/copious level grinding; broken gear meant more dying; running out of creds to repair it; boss difficulty spikes etc etc. Travel was difficult then too, but it was still better than what this implementation would provide. Story aside, playing wasn't as fun as it later became. It often felt like a slog. 

    What's funny to me is that they'd do that after making more (fairly recent?) changes for the gameplay to be easier for newer players. But certainly, yes, this won't do anything to fix the game economy. To revert back to that prior form of comparatively restrictive gameplay--deliberately!--after subsequent (well-received) improvements is just a step backwards nobody asked for and one the game certainly does not need.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    I've seen people say this a lot in this thread and the PTS thread. It's just completely unnecessary. You can open your collections and add that armor to your gear slots for 0 credits. All the empty shells have more stats and armor rating than the level 1 stuff too. So why are people failing to realize, that for the first ever cutscene, you can just wear the outfit as gear.

    The only thing you lose is color matching, incase you have mismatching sets.

    Sure, but when I start a new character I end up with an inventory full of assorted mail items that I want to dump in storage, no credits to apply an outfit (yes, I do want to do that when I pick up new gear, else it'll all be mismatched), no dyes, and sometimes I want to mix-match outfit pieces or use an item I got from, say, Galactic Seasons or the Feast that's sitting in my Legacy storage instead. This is even assuming the player in question HAS an outfit in collections (unlocked!) to redeem, and not something they left in storage for themselves.

    It may not be impossible to fashion a passable outfit on the starter planets (or elsewhere) with few or zero credits and with only what they have on hand, but we're talking about having options here. Options we currently have that these proposed changes would either take away or unnecessarily restrict.

    • Like 1
  5. These proposed changes will not affect the people you claim you want it to.

    This is a disproportionate measure that will predominantly and undeniably make the game harder (and much more annoying!) for lower & mid credit players, not to mention new players. You cannot solve a problem by deliberately making the game worse.

    This will not have any impact on the ultra rich players, it will not affect those who play the GTN, and it will only encourage people towards the ones who sell credits for actual money, because now they'll need it for basic gameplay.

    I've been playing SWTOR since launch but I primarily play the story content. When I earn credits they're almost immediately gone, and I've spent most of my time in-game relatively poor. This? If you implement these changes? Will make it worse.

    All you're going to do is force people to waste minutes of their lives slowly and manually crossing the map because they can no longer quick travel. All you're going to do is lock people out of their strongholds. Want to grab something from your storage? Tough luck. Want to change your outfit before your (first, especially) cutscene but you need credits to apply it? Tough, you either spent that on travel or you can now no longer get back to your SH easily to grab creds/dyes/outfit pieces. Want to fight a boss but you keep dying? Oh, you can no longer afford to repair your gear and now you can't travel anywhere either. What even happens when people run out of credits, huh? Are they stuck there??

    These are little changes that will have significant detrimental effects, and in many ways make playing the game a miserable experience. Please reconsider them.

    And you know what would actually help? For one, GTN items that are sold for extortionate prices would have their market value lowered if you made the items more easily accessible. Frankly, people would snap up old retired items as well as those RNG-unlucky drops. Maybe new strongholds! New unlocks (like for SH deco; why is that restricted to guilds??). New gear to buy. More crafting materials available from vendors instead of GTN sellers. Giving CM items the option to buy them with credits instead. Etc etc. Places for people to actually spend their credits when accumulated.

    Instead of punishing everyone else for the elite few (sound familiar?), why don't you instead give us better options in-game?

    My final word on this is: why you'd want to take QoL away from your players--why you'd think that's a good idea at all--astounds me.

    • Like 5
  6. What will happen to the Dark vs Light system?

    • First, let’s clarify exactly what we’re talking about with the Dark vs. Light system. The individual character alignment system, where morality choices made throughout the story in conversations or via the Diplomacy crew skill in order to move a character’s alignment between Dark and Light sides of the Force, will remain unchanged.
    • The server-wide Dark vs Light meter which would pop up every so often to reflect the balance in the galaxy will be removed.
    • The small alignment widget in the UI will be removed
    • The alignment choice every time group finder pops will be removed
    • The DvL bosses that spawned in the world when one side was victorious will be removed temporarily. We plan on re-introducing them in a future update.
    • The DvL rewards vendors will remain in place on both Fleets
    • To compensate for the loss of constant alignment gain, character alignment levels and thresholds will revert to pre-Dark vs. Light system totals


    Sorry if this has been answered already but I don't want to trawl through 84 pages to find out.

    Could we please have some clarification on what this means (specifically for alignments)?


    "Character alignment levels and thresholds will revert to pre-Dark vs Light system totals" -- does this mean that my character alignment levels will be completely reset?? I have endgame characters at max LS/DS alignment who I do not want reset and for whom I can absolutely not regain all those points via future content alone. RPG-wise, their current alignment is important for their personal stories.

    I also have characters at very specific alignments/levels (either for RP reasons or because of alignment impact on certain in-game scenes or lines) and resetting that will equally mess up their gameplay and story participation.


    Also worrying: "the small alignment widget in the UI will be removed"

    This is just as bad. The best thing to come out of DvL has been the ability to choose whether I was getting LS/DS points, and to change that as needed. It allowed me to easily reach and maintain the alignments I wanted for my characters, and also freed me to make the in-game choices I wanted for them without worrying over the alignment shift. Removing it would negatively impact how I play the game and especially how I approach characters from an RP perspective.


    Please clarify whether our character alignments are really going to be reset and if we're no longer going to be able to have any control over our LS/DS gains (outside of cutscene choices). Thank you.

  7. I'm sad to hear it's still an issue/missing music. I haven't gotten a JK to that point again since I made the thread, but I was hoping it might've been fixed in the interim without me being aware. The scene really does not have the same impact without that music; especially as a key starter planet scene. I would have hoped it would've been addressed by now, but perhaps this acknowledgement of the continued problem bumps the issue enough to be seen.
  8. The mission [My Sponsorship (Return to Nem'ro the Hutt) ] is missing dialogue.

    This is the starter BH storyline on Hutta. Usually what you get here is a full conversation with several lines from Mako, culminating in your BH getting shuttle passes to leave for Dromund Kaas and the Great Hunt. What happens now (specifically, directly after the update where several of the starter planet cutscenes were revamped) is that a crucial chunk of that dialogue is missing. This section of lines is under the cut below:



    Grataa: Indeed, you have proven yourself worthy of the Great Hunt. But the competition is only beginning.

    Grataa: From here you must go to Dromund Kaas--the Imperial capital. These are your shuttle passes.

    Grataa: *hands over the passes*

    Mako: I wish Braden could see this. At least now we can make his killer pay.

    Player conversation choice: First things first/You bet we will/Enough about Braden.

    [Mako then responds with one of three single lines, dependant on your choice above. All of which is currently missing.]



    Which follows on to the dialogue that IS still present in the scene ("When you arrive on Dromund Kaas, seek the Huntmaster (...)") etc, from Grataa.

    Problem is, this cuts out dialogue from Mako AND crucial context as to why you're going to Dromund Kaas and/or how (as it removes references to being given the shuttle passes, and even that the Great Hunt starts on DK. Instead we have a leap of logic---straight to "when you get to (place)" rather than "you must go to (place) and this is why and how").


    Personally I consider the scene to be confusing and less effective overall without these missing lines. I may know what's going on, because I've been through the BH storyline before; but players who haven't receive not only unclear story instructions/info but miss out on Mako's dialogue about Braden, which is both relevant and allows for player response--also crucial, especially for RP or character purposes.


    I hope this can be fixed soon, and any way of knowing if you're aware of the problem would be most appreciated.

  9. It might not have happened to you, but it has affected my cutscenes ever since almost as soon as I started playing in 2013.


    That long ago? I've been playing since launch and only remember the other-players-in-cutscenes issue happening within the last few years. But that said, there could be any number of reasons why my experience has been different; not limited to the fact that I've always tried to play on the least populated servers (when I had the choice), and I've usually been able to avoid the busiest times, which not everyone can do--but are probably relevant factors.

    At the least, I'd say it's gotten worse. Frankly I find noise bleeding just as irritating; the elevator noise on Odessen, for instance.

  10. There is also another issue with this scene, which is that the bounty hunter has their head turned in the wrong direction during most of the dialogue. They are looking at Nem'ro while talking to Grataa; it looks very odd for them to be talking to someone with their head turned in another direction. The BH was correctly facing Grataa in the original, pre-"revamp" cutscene.

    That as well. I didn't mention it in my original post because I'm more concerned about the missing dialogue, which I've just checked again--it's still missing.


    Personally I'm not against the revamped scenes as a whole. I think that the smuggler one especially is a vast improvement. However, the BH scene seems to have drawn the short straw. Very little has changed, and what has changed is not beneficial--it's just made the scene worse. If I could swap back to the pre-changed scene, I would.


    other players appearing in your cutscenes in the open world

    This too. Can't tell you how many times I've had to restart a conversation because someone's character ran directly into the scene and/or through my character. Not their fault, but visually really annoying. Never used to happen.

  11. The new Cybernetic Pauldron Armor Set has a bug on the legpieces where the kneepads do not show in the preview window. This only occurs on female characters, can only test BT2. Male characters BT2 seem to show kneepads. Not sure if this occurs across multiple body types


    I haven't bought the armor set so I cannot say for sure if it happens in game, this is only from viewing from the preview window


    I can confirm that the kneepads do not appear on female characters (tested on BT3), but in place of where the kneepads should be is a shadowy outline OF the kneepads. This is also visible in previews. Basically, yes, the kneepads are missing.

  12. I do agree that this item is slightly lacking in texture detail compared to the most recent set of releases.


    A very nice armor set though! I want to buy it as soon as the quirks are fixed. Did you try that armor on with a female character? If so, are the knee pads missing in game? In the preview window they are missing.


    Unfortunately I haven't unlocked it in Collections yet (ran out of CC), so the only character who can wear it right now is the guy pictured. Tbh with the poor textures I highly doubt that I'd want to unlock it on anyone else, as is.

    It would be weird for the kneepads to not appear on a female PC, though I see what you mean. I've tried the preview just now on a BT3 fem PC and there's only shadows where the kneepads should be?? But as I say, there's no way for me to tell if that's just a preview issue, short of unlocking it. Sorry I can't be of more help; if I ever find out I'll let you know!

  13. The Cybernetic Pauldron's Armor Set has significant visual differences between when you're wearing it in-game vs how it appears in cutscenes. The preview window was also not representative of this.


    While walking around in-game, the outfit's visual is sharp and looks good. In cutscenes it turns into almost a low-res version of itself. At the very least, the differences visually are obvious.

    Honestly in comparison to the texture detail in other recent CM outfits? It falls short by far (at least, again, in cutscenes... the most important place for it to look nice). In fact, if it were possible for me to get a refund of the CC I spent for the outfit and the dye I also bought for it, I would. I just don't understand why it looks so different--none of the other armour sets I have do this.


    Here's some pictures to illustrate my point:



    I'm posting this here because I'm hoping this is just a visual bug that can be fixed. If there's some other reason, please let me know. I realise this might seem minor to some, but it wouldn't bother me half as much if I hadn't paid for it before finding that it doesn't look like it claimed.

  14. End of Objective Meridian mission, the final cutscene between yourself, Theron and Lana. Empire side.


    Been through this cutscene twice today, once on a character who romanced neither Theron or Lana, and once on a character who romanced Theron (*also both scenes are with a Theron who isn't mad at you).


    While the character who romanced neither moves and animates properly/as normal, I noticed that putting the character who romanced Theron through the cutscene resulted in them standing dead still, staring at some indeterminate point instead of turning their head towards who's speaking (Theron and Anri, respectively), and not using any idle animation or casual movement at all.

    This corrects itself after Theron and Lana leave and you speak to Anri, and also doesn't affect the kiss with Theron. I can't test whether this only affects characters who romanced Theron (and not Lana), because I don't have an Imp side Lana-romancer at that point. Nor am I sure whether being a saboteur is the cause here instead, and the Theron romance incidental. But it's definitely noticeable and I suspect unintentional, hence the bug report.


    In short:

    Neither Theron or Lana romanced, loyal to Empire = no cutscene problems

    Theron romanced, Imperial saboteur = where are you even looking

  15. But seriously - the fact that the flashpoint has been out almost a month and still hasn't been fixed just...I can't even.


    If you think a month is bad, the Objective Meridian FP opening cutscene has been missing for oh, over a year now, I think? I've personally been waiting for a fix for over a month, which is when I also reported it, and I'd hoped it'd be addressed when the last patch for SoV went up--but alas. If SoV does get patched again, I somehow highly doubt (much as I keep hoping) that it'd contain a fix for that, too.


    These are both FPs required to move on with the storyline, and it's their newest, most promoted content too; I would've thought they'd be priorities.

  16. Hi Eyvaera,


    Thanks for the report concerning the bug with the opening cutscene of Objective Meridian in Solo Mode.


    Our team is currently looking into it. I don't have more news, but I'll update you when I know more.


    Are there any updates on this? I have three characters now waiting for the FP cutscene to be fixed so they can progress and do the most recent content.

    If I didn't hate missing out on cutscenes/dialogue so much I might've just pressed through anyway, but as it is I don't want to do that and then find it got fixed a week later. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.

  17. If you did the FP on release, and couldn't finish it, the patch that brought him to 25, only affected those. So if you did it on another char, after the patch, he is level 1.


    So I'm seeing, but I don't understand the logic behind it. It's still a hard FP and if I'd had to take my first character through (who ran it when Rass was boosted to 25) now, after the patch, I wouldn't have been able to complete it with him at influence 1.

  18. The above post was in another thread. It was posted on 1/8/21 but since then nothing's been said about it. I would say I'm surprised but sadly I'm really not. The fact that some players were able to complete it with no trouble while others are struggling with bug after bug shows there are some serious QC issues with this flashpoint but was sent out anyway.


    Like I've said on SWTOR's Facebook page, this flashpoint wasn't released -- it escaped.


    Thanks for the information. Oddly, I had little trouble throughout the FP (this run), which was unexpected (up until the final boss, but that's another matter/complaint). It made me wonder whether Rass' influence level was actually 25 and it was showing me 1 mistakenly, or whether the character/class I used this second time was just.. better at running it.

    That said, I still had to slog through at an incredibly slow pace. If Rass wasn't healing and if enemy attention wasn't on me, he probably would've died A LOT. He certainly died a lot the first run I did, and that was when it definitely said he was at influence 25.


    Frankly, this FP feels like it needs tweaking still. All this shows me is that, regardless of companion influence level, it's objectively too hard for someone who just wants to play the story. It's not fun, and I have a fair few chars who'd really struggle with it. I shouldn't have to high gear myself for SOLO-STORY, at the very least.

  19. I'm sure this has been mentioned elsewhere but I can't wade through that many threads about SoV problems to find it, so here's another.


    When I first played the SoV FP Rass Ordo was boosted to influence 25. I believe this was before the last patch on it. It was hard-going anyway but I got through it.

    I started playing the FP again today on a different character, long after that patch and guess what? Rass Ordo is at influence level 1. This is going to be a nightmare.


    I'm assuming this is a bug and he wasn't dropped back down deliberately after the patch, but I'd really appreciate it if he returned to--and remained at--influence 25. It's already a hard FP, why make it harder.

  20. Mission: My Sponsorship (Return to Nem'ro the Hutt)

    This is the last cutscene of the Bounty Hunter storyline on Hutta, and the missing lines are Mako's and Grataa's, plus one conversation choice. This has only happened since the starting planet cutscenes have been revamped. Details below:


    Grataa: Indeed, you have proven yourself worthy of the Great Hunt. But the competition is only beginning.

    Grataa: From here you must go to Dromund Kaas--the Imperial capital. These are your shuttle passes.

    Grataa: *hands over the passes*

    Mako: I wish Braden could see this. At least now we can make his killer pay.

    Conversation choice: First things first/You bet we will/Enough about Braden.

    *response from Mako*


    This then leads into the dialogue that you still get in the scene ("When you arrive on Dromund Kaas, seek the Huntmaster (...)") etc, from Grataa. Only now it doesn't make much sense because the BH hasn't been told to go to Dromund Kaas at all, as the dialogue is missing.

    Most crucially, the missing lines with Mako and the lost dialogue choice are great losses indeed. I hope this is an unintended bug that will be fixed soon.

  21. Planet: Tython

    Class: Jedi Knight

    Mission: Weapon of the Jedi (Construct Your Lightsaber)

    Location: The Ancient Forge


    Okay, so on previous playthroughs a certain track would play during the lightsaber construction scene (I understand that it's called "A Jedi's Fury"). This music no longer plays after the cutscene revamps that were recently introduced.

    Lovely work there, the revamped scenes look amazing; but my question is whether that track not playing/triggering is intentional or a bug? The music really added to the scene, and now there's just... the generic background music of Tython, which kinda downplays the moment.

  22. The biggest issue I have is that this isn't two different achievements for people who didn't complete it last year though.

    People in my guild who didn't do any last year are gaining progress on the new achievement whilst working towards unlocking last years achievements so they only need to hug 1500 total for both achievements, whereas those of us who did 1000 last year will need to do 2500 total for both. That's not on.


    That answers one unanswered question, and confirms that the implementation of this year's Wookie achievement is unfair and discriminatory to those who participated last year. There's also nothing to assure that this situation won't occur again next year.


    I just cannot comprehend why this would be a deliberate choice.

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